Well-Known Member
Temp in the closet has been pretty stationary between 85-88 degrees, YES I know this is pretty warm but she has THRIVED in the warm temps! BUT I saw that for flowering, the temps need to go down some. WELL, idk of any way to cool down the closet space-I have 2 fans already and using CFLS... is this something I need to worry about or will she flower just fine at this constant temp? HELP!!!!! :cuss:
FORUM D16 (3).jpg

bird dog

Well-Known Member
Look's like an old chimney flu. With the way you have your fans, what do you do for the lights off cycle? If you are growing inside, why not use your ac or at least the air that it creates...assuming you have ac. Your fans should be running in the opposite directions that they are now. Heat rises. Tents are cheap bro! Peace


Well-Known Member
Look's like an old chimney flu. With the way you have your fans, what do you do for the lights off cycle? If you are growing inside, why not use your ac or at least the air that it creates...assuming you have ac. Your fans should be running in the opposite directions that they are now. Heat rises. Tents are cheap bro! Peace
I leave the fans on constantly. and yea I have ac but this closet is upstairs n it doesn't stay cool like the downstairs... and yea I was thinking the same thing about reversing the fans, but then the only airflow would come from the bottom of the plant, would that be alright u think? thanks for tha reply!

bird dog

Well-Known Member
add a THIRD fan?! I don't have enough space
Add an exhaust fan into the ceiling (hopefully into the attic) and send the air up. Once again, how are you handling the lights off time period. You know that 12/12 means 12 hours of complete darkness. Unless I'm missing something, you have a problem on your setup. It looks like the lower fan is siting in the wide open exit. Good luck. Peace


Well-Known Member
Add an exhaust fan into the ceiling (hopefully into the attic) and send the air up. Once again, how are you handling the lights off time period. You know that 12/12 means 12 hours of complete darkness. Unless I'm missing something, you have a problem on your setup. It looks like the lower fan is siting in the wide open exit. Good luck. Peace
oh sry 12/12 for 19 days now. and yes I have 2 openings, one at the top w air blowing in, and the one at the bottom sucking air out that way it has constant replacement of new air...


Yeah like everyones saying you have your fans backwards. you want the one at the bottom pulling in fresh air and the one at the top sucking all the heat out of the area. Again, Heat rises. so instead of pulling the hot air across your plants to get it out of the area, pull it straight out the top and get it the fuck out of there asap.


Well-Known Member
Yeah like everyones saying you have your fans backwards. you want the one at the bottom pulling in fresh air and the one at the top sucking all the heat out of the area. Again, Heat rises. so instead of pulling the hot air across your plants to get it out of the area, pull it straight out the top and get it the fuck out of there asap.
I didn't even think of that lol, and im taking college physics lmao oops. will be switching around TONIGHT!!!!!

a senile fungus

Well-Known Member
You could also just have two exhaust fans pulling the air out and the clean, cool air will passively enter the tent. Try that too and see where the temps are.

Also, where are you measuring temps? At the level of the plant or somewhere else?


Well-Known Member
just buy a 16inch fan a sit it out side you grow room with its back just inside the tent turn it on full speed it will draw the hot air out the room in no time


Well-Known Member
You could also just have two exhaust fans pulling the air out and the clean, cool air will passively enter the tent. Try that too and see where the temps are.

Also, where are you measuring temps? At the level of the plant or somewhere else?
I got my thermometer leaning against the bottom of the pots, I should probably put it somewhere else now, bcuz now the fan drawing in the cool air is blowing on the thrmter.... im interested to see what the temps are now at lights on (in 2 1/2 hrs)