I Found This Guys Tutorial On DMT. Is He Doing The Process Right??


Well-Known Member
The guy had to move his you tube account to vimeo as you tube banned him for these videos. I went to vimeo and downloaded all five. No virus/trojans that my norton 2011 internet security can see. I have had the vids for three day and no problems with my pc at all. I will find some where to get me some MHRB. All the online stors I have found are sold out at the moment.


Well-Known Member
Can you link to them at Vimeo?
I'll write up a review. Better yet can we make up a sticky covering simple extractions and related stuff? I get tired of typing them up.
yes please do I recently pmed asking about them, sorry i know it must get annoying repeating over and over. But a lot of people are looking for a qualified person, sticky is a great idea


Well-Known Member
Can you link to them at Vimeo?
I'll write up a review. Better yet can we make up a sticky covering simple extractions and related stuff? I get tired of typing them up.
That's a great idea... a general extraction thread for anything you want! you get tired of typing them.... but I don't get tired of reading them =P

Ps: I liked that guys superhero costume, and code talk :lol:


Well-Known Member
My bad if I didn't get back to you. I had a death in the family recently and I'm behind on shit. I'll start a write up on extractions.


Well-Known Member
Before I add the rest I must add, Some of buddys vids are kinda out there.


Well-Known Member

So does this guy have his shit together or is he a dip shit??


New Member
at the end.. there is not answer ??? Should I open a new post about this one left over?


Well-Known Member
If you're curious about extractions there's a link in my sig to the stickied thread in this forum that goes over them in detail. Read it and then post any questions you have.


New Member
Thanks for your reply Mr Educk, I look the tek is not specific for DMT, even I understand is a general guide on the procedure but yes I do have some questions.

1) Substitutions for Lye wich you dont mention on the TEK? (impact in yield if any?)

Is this true ?

NO ONE SHOULD BE USING LYE TO EXTRACT DMT . There is no need to use such a dangerous caustic chemical. The pKa of DMT is very low, only 8.68. So a pH of 9.5 is plenty good enough for liquid/liquid extractions. Even a pH of 8.5 works almost as well when doing liquid/liquid extractions. In the past SWIM tested extractions using lye (sodium hydroxide) at pH 8.0, 8.5, 9.0, 9.5, 10.0, 11.0, and 12.0, and found very little differences in the yields but did find the optimal pH range was 9.5-10.5. A pH of 8.5 was nearly as good as pH 9.5, but lower than 8.5 gave poor yields. A pH of 12 started destroying some of the DMT. SWIM finds it very suspicious that in some DMT extraction techs people recommend a pH of 12 and actually recommend using lye (a DEA watched chemical, hmmm, very suspicious indeed). At pH 12, the DMT starts falling apart and soaps start forming causing difficult emulsions to form. SWIM can’t see how this could be a good thing. The pH values 12-13 are the optimal pH condition for saponification (the creation of soaps). Soap is NOT something you want in your liquid\liquid extraction.Another reason NOT to use lye. If someone lives in the US they are at risk if they buy this chemical. In the US, lye (sodium hydroxide) is one of the chemicals watched by the DEA. If you order enough of it, you could get a visit from the authorities.Bases that are both safer, food grade, and less likely to cause the DEA to watch you include:* calcium hydroxide - this is very strong base sold as a grocery item called pickling lime. It has poor water solubility, but can bring solutions to a pH of 12.4.* sodium carbonate – this is used in wine making and can bring a solution up to a pH of 11.6.* sodium bicarbonate – sold as a grocery item called baking soda and can bring a solution up to pH 8.3.SWIM tested with various bases and found the best one to be sodium carbonate. Sodium carbonate is a strong alkaline compound with a pH of 11.6 for a 0.1M aqueous solution. That’s way more power than you need to freebase something with a low pKa of 8.68. Also sodium carbonate is easier to remove from your extract than lye. Lye is soluble in many solvents, while sodium carbonate is only soluble in a few solvent. For example, lye is soluble in alcohol, acetone, water, while sodium carbonate is soluble in water but not alcohol or acetone. So a person can clean their freebase DMT by dissolving the DMT in acetone. All the sodium carbonate will sink to the bottom of the acetone. Pour the acetone through a filter and all the sodium carbonate is removed. Evaporate the acetone and you have clean DMT. You can’t do this easy cheap acetone cleaning step if lye is used because it’s soluble in acetone and reacts with it. Instead you’ll have to resort to more costly solvents like heptane or ether to clean off the lye. Of course there are other cleaning techniques that can be used to clean off the lye. But there are more cleaning techniques available for sodium carbonate because of it’s more narrow solvent solubility profile. Also, residual sodium carbonate is not as harmful to human beings as residual lye.Calcium hydroxide has very poor water solubility and because of this it takes a long time to react with chemicals to freebase them. I can take several hours to freebase DMT using a liquid solution of calcium hydroxide in water. It works much better if a paste of it is formed. It’s not so easy to work with.Sodium bicarbonate is similar to sodium carbonate, but is slightly more soluble in more solvents and can only bring the pH up to 8.3. It’s an extremely safe base to use. A pH of 8.3 is high enough to start freebasing a compound with a pKa of 8.68 (DMT) in a liquid\liquid extraction. It’s not as efficient as pH 9.5, but it works. You’ll just need to perform maybe 6 liquid\liquid extractions instead of the usual 3.When using sodium bicarbonate or sodium carbonate, bubbles of carbon dioxide will form as the pH is raised. So don’t add it too quickly or you’re have a mess of carbon dioxide bubbles bubbling up out of your beaker just like a can of soda that is shaken."

