How Much is an Ounce of Bud in your Area


Active Member
i'm in southern california.

i pay $200 even for 34 grams of medicinal-quality dank folks be paying $350-$500 in other parts of the country... atleast according to my own research on various marijuana forums.

rock-hard nugs that all go through the curing process for atleast 2 months.

makes me very thankful i'm buddies with such honest and respectable folks... who by the way, grow their own fruits... lulz.
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Well-Known Member
swcag, dirt, brick weed = $80-$100 an ounce, $40-$50 a half,

good green, fresh, home grown nugs = $400 an ounce (why does no one im my area give any deals?) $50 an 1/8.


Well-Known Member
Face it. The market only bears what the consumer will pay. If $400 z's didn't fly, the prices would drop.
Poor Detroit! 6 bills! Holy crap. Detroit must be a city recovering nicely. It's only expensive if you don't have a lot of money?


Well-Known Member
I got a buddy in North carolina, and the prices there are a solid $400 as well, there $400 is our $300.00 for commercial dro, for homegrown expect to pay $500

Im sure though if somebody is selling a 1/8 for $50, they are getting it cheaper...

the trick is how you approach the dealer for the ounce, If you call and say Hey can I get a ounce, hes gonna throw back yeah sure but its $400.00

If you call and Say I have $350, no less and no more and I want a ounce, can you do it or not.

He will say Let me think about it I'll call you right back.

He may call back and try to counter a price, at which point all you have to say is No less, no more $350.00.

More than likely he will settle, since you are inevitablly setting a fair price...

It all negotiation, and mind games...

Beat the dealer at it, he does this for a living and has preprogrammed responses to offers and negotiations....


Active Member
I live in Northern Louisiana....

and I pay like 50$ for an ounce of the shittiest weed that you will ever smoke.
And It comes from black people in apartments. and it sucks. a whole lot.

The characteristics of this marijuana include:

very dry
Lots of seeds and stems.
Brownish/dark green
very very dry
a whole lot of seeds
and it sucks ass.

I was wondering if other people had the same problem or if I just suck. And if I suck, tell me where I can not suck... and get some actual marijuana.

Thanks a ton. :mrgreen: lol.

So I was wondering if anyone else in Louisiana had the same problem.


Too many brownies
I live in Northern Louisiana....

and I pay like 50$ for an ounce of the shittiest weed that you will ever smoke.
And It comes from black people in apartments. and it sucks. a whole lot.

The characteristics of this marijuana include:

very dry
Lots of seeds and stems.
Brownish/dark green
very very dry
a whole lot of seeds
and it sucks ass.

I was wondering if other people had the same problem or if I just suck. And if I suck, tell me where I can not suck... and get some actual marijuana.

Thanks a ton. :mrgreen: lol.

So I was wondering if anyone else in Louisiana had the same problem.
Thats the only weed you can find around here most of the time....thats why I grow. Did I also mention the high makes you feel kinda shitty?


Active Member
Amen. I was sure anyone that lived around here would know exactly what I'm talking about. lol.

Yea, you smoke it and then automatically come down with a headache. How enjoyable, right?

I used to get some pretty good smoke from a certain college town.... but that shit got bad.

HOWEVER.... i do have some plants goin atm... :blsmoke:...I guess I'll be waiting about another month or 2 though.

But fuck, I forgot what a nice high was. What a shitty shitty place this is. lol.


Well-Known Member
I live in Northern Louisiana....

and I pay like 50$ for an ounce of the shittiest weed that you will ever smoke.
And It comes from black people in apartments. and it sucks. a whole lot.

The characteristics of this marijuana include:

very dry
Lots of seeds and stems.
Brownish/dark green
very very dry
a whole lot of seeds
and it sucks ass.

I was wondering if other people had the same problem or if I just suck. And if I suck, tell me where I can not suck... and get some actual marijuana.

Thanks a ton. :mrgreen: lol.

So I was wondering if anyone else in Louisiana had the same problem.
Your not alone. Thats the same weed I get. Sometimes its pretty good. we got an ounce not long ago that we decent. Not alot of seeds, not too stemy. And the buzz was pretty good. And it lasted my wife and I a good month and a half.


Well-Known Member
I got a buddy in North carolina, and the prices there are a solid $400 as well, there $400 is our $300.00 for commercial dro, for homegrown expect to pay $500

Im sure though if somebody is selling a 1/8 for $50, they are getting it cheaper...

the trick is how you approach the dealer for the ounce, If you call and say Hey can I get a ounce, hes gonna throw back yeah sure but its $400.00

If you call and Say I have $350, no less and no more and I want a ounce, can you do it or not.

He will say Let me think about it I'll call you right back.

He may call back and try to counter a price, at which point all you have to say is No less, no more $350.00.

More than likely he will settle, since you are inevitablly setting a fair price...

It all negotiation, and mind games...

Beat the dealer at it, he does this for a living and has preprogrammed responses to offers and negotiations....
Yeah, I really can't get too picky. My wife and I only have one connection. And they never can get good green weed. Sometimes, in the fall.....harvest time. Even then, they can only get an ounce at a time maybe more. And I know the grower is charging a shit load with out any breaks because he can. I'm just tired of HAVING to buy shitty weed.


Active Member
Yea, I knew I wasn't alone and as soon as I posted SOME people would know what I was talking about. lol.

And yes. I would say about 1 in every 8 ounces I get are pretty good. And I get them from several different people. So I'm like... "Does this shit all come from the same place?" haha.

But yea, the shit I've been getting within the past like 6 months has been like that. Just seems to have gotten worse? i dunno.


Well-Known Member
Well, at least you have some plants going. Pat yourself on the back, you did it. My wife finaly gave me the go ahead to get something going. But its going to be a bitch because of where I have to grow it. Not every home here in the south has a basement.


Active Member
Shit, you don't need a basement. You could use a small closet. I don't have a basement and I'm doing fine. All the info you'll ever need about growing is right here. That's how I did it. lol. :mrgreen:

I'm guessing all of the good weed is in New Orleans? Maybe I'll have to take a vacation... lol


Well-Known Member
Shit, you don't need a basement. You could use a small closet. I don't have a basement and I'm doing fine. All the info you'll ever need about growing is right here. That's how I did it. lol. :mrgreen:

I'm guessing all of the good weed is in New Orleans? Maybe I'll have to take a vacation... lol
I wish I could. We have too much family coming over to visit for long week stays. And my house is really small.


Well-Known Member
i throw down anywhere from 140 to 350 a week on my ounces it depends on wut the shit is

Weed Guy

Master Roller
This thread isn't "How much is an ounce of Bud in your area". But instead "How much can YOU get an ounce of bud for". Because at the end of the day its all about connections and who you know...