No, it is clear my father made poor decisions.
However this delineates from my point exactly. My father made the same decisions as the union tradesmen, and lost out in the end.
He was late to the work force since he spent the sixties being a pot smoking traveling carpenter. When he finally got his shit together he began working as a finish carpenter on custom homes, he did well on his own, a job was offered he accepted.
This was his first actual job where he was able to begin saving, he POURED massive amounts of his salary into his savings and investments until the day he was let go. He claims to have put an average of no less then 50% of his salary during the last six years of his employment there into savings and investments.
I tend to believe him because he saved for such a short period I would have expected him to be living in my basement at this point. His accounts also lend credence to his short lived but zealous saving nature.
I also do not presume to know the full extension of investments and trusts my father may have made without my knowledge. Maybe he has been supporting another family for a decade or so.
The fact remains that he has been at a disadvantage when I compare him to union workers.
Oh, also benefits, it took him forever to actually get to a point where he had medical benefits! Bummer. Union guys get that pretty standard I think. No?