2) you mention heptane, Xylene and d-limonene for substitution of naphta (wich is the most natural way to doit guess D-limonene... impact in yield if any ?)

3) There is any update TEK from all those around the net that is finish, safe, update and high yield just to follow step by step.

I kown this could sound like to much to be true since the substance is illegal in many country's and so on. but I have see post like
¨ there is everything already explained if you don´t get it is because you can´t read¨ and from my point of view yes there is a lot of work done in each one of the TEKs but the people keep looking for the same because there is non completed finish and fully update up today step by step process.

I have research and read a lot, in fact each of the TEKs I have found and lets be honest is some how a mess, some or most of them are not update or keep just as information but there's is a big warning about that some are even dangerous in some steps or the product will be dangerous to consume and if you scroll down hundred of post of people that mix TEKs, contradictions, recommendations but at the end is like taking the risk of see if it works out the experiment. Since if you look for some other TEK substances are very clear and some completely finish obviously because of the big demand of those products.

Thanks to all the people that have been working hard to create this TEKs, updated them and share them.

If i get advice I will make a video tutorial update 2014 for the hole procedure.


Well-Known Member
Please use paragraphs. It really makes your posts easier to read. And ditch SWIM. He's a bad dude and will not stop you from getting in trouble but may make people give up on reading your posts.
Here's some attempts at answering your questions.

1) You want to hit 10.68 to ensure 99% of the deems are freebased. Lye really isn't much worse than pickling lime or straight sodium carbonate in terms of how caustic it is. We used NaOH in several experiments when I was in first year chem in HS. Wear appropriate safety gear. Keep some vinegar on hand to neutralize any spills prior to cleaning. Also the reporting threshhold on lye is pretty high. You can get food grade for things like curing olives.
Ammonia works so long as it doesn't have any surfactants in it. Shake the jug. If it makes suds it's no good.
2) All of those are natural chemicals. Also natural =/ safe. If you think it is then uranium, cocaine, methamphetamine, morphine, and countless other compounds would like to have a word with you.
Personally I like white DMT so I prefer a hexane or heptane. You'll need to slightly warm the solution to get everything in. Solvents like toluene/xylene/limonene will dissolve the deems at room temp but also pull a bunch of other stuff out along with them. Some folks prefer them. It's hard to tell the absolute effects on yield when you have a bunch of other stuff coming along for the ride.
3) Chemistry is never completely safe. Most teks fail to address issues like not using incompatible materials with chemicals. Wear appropriate safety gear. As far as time it's best to do longer soaks with agitation. If you can get a stirrer that's ideal.


Well-Known Member
Vinegar to Neutralize???Just curious I use Sodium Bicarbonate for emergency spills...Peace and Sub'd..My GF and I decided the other night that it's time to try DMT....


Well-Known Member
Yes vinegar typically about a 5% solution of acetic acid and will actually neutralize the spilled base making appropriate acetate salt.
While a bicarb solution will lower the pH of spilled lye slightly it definitely won't neutralize it and you'll still have a fairly caustic (not to mention larger) spill to clean up. Vinegar and base also evolves CO2 so it's very easy to tell when the reaction finishes.


New Member
Thanks for taking the time to answer Mreduck, English is not my native lagunge as you can see.
I will follow your advice


Well-Known Member
Please use paragraphs. It really makes your posts easier to read. And ditch SWIM. He's a bad dude and will not stop you from getting in trouble but may make people give up on reading your posts.
Here's some attempts at answering your questions.

1) You want to hit 10.68 to ensure 99% of the deems are freebased. Lye really isn't much worse than pickling lime or straight sodium carbonate in terms of how caustic it is. We used NaOH in several experiments when I was in first year chem in HS. Wear appropriate safety gear. Keep some vinegar on hand to neutralize any spills prior to cleaning. Also the reporting threshhold on lye is pretty high. You can get food grade for things like curing olives.
Ammonia works so long as it doesn't have any surfactants in it. Shake the jug. If it makes suds it's no good.
2) All of those are natural chemicals. Also natural =/ safe. If you think it is then uranium, cocaine, methamphetamine, morphine, and countless other compounds would like to have a word with you.
Personally I like white DMT so I prefer a hexane or heptane. You'll need to slightly warm the solution to get everything in. Solvents like toluene/xylene/limonene will dissolve the deems at room temp but also pull a bunch of other stuff out along with them. Some folks prefer them. It's hard to tell the absolute effects on yield when you have a bunch of other stuff coming along for the ride.
3) Chemistry is never completely safe. Most teks fail to address issues like not using incompatible materials with chemicals. Wear appropriate safety gear. As far as time it's best to do longer soaks with agitation. If you can get a stirrer that's ideal.
I recently tried a Yopo (Cebil Anadenthera Colubrina) seeds extraction and failed miserable... i had some very amazing freebase dmt last summer and have tried to recreate with no success(got high body load and felt like i was going to get there and then wouldn't, that weird uneasy feeling on comeup of shrroms is how it mostly felt. do you know of a somewhat simple freebase tec that somebody with basic chemistry skills could pull off. I have lime, citric acid and acetone. and are yopo seeds even a good product to begin with, or is it mostly bufotenine and other alkaloids.
thanks for any info in advance!