First grow, need help!

Hey guys, im using cfl lights in a homemade grow box I made to grow 2 seedlings I got from a mate, the box is ventilated, reflective and I have more than enough light.. The box usually sits at a temp of about 27-30 degrees celcius. I topped one of the plants and left the younger one to grow for now, and im just confused as my friends plants are growing more and more each day and I just want to know if im doing anything wrong.. I recently used a rootblast nutrient also (which is low in all three nutes) and I may have slightly over watered the other day. Any ideas on what to do differently? Apart from new lights etc, this is a closet grow for a reason. Also I supercropped the main stem. Help a new zealand stoner out! :)



Well-Known Member
Plant doesn't look too bad off but I would stop messing with it if I were you. Only water when the container it is in feels light and stop giving it any notes until its gets back on track and is growing. And, then, give it a low dose feeding, slowly working your way up in strength to see how it reacts. As long as your temps stay where they are and you keep some air moving you should be fine.
Thanks man, I guess thats all I can do, I was just a little tripped out about the new growth because its nothing ive ever seen before in grows that ive seen. And ive been told to upgrade the pot to next size up which is a little bigger, unsure though. Oh well heres hoping!


Well-Known Member
Yeah, it looks like you could jump up in pot size too if you wanted. I would just upgrade to the size of pot you plan to finish in, but thats just me. I hate messing with up canning and messing with their roots.
Sweet man ill do that today. If anyone else has any other ideas please post on this thread. I will be using a 70% compost 30% perlite mix that I will mix myself for repotting as the soil I used first didnt drain as well as it should according to my mother who is an experienced grower of legal plants lmao (growing is illegal in new zealand god only knows why). Cheers guys.
If you could shoot us through a list of your lights that would help a lot :)

From what I can see your plant is doing alright and although I am a newbie myself I have a few suggestions...

> Get some store bought soil (to me it looks like some back yard soil but i could be wrong)

>Maybe raise your lights - the plant seems to be bonsai-ing itself. this is hard to explain but if the lights are to close the plant will get bushy but not really develop any further.

>DON'T fertilize until 4 week's in - this is mentioned much here but from what I see plants only suffer if nutes etc are given any earlier and they love it any time after around the four week mark.

>I recommend putting it outside preferably on a roof or something of the kind so it can get a full days sunlight and not be moved around to much. Give it sun light and water and nothing else. (maybe if my previous point about soil is right, some new soil could be beneficial but not if this is going to give the baby excessive amount of stress.) Once your baby's are developed roughly 4-5 weeks in move them into your grow box and then start to slowly feed more and more nutes.

>Add more light! If you rule out the factor of heat a plant simply cant have too much light so... Add some side lights to promote outwoods growth (its not all about height) all it'll take is 1-3 CFL'S. Adding side lights can also give you some ability to change up your spectrum by adding some 'warm white' tones.

I noticed your a Newzealander so I've guessed your nights go bellow 5 degrees (C.)?If this is the case either bring them inside with out seeing any light over night or if its not completely necessary to move them indoors then just add some mulch or straw on top of your soil this will help stop roots from freezing over night or getting to cold and will also minimize watering vist's.

Most of all... Stay high, positive and enlightened.
Hi sirsmokealot, the lights im using are 3 cool daylight 1400lumens 80watt cfl lights, nd I added in a similar watt and lumen led light not long ago. Fortunately I am going for the bonsai effect, however will the lights being a little closer minimise yield? Haha no no not back yard soil, organic compost, however I did add 30% perlite today whilst repotting for drainage etc. my grow box stays at 25-30 degresslles all the time and ive been told good ventilation, proper temp and lighting is key but my source could be wrong (i wouldnt have a clue haha) any other tips would be muchly appreciated as I want the best for my girls!
Hi sirsmokealot, the lights im using are 3 cool daylight 1400lumens 80watt cfl lights, nd I added in a similar watt and lumen led light not long ago. Fortunately I am going for the bonsai effect, however will the lights being a little closer minimise yield? Haha no no not back yard soil, organic compost, however I did add 30% perlite today whilst repotting for drainage etc. my grow box stays at 25-30 degresslles all the time and ive been told good ventilation, proper temp and lighting is key but my source could be wrong (i wouldnt have a clue haha) any other tips would be muchly appreciated as I want the best for my girls!


The current CFL'S you have sound perfect my question being are they 80 true watts or is that equivalent rating comparing say a 24watt CFL to a 100watt halogen? Its important to realize this because equivalent wattage means nothing, its all about the true wattage if that makes sense?

Due to CFL'S low penetration you want your globes to be as close as possible the common trend is 1inch away but even this is only so one doesn't have to move their lights on a daily basic, if your happy to highten your lights daily then feel free to go even closer. There fear of having your lights to close and resulting in a lower yield isn't something i've heard of before. You may be correct as I have no first hand experience but to me this seems unlikely.

If you want a juicy plant get as close as you can with your light surround your plants in lights from side to side on top and bellow.

All in all the aim of the game is to light that mofo up like there's no tomorow while trying to keep temp low. To find an equalibrium if you will.

Hope this helps feel free to drop us a messeage with any more q's.

Stay high :weed:
Cheers for all the help bro, appreciate it. Will be constructing a better box this week with internal fans and more space for more lights, like you said. Also just a question, im hoping for a quicker grow for accomodation reasons and was wondering how early in vegetative stage I can switch up to 12/12 light dark to trigger flowering cycle, but still with decent yield.. Not hoping for bulk weed just seeing if I can grow skunky gank :p. I am aware of height boost in flowering just seeing if it matters how long I wait. Thanks dude.
Cheers for all the help bro, appreciate it. Will be constructing a better box this week with internal fans and more space for more lights, like you said. Also just a question, im hoping for a quicker grow for accomodation reasons and was wondering how early in vegetative stage I can switch up to 12/12 light dark to trigger flowering cycle, but still with decent yield.. Not hoping for bulk weed just seeing if I can grow skunky gank :p. I am aware of height boost in flowering just seeing if it matters how long I wait. Thanks dude.

Hi! glad to hear I've helped out abit...

The 12/12 flowering cycle can be put into place day one if you want up to you, most like to wait for whats called "pre flowering signs" once these have been identified, they change the cycle to 12/12 this is the "best" way to do it but feel free to play around with it. If you think about it we may as well, we have so much knowledge at our disposal through things such as rollitiup/ youtube and even google itself to learn how to modify and play with such an amazing plant I for one feel almost obliged not too... but thats just me bongsmilie

Stay high my man