Eric Cantor... ousted


Well-Known Member
speaking for myself, i aint even mad.

bucky is just a retard farting in his bathub and trying to bite the bubbles.

he thinks he can torque me up with his mindless japes, but really he is merely an amusing diversion.
i gave up trying to help bucky discover what words mean long ago.

much like AC, bucky reads in short snippets, each disconnectd from the others, and thus, he is incapable of grasping any idea more complex than a bumper sticker.

thats why "The black community is being destroyed by well meaning muttonheaded liberals, and the sinister racists who run the democrat party, and until they throw those scoundrels out, the black community will always be in shambles" becomes, in the Buck-brain "black people are inferior and should be exterminated"

his is a simple creature, incapable of complex thought.

even my recent math error was invisible to him for ~300 posts, until his wife pointed it out for him, then it became "5th grade math"

so lulzy.
order of operations..scanned without you all have a copy, try not to kill each other..


Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
order of operations..scanned without you all have a copy, try not to kill each other..
ohh look another math expert who wants to tell me my error was SOOO OBVIOUS, but the expert didnt spot it for 3 days.

nice work professor, wanna correct my grammar in a random post from 6 weeks ago too?

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
i get degraded as a bum for being a grower of top shelf cannabis on a cannabis growing website.

it's kinda funny.
two Words: Cat Piss.

also, YOU are the one who thinks calling somebody else "poor" is an insult, then you have the temerity to post your pay stub which is far lower than my own, making you a poverty stricken waif, who i should be adopting for pennies a day.

honest labour is far more respectable than being a dope dealer, no matter how desperately you try to justify your dope peddling

plus you dont pay your taxes on your dope profits, using a series of canards that are laughably inept.


Well-Known Member
ohh look another math expert who wants to tell me my error was SOOO OBVIOUS, but the expert didnt spot it for 3 days.

nice work professor, wanna correct my grammar in a random post from 6 weeks ago too?

two Words: Cat Piss.

also, YOU are the one who thinks calling somebody else "poor" is an insult, then you have the temerity to post your pay stub which is far lower than my own, making you a poverty stricken waif, who i should be adopting for pennies a day.

honest labour is far more respectable than being a dope dealer, no matter how desperately you try to justify your dope peddling

plus you dont pay your taxes on your dope profits, using a series of canards that are laughably inept.
it is true that one year i had so much cannabis that it filled every room in my house. was over 15 pounds that year in a semi-staggered harvest that lasted all the way until mid october, a rarity for portland. had weed hanging, drying, curing, and being staged in every single room of the house. the stuff from the laundry room with the cat box in the back corner tasted just fine and sold for the same amount of money.

if you think that bothers me, think again. and if you think that represents any crop that wasn't my summer 2012 harvest, then you are stupid and desperate. my product is on par or above the standards of even the best dispensaries here in colorado.

i'll be happy to post the pay stub again, this time showing my pay rate at the time, which was about $20 an hour with a 6% match and full medical and dental benefits. if you can beat that, i will stop mocking you for being a lowly paid stock boy making about $12 an hour as a 50 year old man. keep in mind though, i was about 25 when i was making that kind of money while you were admittedly in your mid-30s working at walmart (LOL).

and you've tried the whole "dope peddler" line before. looked at the definition of peddler and just laughed since i haven't sold in small amounts by traveling to different places since college. i don't think that letting go of my entire crop at once from the comfort of my own home counts as "peddling", but you can feel free to maintain the delusion.

you do, after all, maintain this weird delusion that you aren't massively racist and somehow have avenues to procure pussy without paying cold hard cash up front.


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Bragging about growing weed on a weed forum. Priceless lulz. Thanks again.
not bragging, just reporting the facts.

a member who posts here in politics tried a crappy old sample of my weed and wanted to go through me instead of the dispensaries he had been going through. i didn't even have to ask for his business either. and he was skipping from one dispensary to the next looking for the one who had the best stuff.

i'm gonna have him over for some pre-harvest beers and celebration. wait until he sees this current crop, which is one of the best i have grown so far.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
So how bout this Eric Cantor guy...? lmao. Got like half a page about the thread topic n the rest is a e-dick comparison with a mix of spelling lessons and a game of Who Really Knows That Religion More? Don't forget the top selling hit Who Should Get The Money? and the sequel How Much Money Do You Have?

well that was a disturbing series of images...


Well-Known Member
not bragging, just reporting the facts.

a member who posts here in politics tried a crappy old sample of my weed and wanted to go through me instead of the dispensaries he had been going through. i didn't even have to ask for his business either. and he was skipping from one dispensary to the next looking for the one who had the best stuff.

i'm gonna have him over for some pre-harvest beers and celebration. wait until he sees this current crop, which is one of the best i have grown so far.

And the lack of self esteem just keeps on flowing. :clap:

Nothing you say impresses me. It all just makes me laugh. :lol:


Well-Known Member
Keep on replying to me. It shows how truly desperate for attention you really are.
says the fat skank who made it her mission to stalk me, right before giving up, and then re-stalking once again.

i like to reply for my own amusement and to see what new fat jokes i can come up with.


Well-Known Member
BigNBushy & Red1966 have done the exact same thing to me for working two jobs to pay my bills

Welcome to RIU politicz
No, we just put you in your place because you think you're smarter than everyone who disagrees with you. Obviously, no one else thinks you're worth shit, and it's about time you realized that.


Well-Known Member
says the fat skank who made it her mission to stalk me, right before giving up, and then re-stalking once again.

i like to reply for my own amusement and to see what new fat jokes i can come up with.
Yes, I am here to fuck with you. Yes, I put you on ignore because I found you to be a piece-of-shit for using your wife as troll bait. Yes, I unignored you because I wanted some good lulz. So what.

You reply to me because it makes you feel good to degrade people you don't agree with. I see it, everyone else sees it. I make comments to you just to get you to expose who you really are. An you rarely fail at doing just that.

Carry on.


Well-Known Member
No, we just put you in your place because you think you're smarter than everyone who disagrees with you. Obviously, no one else thinks you're worth shit, and it's about time you realized that.
People are free to think what they want about me, look at all the fucks I give


Well-Known Member
No, we just put you in your place because you think you're smarter than everyone who disagrees with you. Obviously, no one else thinks you're worth shit, and it's about time you realized that.
at least he didn't kill his family.


Well-Known Member
not bragging, just reporting the facts.

a member who posts here in politics tried a crappy old sample of my weed and wanted to go through me instead of the dispensaries he had been going through. i didn't even have to ask for his business either. and he was skipping from one dispensary to the next looking for the one who had the best stuff.

i'm gonna have him over for some pre-harvest beers and celebration. wait until he sees this current crop, which is one of the best i have grown so far.
I bet he gets it cheaper from you than a dispensary, too.bongsmilie