nub ? - day count


Well-Known Member
When people say they are in day "XX" (not specifying day of vegging or flowering, but total days) does this count normally start from:

A: When they started trying to germ the seed?
B: When the taproot popped out of the seed?
C: When the seedling breached the surface of their soil / medium?

I know it's pretty trivial but I'm just curious...


Well-Known Member
sorry to hijack someones thread but can anyone look at my photos n tell me what is up with my plant, not sure if it's nute burn or some sort of mineral deficiency.strain is double berry. thanks
np got my answer..kinda odd place to post that but hopefully you get a good answer lol...

I always go with c
Looks like the verdict is in. Thanks guys


New Member
np got my answer..kinda odd place to post that but hopefully you get a good answer lol...

Looks like the verdict is in. Thanks guys
i can't seem to find a forum on mineral/nutrient problems, just went for the one with the newest post hoping for a quick answer


Well-Known Member
When people say they are in day "XX" (not specifying day of vegging or flowering, but total days) does this count normally start from:

A: When they started trying to germ the seed?
B: When the taproot popped out of the seed?
C: When the seedling breached the surface of their soil / medium?

I know it's pretty trivial but I'm just curious...
Its c for sure g banger
sorry to hijack someones thread but can anyone look at my photos n tell me what is up with my plant, not sure if it's nute burn or some sort of mineral deficiency.strain is double berry. thanks
Looks like ph probs or bita cal mag def


New Member

more info please ..soil..nutes..ppms ..ect.
soil; bowers general purpose compost ( have canna for next grow)
nutes, canna bio vega and bio flores, worked nutes up from 1/4 strength (0.5ml/l) to full strength over 3 week period, i have them in 9l pots, water every 2 days and leave an extra dry day on sunday, i feed, feed then water (distilled), been giving them about 500ml each. i had some nute problems earlier on due to premature feeding but overcame it. this doesn't look the same to me but i'm still learning so i might b totally wrong