Dank here ;) Gardening with Dank 101

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Well-Known Member
Hey everyone some help would be much appriciated seem to get more help here then anywhere else on this site plus I trust all of your knowledge a lot more
Ok so firstly I don't know how to turn this underline shit off so apologies in advance

So all my plants have either pre flowered before flowering or have shown there sex now going into flowering, expect 1 I keep thinking its a male because it is showing what looks like male flowers but then they keep going on and turn into the start of leaves, what's goin on?? I'm confused as to what it is and don't want to jeopardise my ladies, if it was a male how long does it take before the flowers form, open and pollinate??

Thanks all!!
male flowers are sacks clusters of them


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone some help would be much appriciated seem to get more help here then anywhere else on this site plus I trust all of your knowledge a lot more
Ok so firstly I don't know how to turn this underline shit off so apologies in advance

So all my plants have either pre flowered before flowering or have shown there sex now going into flowering, expect 1 I keep thinking its a male because it is showing what looks like male flowers but then they keep going on and turn into the start of leaves, what's goin on?? I'm confused as to what it is and don't want to jeopardise my ladies, if it was a male how long does it take before the flowers form, open and pollinate??

Thanks all!!
Yup a male will look like a bunch of clustered up little banana looking things.

A female will have calyxes and have little white hairs coming out.


Well-Known Member
Yeah they look like that put the next day or 2 they have turned into leaf growth...its really strange I'm worried there could be flowers hiding in there n the leaves are just growing around them? I dunno why its still vegging in flowering room tho
Also it's know for plants to show their sex in veg around 4-6 weeks in, without introducing a different light schedule.


Well-Known Member
Yup a male will look like a bunch of clustered up little banana looking things.

A female will have calaxAys and have little white hairs coming out.
Yeah iv seperated all my known males and kept my ladies but this one is weird its looking like typical male flowers but they keep growing into leaves so I dunno what's going on, ill try get some pics but its like a before and after thing ill have to take a few over the next few days because it looks like male flowers then bam they are leaves


Well-Known Member
Also it's know for plants to show their sex in veg around 4-6 weeks in, without introducing a different light schedule.
Yeah I did a potting mix grow so it took a little longer most showed signs by week 8 expect for the boys but since flowering all have shown me what they are expect this one plant and im worried to toss it just incase but I am also worried to keep it, do you think if I took it out for a few days of darkness it will show its sex that way? Or would it just be harming it


Well-Known Member
if they are from seed dont use a hermi if they are all from the same mother then go for it
but im assuming because you said you separated the males that they are from seed
All from seed Yeh, but I don't wana sacrifice a female already lost 2 due to being boys :-\ herms no good for seeds?


Well-Known Member
no your breeding a hermi trait back into one that apparently already has it

a " forced hermi " is good for seeds but not one thats hermi from the go
if you have a male use it
if you have more then one male then pollinate your best plant in sections so you have different batches to choose from after harvest


Well-Known Member
Dank should be on in a little while, make sure to ask again though ;) he's a little groggy from the morphine they gave him last night.

Hey everyone some help would be much appriciated seem to get more help here then anywhere else on this site plus I trust all of your knowledge a lot more
Ok so firstly I don't know how to turn this underline shit off so apologies in advance

So all my plants have either pre flowered before flowering or have shown there sex now going into flowering, expect 1 I keep thinking its a male because it is showing what looks like male flowers but then they keep going on and turn into the start of leaves, what's goin on?? I'm confused as to what it is and don't want to jeopardise my ladies, if it was a male how long does it take before the flowers form, open and pollinate??

Thanks all!!


Well-Known Member
no your breeding a hermi trait back into one that apparently already has it

a " forced hermi " is good for seeds but not one thats hermi from the go
if you have a male use it
if you have more then one male then pollinate your best plant in sections so you have different batches to choose from after harvest
Aw ok I see, cheers bro! Well I'm going back to hydro grow after this soil grow coz its just to freaking slow and got some new seeds to start from so I guess ill just order some more seeds of this strain, get some Feminized ones this time :-) cheers for the input dude!!
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