Cannabis Juicing Vid!


Well-Known Member
Sorry for the volume, I should have spoken more loudly...but you get to hear some reggae chunes and my wifey's lovely voice. You'll get the idea. We are juicing cannabis daily. So don't just toss your fresh leaves and stems! These juicers are $300 at Bed Bath, but with an online 20% coupon, you can get them for $240!! Even the checkout gal emphatically said, "wow!, you saved $60!!)



Well-Known Member
ya steriods buddy this is a shit thread no offence go juice some grass bro i here that heals


Well-Known Member
ya steriods buddy this is a shit thread no offence go juice some grass bro i here that heals
What is up with your steroids trip? Guess you're "juicing" on the roids?? Your comments don't make any sense. I'm just posting about juicing fruits, vegetables, and cannabis. I don't understand the hate. This site is about the love and passion of cannabis. If you're into roids, take it elsewhere.... Your education level is clearly, very limited. You seem to be an an angry, young lad....time will teach you that things are much different that you think and, in time, you will learn. Carry on with your ignorance for now, and they say, ignorance is bliss.
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Well-Known Member
Sorry for the volume, I should have spoken more loudly...but you get to hear some reggae chunes and my wifey's lovely voice. You'll get the idea. We are juicing cannabis daily. So don't just toss your fresh leaves and stems! These juicers are $300 at Bed Bath, but with an online 20% coupon, you can get them for $240!! Even the checkout gal emphatically said, "wow!, you saved $60!!)

not angry just dont like silly ideas of juiceing weed were it really wouldent do anything but make ur juice tast weird and also people tryen to sell cruddy shit on on rollitup thats why theres ebay this forum about growing weed not selling juicers ;)


Well-Known Member
not angry just dont like silly ideas of juiceing weed were it really wouldent do anything but make ur juice tast weird and also people tryen to sell cruddy shit on on rollitup thats why theres ebay this forum about growing weed not selling juicers ;)
Seeing as how I've been a member on Rollitup for 7 years, if you think I've been killing all this time just to sell a juicer, then you really aren't too bright. You might want to use your spell check too and learn how to use the correct wording and/or conjugate verbs "brotha" (don't, juicing, wouldn't, your, taste, trying, that's, there's, hear, etc. etc). Juicing cannabis is not a "silly" idea if you're suffering from a life threatening illness like I am, along with so many others. There is science behind it. Sorry that I'm not just using cannabis solely for the purpose of getting high, as you clearly are. Some of us are suffering and dying, and some of us have friends and family that are suffering and dying as well. My friend's son has been having 300+ grand mal seizures per month and cannabis juice and oil has cut them to one, or less, per week. My 2 yr old nephew just started having weekly seizures about 6 months ago. I guess that crazy, brilliant, neurosurgeon/brain surgeon, Sanjay Gupta, is just full of shit and all these young children and babies are just faking it with their tumor and seizure remissions. So before you go and start shitting on someone's thread, you might want to try to have a little bit of empathy and educate yourself. I couldn't give two shits if it was this juicer or that juicer, this oil extraction or that,....if it were you, your wife, your kid, or your mother, perhaps you'd care a little more. If you don't have something positive or constructive to say, then don't say anything at all. Your posts very clearly show your level of education, or lack thereof. Might want to start again at, say, the 2nd or 3rd grade level.

If anything, at least this forum helps remind me and make me appreciative of education and the fact that I have intelligence. There is, clearly, a glaring lack of both in this country.
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Well-Known Member
lolol ok then cannabis does fuck all for cancer which i think to be honest is a hoax 2 my family members have had cancer and tryed the cannabis cures prob about 5 diff ones even spent big bucks to travel to the u.s u no what happened they still died so there ya cannabis cure right there ;)


Well-Known Member
my aunty is on the world famos rick simspon canna oil cure she getting worse as the weeks goes by all it really does for here is it helps her eat after chemo


Well-Known Member
My best wishes for your aunt. Guess the epileptic babies are faking it. This horse is pretty much pun intended. But, anyway, thanks for being "Mr. Rollitup" police/moderator. Give yourself a nice pat on the back there, Mr. Downunder.
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