What is your age, sex, and location?


Well-Known Member
Why do you want to know this George?
You can call Me "Curious George", lol...

I think its interesting to see where everyone is from around the globe. And its also nice to know peoples gender.

Its not like I am forcing anyone to say anything that would get them into trouble: I'm not asking people to state their name, that might get people into trouble. Just your age, sex, and location (but location is optional).



Well-Known Member
Two out of three questions can be answered by clicking on the mask <------- and why are you asking for realz Chuey...your gonna freak people out kinda like if I put one of those IP tracker things in my sig no one would like my posts


Well-Known Member
I am now going to play My youtube videos of Myself, so you guys can see (and hear) exactly who you are talking to.

I will be right back.



Well-Known Member
I'm Christ and these are My novel inventions for the future!

Jesus came in 2008???

Crazy talk LOL!

More CRAZY ideas that I think are CRAZY COOL!

Just some random thoughts I've been thinking of!



Well-Known Member
Well you know NASA covered up a chick that they found on the moon


(This might be bullshit)

They saw several structures like sealed off rock type buildings

If I can find the video ill post it on here

Its a REALLY REALLY eerie video

You can hear niel Armstrong saying stuff

And (this also might be bullshit) they compared the sound to the one of the when he fist was in the moon the part they wanted you to see and it was identical

And there was a note on the woman's body that they extracted that can not at all be deciphered

Idk it might be a hoax lol


Well-Known Member
Well you know NASA covered up a chick that they found on the moon


(This might be bullshit)

They saw several structures like sealed off rock type buildings

If I can find the video ill post it on here

Its a REALLY REALLY eerie video

You can hear niel Armstrong saying stuff

And (this also might be bullshit) they compared the sound to the one of the when he fist was in the moon the part they wanted you to see and it was identical

And there was a note on the woman's body that they extracted that can not at all be deciphered

Idk it might be a hoax lol
I know exactly what video you are talking about, because I saw that video and I actually played it on RIU.

I will try and find that video too.



Well-Known Member
Undeniable Evidence Aliens Do Not Come From Other Galaxies

(It took Me this long to find this video, lol. Is this the video you are talking about? I believe some of this video, but not all of it.)


I kinda do too but then

It could be from the freezing temperature of outer space

But the skin looks kinda fake and around the eyebrows the skin looks vary flakey

My dad made a latex mask of a zombie for me one year on Halloween

And around the edges it looked like that


Well-Known Member
I kinda do too but then

It could be from the freezing temperature of outer space

But the skin looks kinda fake and around the eyebrows the skin looks vary flakey

My dad made a latex mask of a zombie for me one year on Halloween

And around the edges it looked like that
Was this the exact video that you were talking about?

(I believe that there are bases on the moon, and I believe that there are aliens in our galaxy; but I just can't be so sure.)
