Tent filling up....transpiration and space issues

A tower fan, or if you *have* to you could get a few small squares of rubber at your local hardware store - thickest they have. Lay the sheets on top of eachother, then put your fan on top of that. Could even throw a square of carpet over the top of that to further insulate the noise.
lol @ the very idea of a grow room being too noisy...

Its like saying "I wish I could flush my toilet after I take a shit, but when guests are over, I don't want them hearing the flushing sound, it's just so offensive"

Need to get real picky, get a nice long section (pref. straight) of 6 or 8" duct, and put the fan into the attic/roof area, bolted to the structure, w/ rubber washers, and connect it to the top of ur grow box...

If smell is a worry, get a filter on the tent end too.

Bottom line, if a fan or 2 in the room upstairs is "too much noise" consider donating your eardrums to someone who will put them to a more useful life....

My grow pulls in air from UNDER my home for fresh cool CO2 rich air... this makes the incoming air 10-30 degrees cooler than outside, as its a constantly shaded concrete slab under us, helps maintain cool :)
I think his issue is probably stealth :\ fans might not matter, but a fan coming from a closet in your room? That might raise an eyebrow to people if they somehow manage to see that there is no fan in sight.
lol @ the very idea of a grow room being too noisy...

Its like saying "I wish I could flush my toilet after I take a shit, but when guests are over, I don't want them hearing the flushing sound, it's just so offensive"

Need to get real picky, get a nice long section (pref. straight) of 6 or 8" duct, and put the fan into the attic/roof area, bolted to the structure, w/ rubber washers, and connect it to the top of ur grow box...

If smell is a worry, get a filter on the tent end too.

Bottom line, if a fan or 2 in the room upstairs is "too much noise" consider donating your eardrums to someone who will put them to a more useful life....

My grow pulls in air from UNDER my home for fresh cool CO2 rich air... this makes the incoming air 10-30 degrees cooler than outside, as its a constantly shaded concrete slab under us, helps maintain cool :)

Sorry, but there is simply no comparison between the occasional sound of a toilet flushing, and the constant whine and whirr from the poor quality inline fan that I have. It sounds like a small jet taking off, not like a small desk fan. That, running 24 hours, in an attic, with the window open and the next door neighbour's window open pretty much right next to it, is a lot more dodgy than flushing a damn toilet, get real.

I *have* a filter.

I am already growing in the attic. There is nowhere else for the fan to go.
the constant whine and whirr from the poor quality inline fan that I have.

And on page 2 we hit the source of the problem...

Drop your cheapo fire hazard, go get a quality in line fan. Yes, they cost a lot. Yes, its worth it. If ur worried about noise, get the 8" and a speed controller. Remember that the filter is sapping a LOT of airflow from the system, like a couple good bends in the duct.
And on page 2 we hit the source of the problem...

Drop your cheapo fire hazard, go get a quality in line fan. Yes, they cost a lot. Yes, its worth it. If ur worried about noise, get the 8" and a speed controller. Remember that the filter is sapping a LOT of airflow from the system, like a couple good bends in the duct.

Have just lost my job. Faced with a stark choice between paying the bills and feeding the family versus a quiet fan.

Bad times, bad times. Roll on harvest, at least I will be ganja rich! (And no, no I will not sell any to get a better fan, It's MINE, all MINE)
try suspending your fan from bungee cords screwed to something solid

Already have. It really is a noisy bugger.

if your having trouble feeding your family maybe you should sell your ganja or quit growing it..

I didn't PLAN to lose my job (as I recently have), furthermore I never said I was having trouble feeding my family, but if I went and spent $300 on a fan, I probably would.

Besides which, I am taking enough risk growing ganja for my medical needs, let alone selling it to other people.

So, your rather rude, insulting, holier-than-thou post was not only unhelpful but downright inaccurate. If that's all you can come up with then please don't bother posting on my threads.
$300 my ass you can get a perfectly fine 6" in-line for about 60-70.
Costs 3x a booster fan, moves 4x the air.

Whats your booster fan boosting? Nothing. Its trying to suck air thru a carbon filter, so the advertised CFM wil be like 240, on its own w/o a fan pushing it, you get around 120, drop a filter on the end plus even one bend, you got no air flow, a straining motor, and a lot of waste...

Er aren't being rude, were being realistic, you just don't see it from the cloud your on.....

And aside from that, are you growing auto's in the same room as phenos, and letting them run 12/12?
yeah your making mountains out of mole hills. i was just pointing this out with a little satire. so go smoke your mountain of ganja while your family is 300 dollars away from being in hunger. see what i did there.

make some room for a dehumidifier or something if your worried about losing your crop. next time do not overload your tent. you live and you learn. 1 or 2 clip on fans should be enough to move air around you dont need a breeze blowing through. and 1 inline fan hooked up to a carbon filter in the top of your tent should be enough. use passive air intake. if heat is a problem put a small fan blowing into your tent shouldnt need anything expensive.
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$300 my ass you can get a perfectly fine 6" in-line for about 60-70.
Costs 3x a booster fan, moves 4x the air.

Whats your booster fan boosting? Nothing. Its trying to suck air thru a carbon filter, so the advertised CFM wil be like 240, on its own w/o a fan pushing it, you get around 120, drop a filter on the end plus even one bend, you got no air flow, a straining motor, and a lot of waste...

Er aren't being rude, were being realistic, you just don't see it from the cloud your on.....

And aside from that, are you growing auto's in the same room as phenos, and letting them run 12/12?

Got a link to a silent inline for $60? If they are out there I'm keen! Just that all the hydro shops in my city don't have any for less than $300 (sure, crappy ones like Vents TT that sound like jet taking off).

Yes, running autos in same room as photos (phenos I'm guessing was a typo?), simply because I had some freebies and thought I would see what happened. Surprisingly good results so far, but lower yield than under 20 hours of light of course.

Now, onto your point about being "realistic".... saying I am unable to feed my family is not realistic, it is untrue and to be honest a bit insulting. That's all.

yeah your making mountains out of mole hills. i was just pointing this out with a little satire. so go smoke your mountain of ganja while your family is 300 dollars away from being in hunger. see what i did there.

make some room for a dehumidifier or something if your worried about losing your crop. next time do not overload your tent. you live and you learn. 1 or 2 clip on fans should be enough to move air around you dont need a breeze blowing through. and 1 inline fan hooked up to a carbon filter in the top of your tent should be enough. use passive air intake. if heat is a problem put a small fan blowing into your tent shouldnt need anything expensive.

I've borrowed a dehumidifier, but it's creating even more heat! Are the dehumidifying gel crystals worth a go? Temps were up to 96F last night :S

and yeah, you're right, classic newb mistake to overfill tent. Biggest mistake I made was a few weeks ago when I had to go away for 3 days and thought "I'll flip to 12/12 when I'm back. They grew a foot each in three days. As you say, you live you learn....
try putting the dehumidifier outside the tent maybe. it should help dry the air going into the tent possibly. you could experiment and see if that helps any because yeah they push out alot of heat if they run constantly.
It's already outside the tent, I figured inside the tent would a) be too hot and b) not be that effective due to the air exchange in there. It's still kicking out too much heat though :S
Oh yeah, and I should also say the other newbie lesson I've learned, which I already *knew* before I started but blundered in regardless....

With the dehumidifier sitting outside the tent, blowing air out the back and onto the intake, the humidity is still sitting at 71% !!!

Any suggestions how best to get that down? I don't want to turn the exhaust fan up much more due to noise and the fact the carbon filter doesn't work too well at higher fan levels. Any ideas *why* it's so high when I'm taking air in right from the dehumidifier? The machine is on about 50% to keep the temp down. Surely it should be doing more?!
yeah these next 2-3 months are the hardest part of indoor for me. i can barely keep temps under 90 in my veg room and i getting a 14k btu portable ac this week to add to my flower room.

at 71 you may be ok if you have the air being moved around enough in the tent. im assuming this is lights out humidity right? i would just try to dry the buds somewhere else but just do what you have to do to get by during these hot humid months. if your down in the south east it gets really bad for me. i do not use a tent and have my extraction fan turned down to like 20% so the ac can keep up and it usually keeps the humidity down on its own. the higher the temps the harder it is to control the humidity.

you could try pulling the air coming directly from the ac into your tent. try turning your extraction fan down low as well. you will just have to fiddle with it to figure it out. i would turn the dehumidifier down to 40 or 30% maybe to see how it effects the tent.
yeah these next 2-3 months are the hardest part of indoor for me. i can barely keep temps under 90 in my veg room and i getting a 14k btu portable ac this week to add to my flower room.

at 71 you may be ok if you have the air being moved around enough in the tent. im assuming this is lights out humidity right? i would just try to dry the buds somewhere else but just do what you have to do to get by during these hot humid months. if your down in the south east it gets really bad for me. i do not use a tent and have my extraction fan turned down to like 20% so the ac can keep up and it usually keeps the humidity down on its own. the higher the temps the harder it is to control the humidity.

you could try pulling the air coming directly from the ac into your tent. try turning your extraction fan down low as well. you will just have to fiddle with it to figure it out. i would turn the dehumidifier down to 40 or 30% maybe to see how it effects the tent.

I would love to get an air conditioner but they really are prohibitively expensive. It would kill two birds with one stone though. 71 is the humidity i clocked yesterday 1h30 after lights on :S really very high. Thankfully the weather's r/h has dropped today and we are in for some cooler, less humid days ahead which will give me some respite from the worrying, but I have to come up with a plan for when it next gets hot and sticky! I have 9 weeks to go until my final plant will be ready. I really am a dumbass for doing my first grow in the height of summer.
it will be fine, i went my first year with just a small window unit and thats about it. ive been able to slowly grow the op after a few good harvests. im at the point now where i just have to replace all my lights and filters once a year from here on out and just getting nutrients and stuff. started with 400 watts up to 5200 now. just add a tower fan and keep the air moving around even though the humidity is high it should help stop mold and and mildew hopefully.
Thanks MrBlu, I will keep my fingers crossed! I currently have a desk fan oscillating in there but it's a) noisy and b) only blowing around the lower parts of the plants. A tower fan would be ideal. I'm going to go shopping for one later this week, just got to find one that runs quiet enough.