Dank here ;) Gardening with Dank 101

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Well-Known Member
Sigh of relief! :) are we buzzing yet?? I'm cleaning my screen then its on! :)

I know I was worried sick..I'm so GLAD you are doing better! I knew something was up when you didn't answer my text. ;)


I'm starting to catch a buzz, finished a half a bowl of the schwag I had before bed, taking first couple hits off the bong bowl I just loaded. I feel it comin on :p


Well-Known Member

I'm starting to catch a buzz, finished a half a bowl of the schwag I had before bed, taking first couple hits off the bong bowl I just loaded. I feel it comin on :p
Me too :mrgreen: this bbk is so awesome..wish I had a room full of them :) ;)
Takin' schwiggiddy snappers out one of my Genie bongs. Inline to 8-arm tree percs, about 12in tall. Bangin' piece. Little thing is smooth as fk.

tagged for video sig :)


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Well-Known Member
Looking at them now ;)

Hey Dank what do you think of doing a table like this http://rollitup.org/attachments/img_3881-jpg.3177723/ its Deusracing's pic, I love this kind of setup! nod to you Deuces ;)
Within that table i threw a variety of over 50 seeds of all herbs spices flowers you name it.. Just an experiment.. Onions been in there since day one. its 65 degrees in room I love my basement. LOL no need for ac in here


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone some help would be much appriciated seem to get more help here then anywhere else on this site plus I trust all of your knowledge a lot more
Ok so firstly I don't know how to turn this underline shit off so apologies in advance

So all my plants have either pre flowered before flowering or have shown there sex now going into flowering, expect 1 I keep thinking its a male because it is showing what looks like male flowers but then they keep going on and turn into the start of leaves, what's goin on?? I'm confused as to what it is and don't want to jeopardise my ladies, if it was a male how long does it take before the flowers form, open and pollinate??

Thanks all!!
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