Has anybody ever bought stealth shipping but had there seeds taken away?


Well-Known Member

Has anybody ever bought seeds before and bought stealth shipping but the seeds were taken away by customs?

DR. VonDankenstine

Well-Known Member
It is a risk you take when you order seeds----my thoughts are that you pay and send good money to the seed banks-if customs gets the seeds-the banks didn't do there part to stealth them---they should resend a new pack---it's called customer service---there are too many good seed banks to waste your time with shitty one's----more people should post there experiences---good/ and bad so that we can weed out the "BAD SEEDS" and get the business to the reputable companies taking care of there pep's.


Well-Known Member
I vote for Nirvana. Ordred three times and got all three orders, very stealthy and i got a free wallet too. Whats BC Seed King like? has any1 tried em?


Well-Known Member
Is this not the same thread basically you already have up? I will say it again...move out of your parents house then grow. If i was your parent and I had caught you with seeds before and I found you ordering seeds from out of the country to my house you would be a fuckin dead man...wise up young feller:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
dude chill out honkeytown, the boy just wants some cheap weed and not buy shit of dealers all the time. if I was that kid and I got caught, I would say that its for medical purposes like trouble sleeping. I actually had a very bad sleeping problem myself and weed fixed it up for me. Anyway have a good day,


Well-Known Member
dude chill out honkeytown, the boy just wants some cheap weed and not buy shit of dealers all the time. if I was that kid and I got caught, I would say that its for medical purposes like trouble sleeping. I actually had a very bad sleeping problem myself and weed fixed it up for me. Anyway have a good day,
he lives with his mom and dad bro....i doubt they will believe it's for medical use....I am just tryin to save this kid from himself man....that's all. why get in trouble when you dont have to...just my thoughts. I am not trying to be a dick at all. I just really think it's a bad idea. go check out his other thread about ordering seeds.....and like I said. I am just trying to help this kid stay out of trouble. I dont know why everyone on this site thinks its a good idea for kids to grow behind their parents backs. :blsmoke::peace:


Well-Known Member
when I was 18 I revealed my little hobby to mom, she got to see it the day it left her house!!! as a horticultrist she was impressed, but as most mothers would be was concerned. Considering how often I used marijuana recreationally, it is hard for her to understand my need for medicine. With chronic pain, anxiety, depression, any of those...there are ways to medicate yourself mainly pharmecuticals...marijuana is one of the few herbs that has bountiful medicinal properties....our country is finally making a change, hopefully this prohibition ends soon, until then all you gotta do is keep fighting for what you know is right!!! They can't lock you up for ordering seeds...you may loose some cash....but order away dude!!! I would HIGHLY recommend drchronic and look for the SWEETTOOTH on there, breathtaking!


Well-Known Member
he lives with his mom and dad bro....i doubt they will believe it's for medical use....I am just tryin to save this kid from himself man....that's all. why get in trouble when you dont have to...just my thoughts. I am not trying to be a dick at all. I just really think it's a bad idea. go check out his other thread about ordering seeds.....and like I said. I am just trying to help this kid stay out of trouble. I dont know why everyone on this site thinks its a good idea for kids to grow behind their parents backs. :blsmoke::peace:

I dont think growing behind parents backs in their parents homes is a good idea,infact i think its a slap in the parents faces, especially when i see or read about the dangerous ass grow op's most of these nieve children set up in closets,garages & attics,ive said 1,000 times on this site,children are foolish & dangerous by nature.

The only members on this site who think it's a good idea for children to disobey their parents wishes & start a fire trap grow op in the parents home are ones who are still children posing as adults, or very young adults (in legality not mentality) who have not gained enough life experience to make qualified gudgement calls about the welfare of children.

And yes 17 years old is still a child for all those here posing as adults,and if your still living with mom & dad it dont matter how old you are,until every decision you make effects how you exisist then your still a child,kicking mom a few bucks for rent does not a man make.


Well-Known Member
I dont think growing behind parents backs in their parents homes is a good idea,infact i think its a slap in the parents faces, especially when i see or read about the dangerous ass grow op's most of these nieve children set up in closets,garages & attics,ive said 1,000 times on this site,children are foolish & dangerous by nature.

The only members on this site who think it's a good idea for children to disobey their parents wishes & start a fire trap grow op in the parents home are ones who are still children posing as adults, or very young adults (in legality not mentality) who have not gained enough life experience to make qualified gudgement calls about the welfare of children.

And yes 17 years old is still a child for all those here posing as adults,and if your still living with mom & dad it dont matter how old you are,until every decision you make effects how you exisist then your still a child,kicking mom a few bucks for rent does not a man make.
Word....true story:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
U.S. Customs just got my Early Misty seeds from Nirvana this week. They sent me the Nirvana package with the free wallet but no seeds. Also a letter from boarder protection saying that my seeds were confiscated and my package scanned.. Case number (the whole nine). All I ordered were 10 seeds... Good thing I used a different name....


Well-Known Member
U.S. Customs just got my Early Misty seeds from Nirvana this week. They sent me the Nirvana package with the free wallet but no seeds. Also a letter from boarder protection saying that my seeds were confiscated and my package scanned.. Case number (the whole nine). All I ordered were 10 seeds... Good thing I used a different name....