Zimmerman lawsuit against NBC


Well-Known Member
You have yet to prove me wrong. Sometimes pretending you have done something you haven't really done is just plain lying.
I tell you what ...lets make a bet. I say Cheney still had Halliburton stock options up until 2005.. You said he did not after he took office as the VP.. If I'm right you get the fuck out the political section. If I'm wrong I will do the same.
the bet was this. It's marked and quoted. You took the bet.I just hope you learned something, but what I'm seeing from your past. You never learn from your mistakes.


Well-Known Member
I wonder was insurance money involved ???
he claims there wasn't much, but we all know how much red lies.

A $10,000 policy on the second wife didn't even pay for the funeral.
another interesting bit from that thread:

You use the implication of homosexuality as an attack. That proves you believe being gay is to be despised.
fast forward a bit:

For a confessed cock sucker to insult those he has never met by calling them "homo" seems rather strange, but it it consistant with the rest of your lack of logic.
red just keeps on owning himself.


Well-Known Member
You have yet to prove anything. Declaring victory while running from the battle? And where did "You said he did not after he took office as the VP"?
you took the bet
I tell you what ...lets make a bet. I say Cheney still had Halliburton stock options up until 2005.. You said he did not after he took office as the VP.. If I'm right you get the fuck out the political section. If I'm wrong I will do the same.
I took the bet.


Well-Known Member
this site really needs some rational republicans and righties.

the ones we have are fucking crazy ass racists, liars, scumbag thieves, white supremacists and just generally horrible people.
LMFAO.......that is rich coming from an unemployed, living off his wife and in-laws, cuckold douchebag who, although he claims to be a LIBERAL has never done any volunteer work in his life......because it's all about ME..LMFAO.....welfare checks come next week Buck, maybe buy yourself a new pair of flip flops and play some golf....bwhahahaahahahaha