Thundercat's Groooooooow

I usually recommend SGFCs over greenhouses, as GHs can
take a while to dial in, and this has to be repeated when the
humidifier is changed out.

You will want them to get good light throughout the fruiting process.
A 6500K CFL is a cheap source of the right type of light.

Good luck!
I think the greenhouse was kinda a dream :). I don't have the time or a good setup to keep one going RIGHT.

SGFC is basically what I did previously and hod good results. I used lasagna trays filled with a 50/50 mix of colonized WBS and course verm. Let them colonize a few days and the cased with moist verm. I very well might just do this again as I had good results and it was pretty simple.

I was also considering trying the mono tub method, it looks pretty similar. I could make mini mono tubs and put them into my SGFC, maybe the best of both worlds?

Last time I grew them I just hung a floro tube a few feet above the tote. I was thinking about mounting an LED to the lid this time.

Someone (Canndo I think) has told me a bunch of times the verm was useless other then just holding water. So I was also looking at some of the other techs and substrates considering mixing it up and trying something new that might have even better results. I've even considered ordering some pasturized poop.
Ok guys, so I've been around for a couple months. I've been enjoying all of your grows, and planning my own newest grow:mrgreen:. I've finally managed to get to the point I can start up. I recently got some genetics from a friend, and I thank you. Yesterday, and today I picked-up the better part of my supplies. I'm gonna post some pics of the early stages. I'll be adding more over the next few days, as I put this all together.

The Setup- I'm am going to be using a DIY tent, that will be 8'L x 6'H x 5'W. This tent will be made from 3/4" pvc for the frame, 6mil heavy duty plastic, and once i pick some up, I will cover the inside of the plastic with mylar, or some other highly reflective coating. I will also be building a seperate veg box, which will be mostly for clones, until they are a couple weeks old. For now, I am going to use the main tent for veg until I need the second location. I have a 1000w HPS lamp which I will be using, mostly for flowering, but I may veg under it for a period of time. I have also built a DIY light that will be used for my clones, and possibly for a mother plant or 2. This light is made from 8, 20-26w CFL bulbs. The reflector is made from a sheet of cardboard which I spray painted with chrome paint. It didn't really get very reflective, so once I get my mylar, I will be lineing the reflector with that.

I'll be running a box fan on low around the plants to start with, hopefully strengthening them. I'm going to be purchasing a carbon filter, and an exhaust fan, just havn't gotten there yet. I would also like to get a vented hood for my 1000w light, or perhaps a cooltube.

I'm still in the air about my planting technique. I am using a soil mix, part organic topsoil, part perlite, part vermiculite, a touch of water crystals, and I may also get some orgainc bonemeal to boost the phospate and nitrogen levels.( if I missed anything important in my soil mix let me know guys) What I'm in the air about is, I've been planning on useing Natmoon's airbasket technique, but I just havn't gotten around to getting those supplies yet. I've got to look and see what kind of price I can find, cus I dropped alot of money at lowes today. I may just use some growbags just havn't made up my mind yet.

Well that is long enough for the setup, I hope you guys all enjoy my grow as much as I have yours. Please contribute, I only have a few grows under my belt, and still have alot to learn. Thanks guys,

+rep just for thread title :P
Hey TC,

Trays work fine. do want a good % of the perlite uncovered though.

Do not put a mono into a SGFC. The idea behind them is fire and forget.

I have to admit that I cannot guarantee a mono for the first time with a
new strain of cube or other known species. They take dialing in to, in a way.

If you work with a strain for a few grows, it gets easier.

But the idea is that, other than taking the lid off and fanning the box, you
do not have to add moisture. You want to take some of the polyfil out of
one or more holes....that is the sort of thing your dial in.

Good luck,

THanks man! I see your another 08 member :) theres not enough of us left. Nice to have ya.
Haha yeah. Honestly I'm a poser tho...joined up when I was ~16 n posted maybe 10 times then went dormant for years. Been reading a lot but wasn't active until about a month ago...
Good looking out man. We'll see what I manage to put together.I'll prolly be starting with the same strains I took prints from a few years ago so I don't have to order more. I've still got sealed prints, and sealed syringes so if I kept them clean when i took them I should be good to go.

Ayron as along as you don't act like half these kids on here just spouting shit off they read then you will prolly be fine :).
Good looking out man. We'll see what I manage to put together.I'll prolly be starting with the same strains I took prints from a few years ago so I don't have to order more. I've still got sealed prints, and sealed syringes so if I kept them clean when i took them I should be good to go.

