People who give us a bad name.


Active Member
I just got off the phone with my "friend" (I'm starting to have second thoughts), he did nothing but talk trash the whole time he was smoking. He said I don't hold the smoke in (this guy's never seen me smoke, and I hold it in for 10 seconds). He ALWAYS makes fun of me for having long hair, seriously? That's all he's got? This guy fucked his own cousin, but you never hear me say anything about that.

Anyway, post your stories of a stoner you know that the DEA would LOVE to use as an example of the bad effects of weed.


Well-Known Member
I just got off the phone with my "friend" (I'm starting to have second thoughts), he did nothing but talk trash the whole time he was smoking. He said I don't hold the smoke in (this guy's never seen me smoke, and I hold it in for 10 seconds). He ALWAYS makes fun of me for having long hair, seriously? That's all he's got? This guy fucked his own cousin, but you never hear me say anything about that.

Anyway, post your stories of a stoner you know that the DEA would LOVE to use as an example of the bad effects of weed.

Why the fuck would you even consider him a friend?
Jesus christ.
I'm so glad i don't let people walk all over me like that..

He's not a friend, he's what i like to call a feind.

A feind only rings you when they know you have money for weed, they ring you when you have weed, and if you say no, they knock at your door.



-stops rant-

Serious, long hair for the win.

it's because we're worth it. ;)

( loreal for anyone who doesn't know.. )


Well-Known Member
Thats not giving "us" a bad name IMO. He does sound like a dick though making fun of your long hair and holding in smoke and shit is stupid. Doesn't sound like a very good friend.

My story: I used to hang out with this kid named...steve...anyway we started smoking weed at the exact same time. We were best friends and we found our first dealer together. Every friday he would come over and we'd toke up. Eventually he ran out of money (not sure why?) so he stopped buying weed. I would buy it every week. This went on for about 3 weeks and then he started asking me if I wanted to "hang out" randomly throughout the week. Every time we would chill we would smoke. One time I ran out and he came a-knockin. this is kinda how the conversation went
S-"Hey dude wanna hang out?"
M-"Yea sure"
playing games for awhile
S-"dude we should go outside"
M-"k hold on"
we go outside
S-"roll it up man :)"
M-"I don't have any weed"
S-"Oh shit I just remembered I have to go help my grandma move...later"

I don't hang out with that kid anymore!
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Active Member
Believe me, I don't let him walk all over me, and he moved really far from me before he started smoking, but I don't know, he likes to think he's better than everyone and everyone clearly knows that's not the case. Some stoners are just stupid.


Well-Known Member
I'd like to nominate the fucking gangsters who prefer a shoot-out with the cops over simply running or surrendering when their grow-house is raided.


Well-Known Member
Believe me, I don't let him walk all over me, and he moved really far from me before he started smoking, but I don't know, he likes to think he's better than everyone and everyone clearly knows that's not the case. Some stoners are just stupid.
Thats not true.

you're stupid before you become a stoner.

Weed makes you say things you usually would just keep to yourself, not as badly as alcohol but your mind wanders and you start chatting a lot of shite.

( we have all been there )
Difference is, if you're stupid, the convo is stupid..

Cannabis does not make a person stupid.

They are stupid before they smoked and cannabis brings it out fully.

I'm not saying cannabis doesn't have bad side affects, it does.
That's not in question though.


Active Member
I got a fat lot of these friends.
Its called my fraternity. There are only a few legit stoners in my frat and we are always the ones supplying the bud. Every time i get some - i get a buncha calls "yo can i buy a gram?" "yo can you smoke me up? ill give you a few bucks" "yo can you get me any?" they come, pretend to be your best friend and when the weed is gone- they dont hang out and just pester you all the time to get more. Finally i have a financial foothold and im starting my own grow/moving operation. So now, my frat may make me pay dues to drink beer, but im sure as hell gonna make them pay to smoke....
had to get that off my chest


Active Member
What are you talking about? I know all that, but where is this coming from? I just pointed out he moved away to show that he isn't asking me for weed.


Well-Known Member
a stupid person is a stupid person, a bad 1 is bad and so on,i have had my drinking days and my charles days and es and acid and im telling you people who blame these things for making people act a certain way are wrong,they dont make u ne thing u r what u r,peace to u all.


Well-Known Member
What are you talking about? I know all that, but where is this coming from? I just pointed out he moved away to show that he isn't asking me for weed.

ha we all to stoned to have proper conversations,gets bitchy here sometimes
lets all get on the volcano,yeah:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
ya know

go buy yourself a phat sack.

and blaze like you've never blazed before.

This will make you happy.

i love you all.

deeply..... xD


Well-Known Member
MY humble guess
is that he has to pluck up dutch courage b4 he smokes.

IE he's a drunk trying to be cool.
Ask him if he feels like a piss-up sometime - see what he says.