What herb behaves most like cannabis


Active Member
I don't have access to a real plant due to some absurd environmental problems. I want to practice the techniques i'm learning by hanging around this forum on something like cannabis, what is the most similar plant (in terms of how it grows) I can find commonly.


Active Member

Nah! I thought about doing this also but figured that it was a waste if doing it indoors.
I mail ordered some seeds and it worked out well.
What are the environmental problems? I'm curious.


Active Member
Grow some Beer...

I can attest to tomatos. They have a distinct veg then flower phase and their new growth from the nodes is similar. You could practice training them in limited space.


Well-Known Member
You know, I dont know the name of the plant but if you're in the Southern US go for a drive and check out the side of the road when you get out in the country. Theres a plant that I swear has to be related to marijuana, looks a LOT like it - just real lanky. You could dig those up and practice!


Well-Known Member
You know, I dont know the name of the plant but if you're in the Southern US go for a drive and check out the side of the road when you get out in the country. Theres a plant that I swear has to be related to marijuana, looks a LOT like it - just real lanky. You could dig those up and practice!
I think you're talking about a desert orchid which somewhat resemble Sativas.

OP, grow tomatoes!


Well-Known Member
As Charface and DonVega have mentioned tomatoes would be pretty darn close. If you can grow a tomato plant all the way through and your fruit is tasty, you can replicate that with cannabis.

I even use the same organic soil concentrate for tomatoes and cannabis.


Active Member

Nah! I thought about doing this also but figured that it was a waste if doing it indoors.
I mail ordered some seeds and it worked out well.
What are the environmental problems? I'm curious.
My environmental problems are similar to the ones you have to deal with in your thread actually... crazy unbending people nearby and I honestly am just awful at finding places to buy any kind of shwag local, let alone some really delicious seeds.

I just read through your stealth grow experience (despite the disclaimer in your sig) and really enjoyed it. If you're still having trouble with filters I read about an easy one with scotchbrite pads and liquid carbon on here that costs like $3 to make.

And update, I don't know if they are similar but I'm about to try growing strawberries while I wait for what I really want.


Well-Known Member
You know, I dont know the name of the plant but if you're in the Southern US go for a drive and check out the side of the road when you get out in the country. Theres a plant that I swear has to be related to marijuana, looks a LOT like it - just real lanky. You could dig those up and practice!
I am pretty sure the only family member Cannabis has is hops.

They don't grow the same though. Other than the photosynthesis part.


Well-Known Member
ahahaha every1 says tomato after 15 years at uni on plant horticulture i hate to say use are all so wrong lolol it would be strawberrys bro closest cosuin


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
I don't have access to a real plant due to some absurd environmental problems. I want to practice the techniques i'm learning by hanging around this forum on something like cannabis, what is the most similar plant (in terms of how it grows) I can find commonly.
erm .. hemp ?

1kg of hemp seeds from the pet shop or health food shop is about £5-10

you could do lots of practicing with those lol


Well-Known Member
ofc theres is but strawberrys is it closest cousin not tomatos just wanna clear that up
From what I was reading, which was brief, strawberries were not listed as family.

They split after the Rosids part. So same Order not same family?

But the question was what grows closest to Cannabis. From what I know about about Cannabis and Strawberries, again that isn't much, they are not similar in growth patterns.

Even tomatoes aren't that close. The feeding schedule is pretty similar and they both stretch when flowering. Cannabis is Cannabis and Tomatoes are Tomatoes. Strawberries don't really grow up, they just kinda lay there or you can use one of those topsy turvy things.

Personally I wouldn't be so worried as to getting practice with something similar. I would try to focus more on growing as a whole. Grow some veggies at first, lettuce is pretty forgiving, Aloe Vera is awesome to have around and is near impossible to kill. Good luck on your growing stuff. OP.