Dank here ;) Gardening with Dank 101

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Well-Known Member
IMG_0660_1.JPG < PM......IMG_0662.JPG< GBP Any chance I may be looking at these things wrong? Mostly all I've ever run is fems, but from the regs I have run. When they started showing sex, if the growth started down low n the V of the node they were female, and if the growth started higher on thenode it was male.
Is that about right? or is it strain dependant on where new growth starts?


Well-Known Member
need close ups bro of the nodes they are all a little different
View attachment 3176585 < PM......View attachment 3176586< GBP Any chance I may be looking at these things wrong? Mostly all I've ever run is fems, but from the regs I have run. When they started showing sex, if the growth started down low n the V of the node they were female, and if the growth started higher on thenode it was male.
Is that about right? or is it strain dependant on where new growth starts?


Well-Known Member
Just planted some more seeds i had germing.. Got lucky, it was from an order bout 3 mths ago.. Customs kept snagging them so i told seedbsnk not to worry with it, wasn't worth the trouble. Go to mailbox other day and there they were, lol.. Even sent some extra beans of the strain in pic.. They're fems. Do you think 12/12 from seed is worth the time or a waste?


Well-Known Member
What up everyone? How y'all doing? Looks like I missed some BS earlier which is fine with me lol;) got enough of my own haha
Anyway I thought Monday was rough, um no... going on 18 hours of work today and still 1.5 hours from home still. Wtf:(
On a good note I picked up a solis-tek stk-1000 today and a couple more 50g plastic barrels for $0 from a friend. Time to kick the old power gulping mag hot box to the curb lol:D
All digital now. It'll be hooked up for when the sun comes on in the am.
First things first tho when I finally get home it'll be long awaited tokin time!!!

Sent from my SM-N900V using Rollitup mobile app


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