Ayron as along as you don't act like half these kids on here just spouting shit off they read then you will prolly be fine :).
Well I try sometimes but just in case I'm full of shit I added a disclaimer n my Sig lmao. I feel u tho, misinformation can roll off the tongue (err fingers?) Pretty easily - hard not to raise your hand when u think you know the answer :P
Hey guys got another update for ya! took some individual pictures of my tester plants this time since they are all a little bigger, and getting some personality. A few look similar so far, but there is some variation for sure in others. They all seem to be growing very nicely, and I'm guessing I should be able to take a clone off at least the tallest one with my next batch of clones. I labeled them 1-9 roughly by how they had sprouted. So with no further delay.....

#1 was the first to pop up, and has been the tallest ever since.

#2 has what seem to be common characteristics with some of the others.



#5 seems a little more compact so far, and like the leaves are a bit fatter.

#6 this plant was the first to really start with side branching.

#7 the leaves particularly the newer growth seem a bit more sativa on this one to me, though obviously still a strong hybrid.

#8 another all around nice looking hybrid, also showing some side branching already.

#9 last and seemingly least as it is the smallest. It was the last to break ground, and seems to be continuing to stay compact. I'm not hardly gonna count it out yet, it seems nice and healthy and is growing at almost the same rate as the others.

So there's the girls :), atleast we hope they are girls right. They will prolly be getting cloned in another couple weeks. I'll let the seedlings continue to grow out and shoot for 2-4 branches on each. Once I have rooted clones, I'll flower the seedlings. Couple months and we'll get to see what we've been waiting for.
i was going to try for some of the sin city testers but i am just not a poster of pics so i thought better of signing up. i will buy some more though when the cash flow is a little more stable.

i really like the petroleum nightmare from sin city. it has worked its way to my #2 favorite as of right now. so i will say that sin city gear has made it on my wish list for beans.
That was mostly for the benefit of the Sin city forum post. I copy and pasted most of it, and just took out a few things directed to them.

It kills me that the #1 plant is so much taller cus its gonna throw off the timing on the clones, but most of the others are uniform enough I should be able snip them all at the same time.

You know I've been pretty impressed by the Sin City gear Smoke and coke.
Took down a few plants tonight. I had 4 lemon thai kush, and a Cindy and the last critical jack. I got most of it trimmed up and drying, the Cindy I left the sugar leaves on cus its late and I wanna go to bed. The LTK should be 3-4 ounces I think, it yielded well.

All the clones I took the other day are rooted now also. Seems like the aloe worked well this time, since I didn't forget to water them :). I gotta get the picture up, but I made my first dabber the other day at the glass shop, and it turned out neat I think.
Hey hey guys! Hope everyone had a fantastic and safe 4th. We hung out most of the day, ate some food and then went downtown to watch the local fireworks. They were shooting them off of the tallest building in the city this year, so everyone got a good view. Well as we were walking around deciding where to set up I notice some people on top of a parking garage.... So we head up the stairs. It was awesome, there were only like 40-50 people up there so it wasn't crowded, and it was about 3 buildings away from where they shot them off so we had an outstanding view of the show! Ate some killer pizza, and drank a couple beers it was a blast.

I think today is gonna be some yard work, and then some work in the garden, and then maybe a few hits of acid to finish the day off :). Hehe, maybe I'll do that all in reverse and see how it goes.

My last batch of clones turned out great! They all are heavily rooted and are going into pots today. So I feel like the aloe did a good job on them. I'm gonna cut more clones today, and use the aloe again I think. Among the clones today will be all of the tester plants except the smallest its not quite big enough still.

A note on the lemon thai kush JD. As it was drying I noticed the smell seemed to actually get stronger. I just jarred it up yesterday, seemed about right. I havn't smoked any from this harvest yet, I'm gonna try to actually give it a couple weeks for once.
Took down a few plants tonight. I had 4 lemon thai kush, and a Cindy and the last critical jack. I got most of it trimmed up and drying, the Cindy I left the sugar leaves on cus its late and I wanna go to bed. The LTK should be 3-4 ounces I think, it yielded well.

All the clones I took the other day are rooted now also. Seems like the aloe worked well this time, since I didn't forget to water them :). I gotta get the picture up, but I made my first dabber the other day at the glass shop, and it turned out neat I think.

Yes you do :) I like seeing your glass skills progress just as much as your garden :)
Doing well here still. Haven't actually done any work yet. Just got back from taking the kiddo for a bike ride to the park. Gonna try to get a few things done now for real :).