why did your god create a sun that will soon burn out ?

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Well-Known Member
you have to decode the mesage of sublimes homie.. dam i didnt know this dude droped the N word so many times it was edited realy nice on the album.. lolz fucken crazzy right??
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Well-Known Member
why did your god give life a time limit ? we all know our sun will burn out soon enough and all life on this planet will cease to exist why is that ? and why was there no mention of this in any of the holy books or scripture ?
That's going to be billions of years from now. The moon will escape its orbit long before then, causing the Earth's axis to wobble drastically, and making life nearly impossible due to extremes in weather. Still, even that's billions of years away.


Well-Known Member
so you think it was your farthers plan for us to somehow escape his 'wonderfull creation ' ? why did he just not make a sun that burns forever .
I'm not saying that this is practical, but its possible just to keep adding hydrogen to the sun, to keep it burning until you run out of hydrogen.

But where are you going to find enough hydrogen, to keep it burning "forever"?



bud bootlegger
my first problem with your question is that i don't think any god created the sun, it just is, same as all life in the universe.
secondly, if i were to believe in a typical man in the clouds, say a christian god at that, the answer would be very easy.. that sort of god is mean, and isn't his whole thing to repent so one can get into heaven? that right there tells me he didn't ever expect people to live forever, therefore he didn't really care if the sun where to go dark in billions of years..
my $.02


Active Member
I'm not saying that this is practical, but its possible just to keep adding hydrogen to the sun, to keep it burning until you run out of hydrogen.

But where are you going to find enough hydrogen, to keep it burning "forever"?


Not even in theory, spent fuel eventually turns into iron destroying the star.

If you add more hydrogen, the star will just get bigger speeding up the process of destruction. The irony is that our sun is already small and will burn for much longer than most stars.


Well-Known Member
Not even in theory, spent fuel eventually turns into iron destroying the star.

If you add more hydrogen, the star will just get bigger speeding up the process of destruction. The irony is that our sun is already small and will burn for much longer than most stars.
Thanks for correcting Me.

Im not a scientist, so sometimes I just guess at things.



Well-Known Member
Suns create every element known to us internally. One at a time by atoms colliding and producing the next element in the order. Every element gives off new energy when its created keeping the star alive, until nothing is left but iron. Iron is the only element that absorbs more energy than it releases. once iron is made the sun loses its gravital center and begins to expand. Once it expands enough, it will go boom.... and elements will go shooting through the universe. Star dust


Well-Known Member
why did your god give life a time limit ? we all know our sun will burn out soon enough and all life on this planet will cease to exist why is that ? and why was there no mention of this in any of the holy books or scripture ?
Soon burn out?

I assure you the sun won't be burning out anytime soon we are in revelations now. GOD uses the universe to display events it's a giant clock counting down to when GOD will make all things which are Old New.
- Predicts the war currently happening in Israel. Right on time with Blood moon tetrad.

ThE sAtIvA hIgH

Well-Known Member
Soon burn out?

I assure you the sun won't be burning out anytime soon we are in revelations now. GOD uses the universe to display events it's a giant clock counting down to when GOD will make all things which are Old New.
- Predicts the war currently happening in Israel. Right on time with Blood moon tetrad.
LOL they have been fighting for years , so the prediction is nonsense .


Active Member
An old pastor of mine once told me that "Some people are so heavenly minded that they are no earthly good.". I def think ghost buster/driver (wtfe) falls into that category.


Well-Known Member
I stopped watching after the first video.... but i believe this is the what went down with luther and the catholic church

Luther took the catholic bible and translated it from Latin. Before this, the catholic church had the power to interpret the word of the book however they deemed fit because they had the only copies, and the common people could not read latin. The catholics also had a complete monopoly on all donations to church and god.

Luther thought it was important for the masses to be able to understand, and interpret the word for themselves, so he translated and gave out the good book to the masses.

A lot of denominations really did started purely for offerings, using *fence laws and subtle differences in interpretation to split off other denominations. Some, many, all or none solely started with intent of taxing their congregation and running religion as a business.

I personally believe that if you fallow the ten comandments and live an honest life filled with love, then you can build a relationship with the holy spirit and and it will guide you down your path. I also believe its incredibly important to respect others views and interpretations, as everyone is different and needs it to relate to them and their unique experiences; and if they are good people, no use causing a muck putting their belief under a microscope. If they have faith, and a yearning for a relationship with the holy spirit, it will be with them just as much as it is with you, no matter the subtle or drastic differences in your belief.

Live your life well, find happiness through love of all things, be an example. If asked, always openly express your love of god and the blessings he brings, even your personal beliefs. But if you start throwing out your interpretations of the word as more than interpretation, could that be considered blasphemy if expressed as fact? I do appreciate people spreading the good word, but doing it too blatantly, i feel, can sometimes have a negative affect. A lot of times it occurs when examining the good book under a microscope IMO. People get defensive about their beliefs and non beliefs, so tread lightly is all im saying.

Tackle the big ten, then surrender yourself to your faith and realise your path is not the same as everyone elses.

I would think it could take a lifetime filled with love and loss to reach the enlightenment needed to preach interpretation of the book as hard fact that relates to all equally.

Maybe thays why the catholic church was set up the way it was, to have the oldest, most enlightened people interpreting the word as one gospel as to not create diversity through the love of the same thing.

However, man will falter and subside to temptation, sadness, greed etc., so it is important to keep corruption out of the church if unified. I have a hunch corruption may have been a reason for the translation and spread of the book in the first place, but that is 100% pure personal speculation.

*fence laws are all the subtle rules in the bible that if interpretted sctictly enough, would make it seem impossible to be granted passage to heaven.

As I see it, could even have been a scare tactic to get people to give more offerings to make up for their shortcomings. Whether thats an accurate depiction who knows, but seems logical there would be business minded men posing as godly men for free money once a week... then once money is involved it turns from religion to politics... once politics start, so does control. Whats best for controlling the masses?

Statistics woukd show that people much smarter than I, throughout history have detirmined the answere to that is!!!........


Still works today in world politics... economic polotics... legislative politics.... AND religion.
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Well-Known Member
An old pastor of mine once told me that "Some people are so heavenly minded that they are no earthly good.". I def think ghost buster/driver (wtfe) falls into that category.
Would you say my approach falls into the same category? Its lengthy, but i did try and remain anti-objectional.


Well-Known Member
LOL they have been fighting for years , so the prediction is nonsense .
In all honesty what weight does your argument of the length these two sides have been fighting hold?

I think a prophecy could go either way. Could be considered miraculous if the fighting started just before, but it holds just as much if not more weight that the fight has lasted this long with no reconciliation. And all the way up to the prophesized date date at that.

If they hadnt been fighting this entire time, how could you decipher prophecy from chance. Destinction from one random act vs decades of unresolve...

"Satans biggest feat was convincing man he doesnt exist"