Dank here ;) Gardening with Dank 101

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Well-Known Member
I tell ya i slammed that girl of mine last night. and i tell yo uthat girl is resilient . all she wants to do is try and pop up. she's so full of bud sites its crazy maybe this time ill fillet he full 4x4 canopy.. if this 235w can do that for me oh lord just think what 2 would do. LOL that true blooms i use as foiliar spray does what it says. promotes early flowering and pretty much multiplies your sites per branch... gotta love organic science.

TRUE BLOOMS is an organically derived and food-grade foliar spray to induce rapid fruiting/flowering. It opens the stomata and vascular system of your plant to allow for increased Co2 absorption and eases the flow of nutrients from the roots to the fruits.

True Blooms will dramatically increase fruit/flower production, shorten the inter-nodal distance, and encourage side-branching.

This masterfully blended formula is designed to speed up the time until harvest. Saving you time in the garden and allowing gardeners and farmers to beat the autumn rains. The concentrated formula is applied at only 2mL/gallon of water and one 16oz bottle will treat 230 gallons of foliar spray! Begin True Blooms one week prior to fruiting/flowering and continue until one week before harvest.
like this stuff?


Well-Known Member
I never did none of that stuff...lol never was offered actually unless you count the acid that my cousin tried to get me to do back when I was a teenager. Mom had made me watch those scared straight movies and I was too scared to touch anything! :lol: by 17 though, I finally tried mj and never stopped. Here 20+ years later :) Been smoking ever since :)

I'm about to go to bed. Guess I'll see you all on the flip side :)
Just to clarify I'm not speaking of the dreadful family killing RON never ever..


Well-Known Member
Just to clarify I'm not speaking of the dreadful family killing RON never ever..
I have NO clue what that means :lol: maybe you can elaborate tomorrow? ;)
i suppose its time for bed Good night all till the next time......................
Goodnight buddy
dr.nodes has been out for a long time
i used it years ago when it was about 3 times the price
it seemed to work but for the price wasnt worth it may be worth trying again
but pinching seems to work the same if not better
Hope it works out the way you want it to ;)

Talked to Dank earlier, he wanted me to post some stuff for him. Bout to do that now, then I'm really in bed...lol


Well-Known Member

He wanted me to let you guys know he had a long day in the sun. Unfortunately the antibiotics made him sensitive to the it (he failed to read the bottle before going) and went and got himself a really severe sunburn. Plus, knocked a hole in his shin wading in the water. Not a still lake mind you, really choppy water ;) Tomorrow is his daughter's birthday so he may or may not be on until after that. He asked me to post some stuff for him to everyone and to let you all know that he hasn't forgotten about ya and will be back.

Here is one of his beautiful roses...a shot of the water ( you can see how choppy it was) and last but not least...a donkey standing on a porch. There's a story to that one I will let him tell you!!! lmao!!! more of a guy thing really...lol... so make sure you ask him about it! :lol:

oh and I almost forgot the fish! :)

on to the pics!

his rose.jpeg
where dank was fishing.jpeg

donkey on porch.jpeg

fish he caught.jpeg
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Well-Known Member

He wanted me to let you guys know he had a long day in the sun. Unfortunately the antibiotics made him sensitive to the it (he failed to read the bottle before going) and went and got himself a really severe sunburn. Plus, knocked a hole in his shin wading in the water. Not a still lake mind you, really choppy water ;) Tomorrow is his daughter's birthday so he may or may not be on until after that. He asked me to post some stuff for him to everyone and to let you all know that he hasn't forgotten about ya and will be back.

Here is one of his beautiful roses...a shot of the water ( you can see how choppy it was) and last but not least...a donkey standing on a porch. There's a story to that one I will let him tell you!!! lmao!!! more of a guy thing really...lol... so make sure you ask him about it! :lol:

oh and I almost forgot the fish! :)

on to the pics!

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Well tell Dank to get back soon. :)


Well-Known Member
Good afternoon everyone!!!!! sorry I'm late to the party, I crashed the fuck out. Then woke up to the best news!!! my daughter finally kicked that no good piece of shit boyfriend of hers OUT last night!! This makes me so happy!!! I can breathe again!!! there's nothing worse than knowing your baby girl is being mistreated!!!

ya'll like that, don't ya? :lol: :lol: lmao!!!!

Join me for a celebratory smoke??? Some Blackberry kush in the house!!! :lol: :D
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Well-Known Member
Good afternoon everyone!!!!! sorry I'm late to the party, I crashed the fuck out. Then woke up to the best news!!! my daughter finally kicked that no good piece of shit boyfriend of hers OUT last night!! This makes me so happy!!! I can breathe again!!! there's nothing worse than knowing your baby girl is being mistreated!!!

ya'll like that, don't ya? :lol: :lol: lmao!!!!

Join me for a celebratory smoke??? Some Blackberry kush in the house!!! :lol: :D

Great news rosey!!! :clap:

Me Likey redheads!!!!!! :hump:

XJ-13 in Da house!! :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Great news rosey!!! :clap:

Me Likey redheads!!!!!! :hump:

XJ-13 in Da house!! :bigjoint:
Hahahahaaa!!! :lol: I'm so glad!!! :D

There were other videos with that song but I decided since it is predominately male over here, I'd throw ya'll a bone ;) lmfao!!!

Who doesn't like Hair of the Dog??? :lol: ;)

I'm about to be a blonde...gotta get that gray out of there!! :lol:

About to clean my chamber cap. There's so much resin in this BBK and MS that its clogging my screen every few smokes!! :lol:


Well-Known Member
Another schwag day I guess. :(
sorry was in the middle of that post and the ex called. Finally some sense is coming to my life! he is finally being decent again so I can get my shit done and be out of that house once and for all. I hate having to stay there overnight at all but found out I have to see the dr first thing Friday, plus I'll get to see my son and the doggies. Scrabble time!! :D
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