Question about my super soil


Well-Known Member
I've been using a soil mix for the past few years that's been just amazing it has.

bagged potting soil
local compost
blood meal
bone meal
alfalfa meal
kelp meal
mycorrhizae fungi
Humic acid
fulvic acid
rock phosphate
Bat gauno ( 4kinds)
seabird guano
Epsom salt

I make different teas and always use molasses even with plain water with no tea.
I also use some additives like sensizyme and sugeree which i absolutely love.

my question is if I used A.N. connesiour in flower and their 3 part in veg would these kill any beneficial microbes and fungi.

I got these for free from my shop and aren't going to turn down free products but are these organic? I don't want to ruin my very expensive and high yielding. Soil by using thsee two products.

thanks RIU


Well-Known Member
So they will hurt my soil?

I'm aware of other chems that are not organic but also do not affectt the soil.

What are good additives to use with organic soil. Like bud candy big bud things of that nature.

Also does anyone know if my soil would benefit from a additive like tarantula or piranha?
i already grow my own mycorrhizae fungi regularly.


Well-Known Member
So they will hurt my soil?

I'm aware of other chems that are not organic but also do not affectt the soil.

What are good additives to use with organic soil. Like bud candy big bud things of that nature.

Also does anyone know if my soil would benefit from a additive like tarantula or piranha?
i already grow my own mycorrhizae fungi regularly.
Sounds to me like you are already on the snake oil band wagon.

I usually just add water, works great for my plants.

Super soil, gotta love it.

Guerrilla OP

Active Member
You simply do not need them in a good organic soil system... You shouldn't need to add any nutes until flowering at which time I'm a big fan of earth juice organic bloom and that's all I use... The biggest yielding highest quality plants I've seen use a similar simple recipe.


Well-Known Member
First off I'm not on the snake oil band wagon, if you would have read my post you would see I got them for free. And also you would notice I normally don't use anything except sugeree which does work I have 4 different grows that 50% used 50% didn't and you can notice a differnce.

Since no one has answered my question I'll take it to a different forum.

Instead of using just one chemical or in my case just bat guano I use a small amount of many different organics, because each thing has different amino acids, proteins, microbes and fungi

Silky Shagsalot

Well-Known Member
i doubt these things you want to use will kill anything. but if you do use anything, i'd use it at a reduced rate. if your medium already has nutes/feed, adding a full strength nute line could end up burning your plants.

Guerrilla OP

Active Member
First off I'm not on the snake oil band wagon, if you would have read my post you would see I got them for free. And also you would notice I normally don't use anything except sugeree which does work I have 4 different grows that 50% used 50% didn't and you can notice a differnce.

Since no one has answered my question I'll take it to a different forum.

Instead of using just one chemical or in my case just bat guano I use a small amount of many different organics, because each thing has different amino acids, proteins, microbes and fungi
Read the ingredients on the connesiour bottle, while I'm not sure if this will kill microbes as you have no idea what else is in these additives... You already have all these elements in your mix so there is absolutely no point in using them... I not sure which 3 part grow your using I was only aware of 2 part grows made by AN unless your talking about one of there little box sets... AN make very good hydro nutes however I would only ever use the sensi a+b, the rest of there little additives are a waist of time better off investing that money in more light much better results and cheaper... and these will obviously kill anything that is living they are highly concentrated synthetic chemicals... You have almost everything you can possibly put in your mix already in your mix... Your just doubling up on nutrients and elements your plants will never use... Have your mix tested for the N-P-K adjust until it's right this will then require no nutes until flower that's the point of building an organic mix... Then use an organic bloom nute like earth juice, AN or whatever... This is all a plant needs it can't process more nutrients than it needs the same as we don't keep eating when we are full....
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Well-Known Member
That's exactly what i was thinking, thanks for just reassuring me.

an has a 3part it is grow micro bloom.

i think I'll stick with my teas for flowering instead of using a a "premade" fert.


Well-Known Member
I would not use the bottled nutes on a living soil. Use them with a medium made of equal parts coco coir, vermiculite and perlite. May want to rinse every two weeks to wash out excessive salts.


Well-Known Member
I answered clearly. Do not use them. Yes, they will kill your soil food web. Yes, they are counterproductive to what you're trying to do. Use them on some random plant on your deck you do not care about if you really are bent on using them. I'd donate them to a hydro grower myself.


Well-Known Member
I know the nice thing to do would be to give them to a soil less grower but I think I'll just use them on my outside random plants and bushes and use the conn. On any flowering plants and bushes I have.

As far as using bottled products sugaree is not harmful to soil correct?

Guerrilla OP

Active Member
On there website it says sugaree is an organic carb and electrolyte mix if this is all it contains it should be fine, however the ingredients ect are not listed so I'm not sure if anything else is in that could be harmful but read the ingredients on the bottle this should tell you what you need to know...