Dank here ;) Gardening with Dank 101

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Active Member
Take er easy, & I hope to talk again soon. Danks Garden is a good one I thought. lol Hell its where it gets dirty.. lol j/k haha PIC_2165.JPG

ok now I'm leaving for a bit. feel free to come on over to the NEW thread NOT Danks garden LMAO just saying later all been a pleasure chatting checking out photos throwing up hundreds of my own threadjacking photobombing. makes for an interesting day.. sure does separate the growers from all i want is quantity dealers. NO offense


Well-Known Member
BHO is some easy shit I'm tellin' you that. You don't need no special vac chamber or nothing. A proper tech is all you need, just like weed.

My process takes 30 minutes and most of it is stuff the tube, all the vac purging is nice but is not needed. Just makes like easier like drip line systems and trays in your worm bin.

Put in a little extra work you can get the same results as any piece of shit hipster wanna be pot head produce with their parents money.


Well-Known Member
BHO is some easy shit I'm tellin' you that. You don't need no special vac chamber or nothing. A proper tech is all you need, just like weed.

My process takes 30 minutes and most of it is stuff the tube, all the vac purging is nice but is not needed. Just makes like easier like drip line systems and trays in your worm bin.

Put in a little extra work you can get the same results as any piece of shit hipster wanna be pot head produce with their parents money.
Thanks for your input, its nice to learn from folks that know whats up..;)
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