My first attempt at growing


Well-Known Member
and another question.... whatcha gonna use for vegging lights for the next grow? still going with the floros, gonna use your HPS or get some MH action going?


Well-Known Member
That shop owner is a prick, yeah karma calling for him! Id love to sit in the grow with a spliff but is all the smoke not bad for them girls. I only have a small attic room?
i dont think the smoke is bad for em... course, i dont hotbox em ;)

but plants first off like our exhaust gasses while the lights are on and they act as a filter in nature... that is one of the reason the deforestation that we have been doing has lead to an increase of greenhouse gasses on the planet.

mostly my question is: do you sit and just ponder your grow rather than just spending time mucking about with things?

Dr Jones

Well-Known Member
I have a HOTBOX for sure then lol. I am expecting a new air con unit tomorrow, bloody sundays. I sit and ponder with them every night, it often ends up mucking about with something though. I have a radio up there to keep us happy

blazin waffles

Well-Known Member your in Metarie???? Do you listen to rock? Have you heard of Destined to Fall?

Well you said minus the shop in the bad part of town....P-cola is only 3 1/2 hrs away and there is a hydro shop here! Don't know if thats any help

The buds are looking sexy!!!! Can't wait.



Well-Known Member
no doubt!

so, ever sit in the grow and just stare and smoke a joint?
Yes often as a matter of fact!!!!:blsmoke:

and another question.... whatcha gonna use for vegging lights for the next grow? still going with the floros, gonna use your HPS or get some MH action going?
I have found one 600w mh bulb in the box with all my light gear so i think I may have switchable ballast... Probably get one more mh and use my cfl...


Well-Known Member your in Metarie???? Do you listen to rock? Have you heard of Destined to Fall?

Well you said minus the shop in the bad part of town....P-cola is only 3 1/2 hrs away and there is a hydro shop here! Don't know if thats any help

The buds are looking sexy!!!! Can't wait.

Im not actually in metarie.. proud to say I have never lived in metarie!! lol And im a bit of a old fuck.... I dont go out and listen to much live music anymore and not to hip to anything new..... Im more into levon helm with a packed bowl and beer than anything,,, Im gonna check out the shop in by water that I found on st,claude... hopfully that will do well for me..


Well-Known Member
Good One On The Avatar!!!LOL, Man, What's Up With Bret????.........He Must Have Some Good Shit???.....He Don't Know If He Is Coming Or Going??<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>

Barking Mad

Well-Known Member
Just dropping some love.
how's it going HH?

You see I sexed 3 more plants? 1 male and two female, so far that is 6 fems and 2 males. Great ratio, I'm really pleased so far.
I just hope that my buds are as good as the plants look. (if that makes sense)



Well-Known Member
Im still trippin on the leaves... Im just not sure that the yellowing of the leaves is end of cycle... I guess bfq put it best when he said its to late now. but its still freaking me out.. another thing that is going on is the buds are starting to "pop" out... its like the buds are starting to open up and it looks like there are buds growing on top of the buds.. My freind thinks that is exactly what is happing, that they are buds growing out from the buds.. Guess im just parinoid but it looks like they are loosing up to me.... anyway I have some pics of em here. I dont know if anyone will be able to see what I am talking about.... trichs are still milky as well.. driving me crazy!! I want amber so bad and it is taking so long!


blazin waffles

Well-Known Member
Im still trippin on the leaves... Im just not sure that the yellowing of the leaves is end of cycle... I guess bfq put it best when he said its to late now. but its still freaking me out.. another thing that is going on is the buds are starting to "pop" out... its like the buds are starting to open up and it looks like there are buds growing on top of the buds.. My freind thinks that is exactly what is happing, that they are buds growing out from the buds.. Guess im just parinoid but it looks like they are loosing up to me.... anyway I have some pics of em here. I dont know if anyone will be able to see what I am talking about.... trichs are still milky as well.. driving me crazy!! I want amber so bad and it is taking so long!


Wow homie........don't know about the leaves but the buds sure do look fuckin sexy!!!!



Well-Known Member
heh, stop fretting, that girl knows her days are numbered and she is making a last ditch effort to catch some pollen and make some seeds and procreate.... ever see a woman freak out about her biological clock ticking? you are seeing it in action. ;)

next time though, dont cut your nutes at the end like this time.... in fact, some growers kick em up hard at the end.

those buds look great!

those leaves look worse than they should.... but fuck em!

da plantDOC

Well-Known Member
WOW now that i got a better look.. they dont even have two week's left my freind.. that yellow is comepleately normal that's all the nitrogen mineing out of the leave's you will be happy when that weed is cleane.. no black ash no going out.. you ever smoke weed that keep's going out that's suck's that's happen's when you dont use flush for at least 10-14 day's.. it's a long time but you have bean giveing them alot of food over the last 2-3 mounth's.. so your doing fine just keep flushing them bad-larry's... good luck bro..
da plantDOC


Well-Known Member
heh, stop fretting, that girl knows her days are numbered and she is making a last ditch effort to catch some pollen and make some seeds and procreate.... ever see a woman freak out about her biological clock ticking? you are seeing it in action. ;)

funny shit, makes sense that way to! lol:twisted:

next time though, dont cut your nutes at the end like this time.... in fact, some growers kick em up hard at the end.

yea kinda wish I hadnt panicked and done that... I thought the run off would bring it up but I am at 700 with my ppm.

those buds look great!

thanks! but what do you thing about the buds popping out, what keeps going through my head is that they are dying and are going to pop off! fucking crazy thinking I know! IM just sure I must be fucking up somewhere... I really am dying to harvest just so I dont have a chance to fuck em... IM fucked in the head I know...

those leaves look worse than they should.... but fuck em!
WOW now that i got a better look.. they dont even have two week's left my freind.. that yellow is comepleately normal that's all the nitrogen mineing out of the leave's you will be happy when that weed is cleane.. no black ash no going out.. you ever smoke weed that keep's going out that's suck's that's happen's when you dont use flush for at least 10-14 day's.. it's a long time but you have bean giveing them alot of food over the last 2-3 mounth's.. so your doing fine just keep flushing them bad-larry's... good luck bro..
da plantDOC
Yea ive smoked some shit that hurt my throat and tasted like shit!@ I really dont want to do that to my smoke, so I am deffinatly going to flush for a full two weeks... as far as being ready now, Im still waiting on seeing some amber trichs!


Well-Known Member
thanks! but what do you thing about the buds popping out, what keeps going through my head is that they are dying and are going to pop off! fucking crazy thinking I know! IM just sure I must be fucking up somewhere... I really am dying to harvest just so I dont have a chance to fuck em... IM fucked in the head I know...
sorry, i thought i answered that... the buds ARE popping out because the plant IS dying.... remember, the buds are the female sex organs (if you will) and she is trying to catch some male action.... she is putting everything she has into the buds....

this is gooooooooooooooooooooooooood! :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
lol yea ya did answer that, I was thinking ya meant just the leaves... Ya ever know of trichs not turning amber... every other sign is telling me that the plants are ready but the trichs don't?


Well-Known Member
ooops, now that you went back and bolded your replies to me i see the rest of them :p

my bad ;)

as for trichs... well, in all honesty, in the past i never checked trichs... the mother ship (the dude i got clones from) told me when to harvest my crop originally and i always did it by the calendar... this century i checked the trichs on the first plants of my strain and i am back to a calendar harvest.... so, nope, i sure havent. :D

yer obviously not hurting for smoke, so let em run and see if they go amber on you or start to fade... watch for rot in the buds!