Schuylaar's Sesh - Bowe Bergdahl


Well-Known Member
that's very hard to do at times in an environment where situations are constantly evolving.

also, he can only work on what he's being told.

so much easier said, than done at that level.
So you are saying lying is acceptable?

No wonder you like Uncle Buckfuck so much, he's a liar extraordinaire.


Well-Known Member
Is lying acceptable? What does that even mean in forum context,

It is certainly meaningless in Politics, so double the -lessness.


Well-Known Member
Wait until the news comes out about the cash that came along with the 5 Talibuckers, oh my, that's going to be ugly. Giving taxpayer money to terrorists is even worse than giving terrorists to terrorists in exchange for someone who hates America as much as our president hates America.


Well-Known Member
judging by how apoplectic the righties are, this is undoubtedly another long term obama troll.

i haven't seen them fling their own poo this furiously since obama announced that birth control pills were to be treated like the medicine they are.


Well-Known Member
WASHINGTON — A closed-door briefing by top Pentagon officials failed to win consensus among senators about the wisdom of Saturday's controversial prisoner swap for Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl.

Robert Work, the No. 2 official at the Defense Department, and Adm. James Winnefeld, vice chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, discussed the trade during the briefing, which included videos of Bergdahl in captivity.

"I still am totally convinced that they released five people who were judged a risk to the security of this country," said Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz. "I guarantee you that a year from now — if not before — they will be back in Afghanistan."

He described the five released detainees as the "hardest of the hard-core," adding that, "They will re-enter the fight."

Others said Bergdahl's declining health prompted the trade.

Sen. Dick Durbin, D-Ill., said a video screened at the briefing showed that Bergdahl appeared drugged or tired.

Bergdahl "did not look well to me," Durbin said. "I think it was a very hard decision. If I had been challenged in the moment, I may have made the same decision."

Bergdahl's declining health, which was determined in part by the videos, was a driver in the deal that freed five Taliban detainees from Guantanamo Bay, a senior military official told USA TODAY. The official spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to speak publicly.

Meanwhile, organizers called off a welcome-home celebration for Bergdahl, saying that expected crowds threatened to overwhelm his small hometown of Hailey, Idaho. "In the interest of public safety, the event will be canceled,'' a statement released by the event's organizers said, the Idaho Statesman reported. "Hailey, a town of 8,000, does not have the infrastructure to support an event of the size this could become.''

In Washington, members of both parties have raised concerns about the White House decision to trade of five Taliban prisoners without consulting Congress.

Before the briefing, Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., the Senate Intelligence Committee chair, and Sen. Bob Menendez, D-N.J., the Senate Foreign Relations Committee chairman, expressed reservations.

"I am concerned about what was given in exchange and I am concerned about what precedents we set here for exchanges," Menendez said. "I don't want the message to be, 'You can go ahead and capture Americans and use them to barter for others.' "


Well-Known Member
judging by how apoplectic the righties are, this is undoubtedly another long term obama troll.

i haven't seen them fling their own poo this furiously since obama announced that birth control pills were to be treated like the medicine they are.
Birth control is a medicine? And exactly for what ailment is this medicine prescribed? Being unable to close your legs or make a man wear a condom is not an ailment.


Well-Known Member
HAILEY, Idaho – This small, central Idaho city of about 8,000 is wilting in the international spotlight brought by what was supposed to be a joyous occasion, and a much-anticipated celebration welcoming back a long-lost son has been canceled.

For years, the town has rallied, hoped and prayed for the return of Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl, the polite and sensitive boy who was home-schooled by his parents, attended Sovereign Redeemer Presbyterian Church, took ballet lessons in nearby Ketchum and worked as a barista at Zaney's coffee shop on River Street before enlisting in the Army in 2008. Captured by the Taliban a year into his tour, Bergdahl was held for five years until Saturday's dramatic announcement that he'd been swapped for five of Guantanamo Bay's most dangerous prisoners.

