AllDayToker's Adventure of Greener Living - HPS Perpetual Closet Grow


Well-Known Member
Damn,Bro you have more Lucid x seeds and didnt think to plant Em.....
That plant would be growing nonstop if I had it!
From what all you say about it what more could you want?:weed:
Yeah I guess I just wasn't thinkin' lmao. Really was an amazing plant, can't wait to start growing it again.

Think I should just do four at first since I am probably going to do jsut two of them in flower, or should I do them all like a SOG and maybe look for phenos I like and possibly get pollen?


Well-Known Member
Think I should just do four at first since I am probably going to do jsut two of them in flower, or should I do them all like a SOG and maybe look for phenos I like and possibly get pollen?

This lost me,You asking about the lucid.....
Im really BAKED @ the moment,My buddy did a cross of the SL and
and a pineapple chunk man this chit is bomb.
He gave me a 1/4 to try.:clap:


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone sorry I haven't been on. The festival that we have in our local town every year is this weekend, so been out drinkin and walking around. Just at home for a bit then going back down there, will post some updates and stuff tomorrow.

Stay green everyone! I'm gettin red as fk from this sun, BURNT! haha


Well-Known Member
Think I should just do four at first since I am probably going to do jsut two of them in flower, or should I do them all like a SOG and maybe look for phenos I like and possibly get pollen?

This lost me,You asking about the lucid.....
Im really BAKED @ the moment,My buddy did a cross of the SL and
and a pineapple chunk man this chit is bomb.
He gave me a 1/4 to try.:clap:
Yeah talking about the Lucid. I got 12 seeds, trying to decide to start four and grow them out and find phenos that way, or do a SOG, start them all, and go on a pheno hunt, breed in what I like and out what I don't, make it my own, ect.


Well-Known Member
Yeah talking about the Lucid. I got 12 seeds, trying to decide to start four and grow them out and find phenos that way, or do a SOG, start them all, and go on a pheno hunt, breed in what I like and out what I don't, make it my own, ect.
Now these 12 are not from the last Lucid x are they..........Or just more you had justtt LAYING AROUND.bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
Last big night of the festival, gets rained out... SO LAME!

Well I guess I'll be less hung over tomorrow and will defiantly be posting updates lol.

Happens every year, either too hot or raining. I still love it though, the enviorment is just like a sweet vacation you don't have to travel out of states too haha.

Oh on a good note a buddy of mine came down from Minnesota. I guess they need a grower that knows what they are doing because they are practicing with T5s and tomato plants. lmao. Says they got a warehouse ready to go that they are using the tomatoes with. Going to go up there and blow their minds with minimal feeding, HID lighting, and straight skill. It's crazy how this guy got millions of dollars of donations and no one in their group knows the first thing about growing!! I'm going to be running a warehouse within the year, about 100 yards each way...

Things are looking crazy for my future, and it's what I like. I want to grow for a living and I don't plan on doing anything else for the rest of my life. Only took a little time and work to get noticed, but I did, and I'm going places!

Toking this last bowl for the night to all of the wonderfulness that has happened over this weekend. Even though it ended early, the news is long term. Things are finally looking up in my book, which is very rare for me.

Time for life to begin? I'm out for the night, see how I feel in the morning for the wake and bake.

Stay green everyone!!


Well-Known Member
Got on a ramble tonight, exciting news for me.

Really quiet every where now days.

I'll be at both forums if you ever need to hit me up. Just going to be cruising on my own, updating on both here and RIU.

Taking some action, moving my little 600w 4x2 grow to a complete warehouse from the sounds of it. Great part is it's about 4 hours away from where I live now, incredibly low cost for me, and I'll be teaching people what I learned from these forums, all the ORGANICS, and we will be producing product that is "high shelf" and with minimal feeding with good LIVING soil, I'm going to blow their minds. Going to take over their little "thing" they got going hahaha.

Will be great doing what I've always wanted to do for a living. With all this money and resources I'll be able to create my own strains, especially the Lucid X that will become an "ADT Exclusive"

Time for the up and up, it's about time someone picks me out for my green thumb. I should get some pictures up of the first plant I ever grew. No drainage pot, random ass soil mix, random weird feeding, bagseed, T5s and CFLs, turned out amazing! My first plant under the 600w was incredible, the Lucid X I'm bringing back.

Can't wait to show people what I'm made of, someone that doesn't plan on doing anything else but what they are doing, you cannot beat that dedication. Every stoner always thought of a life of making smoking bud a living. Only the ones with passion actually succeed.


Well-Known Member
The twelve I have I found while chopping or breaking it up to smoke. They aren't just random seeds like the first was.
Well from my doings the seeds that I do find are fems or hermies,So I dont think ya are gonna find any males,to get pollen.I only have found 3-5 per plant before,and they were from a Ak47 and all grew just like the one they came from so no pheno hunting.

:clap:Congrates on the news hope it all works out for ya.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the info Beech. I'll be starting some Lucid X seeds today, well get them germ'in.


Alright so I took a quick shot of the whole closest before lights came on. These girls are sure growing quick for still having a month+ when I figured they would all finish. Crystals are just starting to come in, they are about 2-3 weeks in so right when you want to see them on any have decent strains lol :p

Then there is this one AK48 that is on the shorter side, but is just packing on the bud fast, going to be a damn cola from top to bottom haha. I can see this one finishing fast.

I'll post some better pictures when I take them out later.

Stay Green! :mrgreen: