Christians what are your beliefs?


Active Member
I attend a Pentecostal church because I like the environment. But I do not share the same beliefs. I would just like to hear what others believe. It all fascinates me. I don't like religion because well for me it hinders the sacred relationship between me and God. I'm really not here to agree or disagree just talk about it all.


Well-Known Member
Don't let any Church come between you and GOD, just follow HIS will and obey HIS commands.
Which are in THE HOLY BIBLE, The Book of Enoch was removed read Jude it confirms it's legit.
Follow the whole HOLY BIBLE and not some Church's Laws and beliefs.
I don't know of any Church's that aren't corrupt, so I encourage you to look for friends who worship THE LORD
All you need is one true friend who worships GOD in truth.
17 Iron sharpeneth iron; so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend.
. - Proverbs 27:17

20 For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.

- Matthew 18:20

In Matthew The Son OF GOD is talking, our GOD and LORD and savior.
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I attend a Pentecostal church because I like the environment. But I do not share the same beliefs. I would just like to hear what others believe. It all fascinates me. I don't like religion because well for me it hinders the sacred relationship between me and God. I'm really not here to agree or disagree just talk about it all.
Its a long journey to wisdom. But beware of false teachers. If any teacher tells you that you can live an immoral life, then they do not know or understand god or the son.

The way to eternal life as approved by Jesus himself is to love others as yourself. He also teaches that to love the earth is to hate god.

The only thing worth striving for is wisdom. Because through wisdom you can understand God.

It's important to read the bible yourself and ask questions about what you've read. And to share knowledge with other. Because wisdom that is not shared is like a lantern that is hidden under a basket.


Active Member
It's so much bigger than what people perceive... I'm just curious on beliefs. I firmly believe there are more intelligent lift out in the universe that God created.. But we only have the bible which pertains to the earth to go off of. Which sucks lol my brother in law is a boss when it comes to this subject we talk for hours about it. He has a bachelors in theology and is working on his masters. The original bible translations are insanely different than what we have. He's going to Jerusalem in two weeks which is pretty boss. If you take stories from all different cultures a lot of them overlap so who is to say were all talking about a different God and not the same God just perceived through different eyes and ears.