abstinence only christians in your face again


Well-Known Member
CBT is one of the most effective because its the main form of therapy offered its in an almost monopoly position
the overall success of CBT for patients with various mental health conditions is nothing to celebrate
LOL @ almost monopoly. my wife just got done with her doctorate and if her peers were representative in any way, your statement is far from true.


Well-Known Member
I have tried to explain to you over and over in this thread that emotion or feelings are subjective. I even gave an example of did I make you mad or make you wet. You can be really thick sometimes.
you example is beyond retarded, like your million dollar min wage.

subjective feelings can quite easily be quantified objectively and accurately, otherwise psychology as we know it would basically not exist.


Well-Known Member
affirmative actions sounds like something my mum used to say

"two wrongs do not make a right" ?
why is it wrong to shoot for equality within institutions that have a known history of discriminating against minorities?

we haven't even completely eradicated "separate but equal" among primary and secondary education, the deck is still stacked against some and in favor of others. why would you consider it wrong to end the perpetuation of such in our institutions of higher learning?


Well-Known Member
sorry, wife got frisky and i'd rather boff her in some kinky mitt romney missionary style rather than witness you flail frantically without ever condemning the actual scientific processes involved in psychological research that informs the foundation of psychology.

i tried to find the study just now but came up blank. but do you have any objections to the methodology involved? several research questionnaires are given to establish a baseline which measures you on a continuum against your peers, a priming question is then asked, and then the same questionnaires are repeated. an obvious result emerges showing a shift in response to certain evaluative criteria in the questionnaires between the first and second time taking them.

feelings may be subjective, but do you doubt that they can be quantified objectively and accurately?

i can come up with some actual studies for you to pick through methodology if you wish, but these are peer reviewed papers. a drunk racist southerner on the internet is not gonna find anything that PhD colleagues are missing.
The fact that you constantly try to brag about your sex life says a lot about your desperation to be accepted by your peers. Pathetic.


Well-Known Member
The fact that you constantly try to brag about your sex life says a lot about your desperation to be accepted by your peers. Pathetic.
because "kinky mitt romney missionary" was supposed to make you all jealous.

we actually only did spoons and then doggy though to be honest. i just needed an excuse to drop this photo.


Well-Known Member
you can clasify it as a soft science if you want, i'll continue to call it "science" since it builds out collective knowledge through verifiable and testable experiments and has predictive value.

fucking dumb wanks.
Name one thing psychology has proven?


Well-Known Member
do i support a program that aims for equality (without mandating it) among college admissions?

i sure as shit do. why don't you?
you support an action that puts a group over the individual
each individual has the right to equality, but you will take this away based on race or whatever fashionable criteria of the moment


Well-Known Member
why is it wrong to shoot for equality within institutions that have a known history of discriminating against minorities?

we haven't even completely eradicated "separate but equal" among primary and secondary education, the deck is still stacked against some and in favor of others. why would you consider it wrong to end the perpetuation of such in our institutions of higher learning?
i believe that all individuals should be treated equally in the present time
i do not believe an individual should suffer from bias because of race

you are advocating that race or other forms of minority should be the deciding factor
i believe ability and merit should decide


Well-Known Member
LOL @ almost monopoly. my wife just got done with her doctorate and if her peers were representative in any way, your statement is far from true.
CBT is the main form of therapy offered in the uk to most people who use the NHS so therefore it scores higher than other forms, this does not indicate how successful it is overall

so its the better of the bunch but still nothing to celebrate
and there really is little alternative on offer, hence almost monopoly


Well-Known Member
why is it wrong to shoot for equality within institutions that have a known history of discriminating against minorities?

we haven't even completely eradicated "separate but equal" among primary and secondary education, the deck is still stacked against some and in favor of others. why would you consider it wrong to end the perpetuation of such in our institutions of higher learning?
yes........close them. burn them even. stop taking my money, and I will see to my childrens education and it will not be that drivel. indoctrination centers. pre-prison.......or military......take your choice.

the Trivium is an education. that nonsense is for producing good little machines, not thinking creatures.


Well-Known Member
you can clasify it as a soft science if you want, i'll continue to call it "science" since it builds out collective knowledge through verifiable and testable experiments and has predictive value.

fucking dumb wanks.
Then you need to get the universities to change their curricular descriptions, until then, I and everyone else will continue to distinguish the brands of science as such. The good news for you is that your PC ilk are drawn into those fields so all you have to do is let them know that soft science means not real science and they'll help you change it. Until then, you just sound like the lone butthurt screaming little girl who is so easily offended that a term that's been acceptable for decades no longer means what it used to and needs to be changed. This can be your new cause dude.


Well-Known Member

Hard science and soft science are colloquial terms used to compare scientific fields on the basis of perceived methodological rigor and legitimacy.[1][2][3] Roughly speaking, the natural sciences are considered "hard" while the social sciences are usually described as "soft".[3]


Precise definitions vary,[4] but features often cited as characteristic of hard science include: producing testable predictions; performing controlled experiments; relying on quantifiable data and mathematical models; a high degree of accuracy and objectivity; and generally applying a purer form of the scientific method.[2][5][6][7][8] A closely related idea (originating in the nineteenth century with Auguste Comte) is that scientific disciplines can be arranged into a hierarchy of hard to soft on the basis of factors such as rigor, "development" and whether they are "theoretical" or "applied", with physics and chemistry typically at the top, biology in an intermediate position and the social sciences at the bottom.[4][9]

Philosophers and sociologists of science have not been able to confirm the relationship between these characteristics and perceived hardness or softness in empirical studies. Supposedly more "developed" hard sciences do not in fact have a greater degree of consensus or selectivity in accepting new results.[10] Commonly cited methodological differences are also not a reliable indicator. Psychologists use controlled experiments and economists use mathematical modelling, but as social sciences both are usually considered soft sciences,[1][2] while natural sciences such as biology do not always aim to generate testable predictions.[6] There are some measurable differences between hard and soft sciences. For example, hard sciences make more extensive use of graphs,[4][11] and soft sciences are more prone to a rapid turnover of buzzwords.[12]


Critics of the concept argue that soft sciences are implicitly considered to be less "legitimate" scientific fields,[2] or simply not scientific at all.[13] It has been argued that this partly is because, although they often study more complex phenomena than natural sciences, social science findings are more likely to intersect with everyday experience and are therefore dismissed as "obvious or insignificant".[8][14] Being labelled a soft science can affect the perceived value of a discipline to society and the amount of funding available to it.[3] In the 1980s mathematician Serge Lang successfully blocked influential political scientist Samuel P. Huntington's admission to the US National Academy of Sciences, describing Huntington's use of mathematics to quantify the relationship between factors such as "social frustration" (Lang asked Huntington if he possessed a "social-frustration meter") as "pseudoscience".[8][15][16] During the late 2000s recessions, social science was disproportionately targeted for funding cuts compared to mathematics and natural science,[17][18] and proposals were made for the United States' National Science Foundation to cease funding disciplines such as political science altogether.[14][19] Both of these incidents prompted critical discussion of the distinction between hard and soft sciences.[8][14]

I just thought I would give you two a common ground to work with.


Well-Known Member
Based on the definition above Buck we can use soft and hard as a spectrum and ALWAYS apply the term in some way that is accurate.

Perhaps terming something absolutely as a soft science is incorrect. But it is a colloquialism after all.
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