To be honest with you guys the fact that at MEDICAL dispensaries the quality is how you guys are describing is frankly absolutely tottally fucking disgracefully embarrrassing. At least over here were not on that medical bullshit facade. Here we put the quality responsability in the hands of the public since clubs are for autocultivation/consumption, so if youre smoking bad quality in your cannabis association you can let the administration know its shit and tell them do grow better or buy better shit and that youyre not having that. I cannot describe how much it angers me to see badly flushed weed at an autocultivation club, weho the fuck grows their own weed and doesnt fucking flush it right?!?!?! But one shouldnt have to complain it should already be the dog's bollocks. Club owners despise me cause i tell them straight to their face hey you your weed is wet or its not been flushed right what the fuck? But at least 99% of people using clubs in spain are for recreational purposes. Ive only met a couple of people using it for medicinal and they pay half price though not getting medical grade in my opinion. I like the good coffeeshops in holland, they know how its done. They have a small menu usually no more than 6 or 7 strains max, sometimes even less, but what they have is personal stash quality every fucking time. Though to be honest why get in it if youre not striving to have the absolute best quality possible? I knew dealers in the UK who sold better quality and stronger weed illegally than clubs over here legally. If they couldnt get the amazing shit theyd turn their phone off. Those guys did much better than the ones selling imported dutch and etc. There are some fantastic commercial growers in the england, especially in the midlands and up north. I suppose if youre getting paid 8g a k you might as well make it top notch lol.
The way medical grade cannabis is done in holland is pretty on it in my opinion and its how it should be done worldwide. I visited a medical facility in holland once and i was pretty impressed. It was basically a lab no use of pesticides or bottled nutrients but cleanliness was so high no shit could develop. They used organic soil with hummus and guano and grew a skunk cross that was done in like 55 days, water only not even molasses. They didnt recicle the soil though which surprised me. And the way they took clones was outrageous. They literally take cuttings and put them in party cuts and took 5 cuttings for every 1 rooted clone they needed, no hormones or aloe nothing. The product is distributed at pharmacies though. I did get to try some and it was off the fucking charts. But theyve got good skunk up in holland though. They did employ about 8 people to do the job one or 2 underground growers could do though.
To be honest i think its really easy and not too much work to grow commercially in a living soil, if you got a good base soil inoculated with bacteria and funghi and replenish the microbe populations from time to time and keep them fed as well as treating your room like its the cleanest laboratory ever it should be simple and the results in respect to quality are worth the little thats forgone in yield in comparisson to other methods. Mother nature already knows best, and treating your soil like a permaculture type set up is the key to organic cannabis growing, in my opinion.
To be perfectly honest i think the best way to guarantee good recreational quality weed for the stoning masses is with the creation of small! real! autocultivation groups. You get a maximum of about 100 people to be members hopefully all within the same group of friends, You open the collective grow get a good responsible grower to be in charge of the grow on a decent enough wage and attempt to get a 20% profit so as to assure the covering of all overheads. At the end of the year profits can go into improving the chilling place or a massive dinner for the members or munchies, drinks games books pay for people to come do stand up djs etc etc. I think with smaller clubs where everyone kind of or really know eachother its easier to keep good quality weed being grown for everyone as well as people could have more of a say in whats being grown and how etc etc.
If youre really gonna have medicinal cannabis it should be done in another way entirely with a pharmaceutical institution testing the output of every medical production facility and to be distributedat pharmacies like any other drug. This however might not be as efficient as being a member of a good autocultivation club in terms of finding different strains that work best for you.
The best quality strains and better grown stuff in cluibs is almost always not from the collective grow, but from illegal grows. It should be the other way around. But i get it thoughi really think the growers for associations dont get recompensated enough for the work they do. I was proposed by a club to be in charge of the collective grow and the conditions were almost bogus, dont know if they were trying to fuck me over being a foreigner or what but one would almost have to be crazy to sign a contract like that.