Well-Known Member
I have to think that your odds of getting a bank loan are better than 1 in 175,000,000.
Your right though, it is difficult... Life is difficult. Demanding a higher minimum wage is a lot easier than trying to figure how to make more money or how to qualify for a loan. It takes a lot of work and a shit load of luck. Also not all businesses need a loan to get started. There is a book called ~Shit can't remember the name, something like trading up, whatever~ it is a bout a guy that starts with a paper clip and trades it for a pen, then trades the pen for some paper, etc, etc. Not sure if it is a real story but still a pretty cool read.
Anything can be done. There will always be nay sayers. The difference is trying. Is Equal rights the same as equal pay...? Is someone on welfare that is struggling and looking for a job different then someone that is on welfare taking advantage. Hell yeah there is a difference and it was unfair to classify everyone together.
I suppose the point of this thread is to say. Stop blaming unfair wages, the man, Walmart, Wendy's, etc. Get out there and change something.
So for the RIU users that are reading this. What can said people do to change their circumstances?
Your right though, it is difficult... Life is difficult. Demanding a higher minimum wage is a lot easier than trying to figure how to make more money or how to qualify for a loan. It takes a lot of work and a shit load of luck. Also not all businesses need a loan to get started. There is a book called ~Shit can't remember the name, something like trading up, whatever~ it is a bout a guy that starts with a paper clip and trades it for a pen, then trades the pen for some paper, etc, etc. Not sure if it is a real story but still a pretty cool read.
Anything can be done. There will always be nay sayers. The difference is trying. Is Equal rights the same as equal pay...? Is someone on welfare that is struggling and looking for a job different then someone that is on welfare taking advantage. Hell yeah there is a difference and it was unfair to classify everyone together.
I suppose the point of this thread is to say. Stop blaming unfair wages, the man, Walmart, Wendy's, etc. Get out there and change something.
So for the RIU users that are reading this. What can said people do to change their circumstances?
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