Funny how different strains clone (or not) though, it's usually worth a try if you're stuck, even a few weeks into flowering, specially if it's a strain that clones easily. The last round I had cut a bunch of clones from a couple of different plants, I misread one's sex, the "mom" ended up being a "dad" and I had to cull 6 male clones. To make them up, because these were for outdoor and the window is short, I cut 5 more from a 3 week flowering female Jack The Ripper. I didn't have anywhere to run the cloner properly but did have some seedlings at 24/0. I did nothing but cut the clones, no gels, no scraping, just stuck them straight into a party cup with PRO-Mix and into the seedling station 24/0, 4 of the 6 rooted within 3 weeks and are now growing outdoor. Prior round I had some Blueberry and tried the same thing, got 1 of 5 clones to root in soil. That's also why I use the aero cloner whenever possible though, it's like 95+% success, with any strain I've tried so far. Fortunately this Jack The Ripper clones super-easy, and it's killer weed, will be in my rounds for a while