But the jubilation that followed his release has given way to confusion and fear, as questions about whether Bergdahl was a deserter have surfaced. City Hall has been inundated with angry letters and emails from around the country. The long-planned "Welcome Back, Bowe" celebration, planned for June 28 in Hop Porter Park, was canceled Wednesday amid growing claims by Bergdahl's fellow soldiers that he deserves no honor.


Well-Known Member
Among the most tantalizing mysteries surrounding Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl’s departure from his U.S. military base in 2009 is this: Was he trying to find the Taliban? Or did he simply wander away and get captured? Politicians and members of the military have criticized the Obama administration’s decision to swap five jailed Taliban leaders for Bergdahl, saying the soldier may have deserted.

Until now, few details have emerged about the circumstances of Bergdahl’s disappearance from his base. But The Washington Post has reached Afghan villagers who spotted Bergdahl shortly after he slipped away from his base. To them, it’s clear something was wrong with the American. And he seemed to be deliberately heading for Taliban strongholds, they say.

“It was very confusing to us. Why would he leave the base?” said Jamal, an elder in the village of Yusef Khel, about a half-mile from the American military installation. (Like many Afghans, he goes by only one name). “The people thought it was a covert agenda – maybe he was sent to the village by the U.S.”

Locals remember Bergdahl walking through the village in a haze. They later told Afghan investigators that they had warned the American that he was heading into a dangerous area.

“They tried to tell him not to go there, that it is dangerous. But he kept going over the mountain. The villagers tried to give him water and bread, but he didn’t take it,” said Ibrahim Manikhel, the district’s intelligence chief.

We think he probably was high after smoking hashish,” Manikhel said. “Why would an American want to find the Taliban?”


Well-Known Member
HAILEY, Idaho – This small, central Idaho city of about 8,000 is wilting in the international spotlight brought by what was supposed to be a joyous occasion, and a much-anticipated celebration welcoming back a long-lost son has been canceled.

For years, the town has rallied, hoped and prayed for the return of Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl, the polite and sensitive boy who was home-schooled by his parents, attended Sovereign Redeemer Presbyterian Church, took ballet lessons in nearby Ketchum and worked as a barista at Zaney's coffee shop on River Street before enlisting in the Army in 2008. Captured by the Taliban a year into his tour, Bergdahl was held for five years until Saturday's dramatic announcement that he'd been swapped for five of Guantanamo Bay's most dangerous prisoners.

But the jubilation that followed his release has given way to confusion and fear, as questions about whether Bergdahl was a deserter have surfaced. City Hall has been inundated with angry letters and emails from around the country. The long-planned "Welcome Back, Bowe" celebration, planned for June 28 in Hop Porter Park, was canceled Wednesday amid growing claims by Bergdahl's fellow soldiers that he deserves no honor.
And rightly so. Hopefully they will realize how misguided their proposed "celebration" was in reality. And don't expect to see the traitor/deserter walking the streets of Hailey, Idaho anytime soon, that ain't happening.


Well-Known Member
Among the most tantalizing mysteries surrounding Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl’s departure from his U.S. military base in 2009 is this: Was he trying to find the Taliban? Or did he simply wander away and get captured? Politicians and members of the military have criticized the Obama administration’s decision to swap five jailed Taliban leaders for Bergdahl, saying the soldier may have deserted.

“They tried to tell him not to go there, that it is dangerous. But he kept going over the mountain. The villagers tried to give him water and bread, but he didn’t take it,” said Ibrahim Manikhel, the district’s intelligence chief.

“Why would an American want to find the Taliban?”
Because he had ceased to be an American, and because of his failure to uphold the military oath that he freely took, he caused the death of al least 8 other TRUE Americans. And some here think he is a hero. There's alot of people here that need some serious therapy.


Well-Known Member
Because he had ceased to be an American, and because of his failure to uphold the military oath that he freely took, he caused the death of al least 8 other TRUE Americans. And some here think he is a hero. There's alot of people here that need some serious therapy.

They barely even mention those who have died for this guy. I think they should be the ones in the headlines. Where is their day of honor?

Such Bullshit.