RIU Weight loss Support Group


Well-Known Member
Hookahbelly is right and so are you. AP class or nutrition classes teach you these things. As humans we have a predispositions in our genetic code. You'll grow no matter what. You may die if you don't eat and have stunted growth a lot of problems actually. Once you fully mature controlling your weight becomes much easier.
You said it better than I did. S'what I meant. :-)


Well-Known Member
So after about 3 weeks of intensive cross fit, I'm developing quite a 6 pack…The only thing about it is that it's in the back….

J/K. Ab muscles are making a reappearance though. Maybe 'bout a 3 pack right now. :-D. Still join' though.
Crossfit is amazing :) i drink too much beer to hold onto the 6 pack though i used to have a pretty sweet setup lol

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Active Member
Speaking of 6 pack there was some very small kid in the gym today. Young probably 18 so of course he walked like he was the main cock lol liftin his shirt up flexing his abs. Some girl walks up to him and says being skinny with abs is like being fat and having huge tits. It was freaking hilarious. Mind you this girl is pretty beast lol which made it even funnier


Well-Known Member
I have lost 10 pounds in the last month, but I need more focus and discipline. I would like to attempt to lose another 30 over the next month through cutting out most grains in my diet and exercising daily.
Try gluten free its a protein your body can't digest all natural foods fruits, veggies, dairy no processed food lost 30 lbs no drinking that was hard but had smoke to help no smoke back on alchol until grow is good. Feel great keep active a body in motion stays in motion a body at rest stays at rest. Good luck my friend


Well-Known Member
I have lost something like 16 cm on my waist and over 15kg without going to the gym in about 2 to 3 months of becoming vegetarianish. That means whatever eggs my chicken have laid that day for breakfast and meat on rare occasions. I also make a lot of fresh fruit and vegetable juices.
Now that i remember i also have been kinda busy setting up my farm lately and had to plow by hand like back in the day, suppose that helped though the lack of animal meat is the key i think. Also i feel ery good and well nourished and have less apetite and cravings than when i ate meat on a daily basis.
Good Luck Pin!
Nice job Klite yup you are eating natural foods your body was made to digest this processed food is for the birds. Your body is using this good food and with your activities and good eating habits yes weight will come off keep up the good work!!!!!:clap:


Well-Known Member
Diagnosed with diabetes 4 years ago, lost 96 pounds and was able to drop all diabetes meds but in the last year I've gone back to old habits and have gained 25 lbs or so. Got to get back on the wagon....:wall:
Its hard yes your still ahead you know what you have to do good luck I will be watching you keep us posted!!!!!


Well-Known Member
For me it seems as soon as i drink a beer my 6 turns to 4 lol

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I've lost weight I have to say my hubby brought smoke and I went gluten free no alchl but smoked lost 30 lbs. No smoke so revert to drinking but have healthy eating (not drinking) but know how to compensate for the exchange.


Active Member
I'm so confused. Alcohol is the worst type of calorie possible. It's literally nutrient void. It's the first thing your body uses as energy which means everything else starts to be stored. Moderation is key I guess. But having a healthy mind and body means you shouldn't be dependent on any substance. You say no smoke, alcohol has been the replacement. I'm just confused on why you need a replacement?
I've lost weight I have to say my hubby brought smoke and I went gluten free no alchl but smoked lost 30 lbs. No smoke so revert to drinking but have healthy eating (not drinking) but know how to compensate for the exchange.
so con


Well-Known Member
I'm so confused. Alcohol is the worst type of calorie possible. It's literally nutrient void. It's the first thing your body uses as energy which means everything else starts to be stored. Moderation is key I guess. But having a healthy mind and body means you shouldn't be dependent on any substance. You say no smoke, alcohol has been the replacement. I'm just confused on why you need a replacement?

so con
I am additive to substances my choice is smoke no smoke I go to my second choice I don't eat but drink therefore I keep my weight the same if not I am losing change in diet! It is amazing when you eat healthy you can balance good with bad you gotta know your limits!


Well-Known Member
Eating greasy shit have been giving me some fucked up migraines. In a row. I shall heed my body and just cut back on greasy shit :dunce::dunce: