Attn ALL Female Members of RIU

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Global Mod, Stoner Chic
heehe! everyone seems really nice here, im always afriad of joining new fourms because sometimes people can be really prick like on them.
Stick with the chicks, cause we ain't pricks (most of the time, lol). Welcome Sunni :mrgreen::peace:
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Well-Known Member
joined today , and i am a chick:)
Welcome... Always nice to see new faces?? typing.... Plus a fellow Canuck.. :blsmoke:

heehe! everyone seems really nice here, im always afriad of joining new fourms because sometimes people can be really prick like on them.
We're pretty nice here :blsmoke:
Most of the time... :twisted:..... :mrgreen:

Stick with the chicks, cause we ain't pricks (most of the time, lol). Welcome Sunni :mrgreen::peace:


New Member
heehe! everyone seems really nice here, im always afriad of joining new fourms because sometimes people can be really prick like on them.
don't kid yourself...these people are fucking insane...get out while you still can...leave before they suck you in and you become one of them...RUN>......................:mrgreen:
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