10 hours of daylight outside then the rest nighttime inside?


New Member
Hello to all of you
Just now joined to you guys here, because i feel you may help me in such things, and also I want to help others too, if i can, so i try to be active here, seems cool
So, i actually want my plants to grow up outdoors, theres no deers or rodents that may try to eat them but, they can be stolen any time, and the area it would be growen is pretty near to me(guerilla), so why wouldn't i bring them in at nights?

And i just simply wonder if they would get some shock, they would suffer from any shocks due to the quickly climate changes or something? Is it alright to put them outside for like 8 to 10 hours a day from sunrise, to sunset?
When they will inside they dont get any lights or airfans or anything, i have no indoor set at all! The only thing they would have is the enriched CO2 atmosphere, since attic leaks hell (window sized holes) but it is okay for protect them, while having those huge leaks, they aren't big enough big like a real window to people sneak in, so it's all right (house not done yet, still in building it, just the outside and the attic, that's the result of those air leaks which is good ofc)

Thanks in advance!
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Well-Known Member
Welcome to RIU. yes you can bring them in at night and put them in a dark light proof room, with a small fan, this action will trick the plants to bud, and continuing to do this every night, your plant will go to bud quick and about 1 week earlier than other growers who are outside, as next week june 22nd is the longest day, after that its down hill all the way, plants feel it, and then enter bud time no more veg time, or you masy continue to bring them in, and under light to continue the veg process, ...your call?


New Member
No i wouldn't, they breathing outside in the nature till the death with his scythe comes(me at harvest time )

Taking it real, they are in pots, so i can move them in and out, they have good soil and they will live outdoors till September or so(I hope Septermber will be the time to harvest). I know that many seasoned growers agree, an ideal time to start growing your plants is the months of March, April and early May, because the plants starts to mature and flower around August/September which is when daylight hours begin to decrease. I just now got the seeds, i did not planned this out, it came quick just few days ago, and since i dont have indoor setup, they will live in the beautiful nature, as long as i will have the room to please them there

I believe it is still somewhat alright, something about the cold tempature effects on plants and vegs.
At September the average condition is around 21 degrees C (69.8 degrees F) and if i know right(if not, let me know) then we should start to worry about such things when frost comes or soon comes, which means 29-31F (-2 to 0c). Of course in Septermber we will never have that tempature at least not in our generation so it can be called pretty optimal, even at 60F(16c) its still not that care-worn situation, or it is?


Well-Known Member
Dont know what size container your growing in, but I know some dumbass that brought 6 plants in 20 gallon pots inside due to a storm. They must have weighed 80-100 lbs each. Helluva lotta work, and they probably suffered more damage on the trip inside then the thunder boomer would've done.

Btw, Im the dumbass
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New Member
Do you guys think its not really ideal to start growing them now in June? They are already out there few days so ..any tips? thx


Well-Known Member
Cant really put anything out till end of May/begining of June w/o threat of frost here in ME. So id say you aint that late.


Well-Known Member
Unless you give your plants artificial lighting they will be very small plants, considering all outdoor plants have now 5 days left until the solstice!


New Member
Unless you give your plants artificial lighting they will be very small plants, considering all outdoor plants have now 5 days left until the solstice!
Could you explain more detailed what a "small plant" means? I hope.. that that small plant means more yield than a space bucket would do..(which is an oz, or so)
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