bodhi seeds

thanks. I have 3 ace mix packs to run through at my leisure, they and cannabiogen are great companies. I was wavering between the peyote purple and the pck regs, but the pck is already used in a ton of crosses by a few different breeders. I've run sin city before, but not any of the blue power crosses; I've heard/seen great things and the BHO they had at the cup this year was excellent. I want their power diesel, as it uses my favorite tasting sd cut, but I can't seem to find it anywhere.

Blue Power brings the rain. My BP pheno of LVBK needs a run soon again. Total knock-out not my usual cuppa but it is FIRE. Damn, been almost a year since I ran her. I want to dig into their Nigjtmare lines. White Mightmare looks like the stuff dreams are made of. And I still have to pop my SinMints and Petroleum Nightmare... Thanks for the reminder :)
It is nice! Heavy duty Indica. I feel like I'm wrapped in a fuzzy blanket right now. :shock:

Bred by a former RIU member (Fat Marty)

StOw, I hate to break it to you but those are two bits if stolen intellectual property. It is not non Gage. It is half Gage's work, half the Exodus collective.

I will never run it. I have had my intellectual property stolen and used to build a good business. I left the music biz because if it.

To promote it is not cool.
I don't think that's how the weed game works Hamish :)

I would argue that by Fat Marty breeding his Grape Stomper he's paying Gage a homage as he liked their genetics enough to continue working with them. Can't get bent out of shape over this stuff it happens to every single company out there, even green house :). Folks can't claim ownership of a plant or genetics, I do believe their work should be credited to them, just like someone researching a topic would give credit to the original source. Hard work should definitely be respected, I don't disagree with you there.

But when you get into intellectual property type discussions that gets monsanto scary, no one should claim ownership of a plant. Others should always be allowed to work this lines, or we will never progress. If no one worked with NL or Skunk#1 back in the day where would we be now? It's a once it starts where does it stop type thing.

I don't want to be sold something that isn't legitimate but someone making a few beans for his pals? there's is absolutely nothing wrong with that at all. It's a plant, it's nature, nature created it before gage did. I think she deserves some credit :)
StOw, I hate to break it to you but those are two bits if stolen intellectual property. It is not non Gage. It is half Gage's work, half the Exodus collective.

I will never run it. I have had my intellectual property stolen and used to build a good business. I left the music biz because if it.

To promote it is not cool.

Seriously, would you fucking drop this bit of yours? The guy doesn't sell his beans, so please tell me what it is Im "promoting"?? He was gifted a cut of Exodus cheese, and bought a pack of Grape Stomper back in the day. He found a nice male and did some chucking in his basement, and has given some of the seeds away. I'm simply trying to give credit where it's due.

You go off on some of the most retarded rants some times
StOw, I hate to break it to you but those are two bits if stolen intellectual property. It is not non Gage. It is half Gage's work, half the Exodus collective.

I will never run it. I have had my intellectual property stolen and used to build a good business. I left the music biz because if it.

To promote it is not cool.

Thank God I get to start my day off with this giant bowl of stupid...
The Grape Stomper and Exodus clones are not 'stolen intellectual property'. You can't own a fucking plant, dude; at best you can trademark a name, which I don't think either GGG did, or the Exodus Collective (particularly as they were mostly a bunch of fucking anarchists) would do. I know that the exodus cheese cut was given out to quite a few people who moved through their circle.
If m4k and keyplay really would get that butthurt about someone else putting out stomper seeds, then that's just sad, and makes them just sad little men like DJ Short, perennially threatening to sue everyone who sells blueberry crosses.
Maybe if you could just wedge yourself deeper up GGG's asshole you wouldn't be able to flood these boards anymore, your sycophantic fervor isn't doing anyone any favors.
Hazeman has a couple stomper crosses for sale on actual commercial websites, why don't you use your time to start a boycott of his seeds?
You know breeders do tend to use other breeders' strains in their work, right? Every 'real' breeder doesn't just go out into the wild to harvest landrace seeds and work everything out from there? Are you going to get superfuckingbutthurt like this when I give out seeds that have genetics from Bodhi in them? Because he doesn't fucking care.
Gotta say, as I'm sure many of guys and gals have heard, complements of what comes out of your garden. My buddy is in Cali on vacation (not that this speaks ill of the good cali growers out there) but he scored and said "ain't got shit on what you grow, you have high times quality weed". I told him really it's the genetics and the ability to keep a plant alive.

Depends on who your getting it from.
that grapestomper is a mofo.............

I have Grape Stomper and was holding it for Hazeman; but he didn't have time to come get it.
You want it? Too bad - just because it is so fucking good doesn't make it worth your dignity - you will have to apologize to me to be considered as worthy.

I'm tired of marijuana people. They are very unreliable and often like to stick thier noses where they don't belong because they think it's cute.

Tell you what "Blaze1"; in your honor I will give it away while you explain to keyplay why you had to be a cute asshole.
Posts: 48
Joined: March 16th, 2011, 6:32 am
like i said,all these guys was part of the ggg FORUM...all the info is at that spot.

you know fat marty did work with hazeman seeds?

Correction - I have an amazing pheno of Grape Stomper that grows kolas the length of your arm that are to die for.

I'm not a breeder. I'm a sick fucker with emphesema, PTSD, chronic bronchitis, rhumetoid arthrritis, and a bad attitude.

I had to badger my so-called friend to come get that damn Purple BubbleGum; but what the fuck do I know?
Some people don't give a shit about money, or credit, or anything but relief from 24/7 agony.

You're stupid. That's no reason keyplay should get hurt because my so-called friend listed me as his fucking "business partner" on thc, and got me over here for some dumbfuck reason while he couldn't be bothered to take care of the business of cloning that beautiful plant he walked out of here with 5 and a half months ago while leaving me 2 diseased trainwreck, (was that your bullshit?), and another piece of junk.

So here's the deal: You all go fuck yourself, and I'll be a nice guy and not fuck keyplay because my so-called friend and his asshole buddy don't know how to act around an animal like me.
Posts: 48
Joined: March 16th, 2011, 6:32 am
yup......all you got to do is go look for the info.

now back to B's work..
I think, after reading it 3-4 times lol, that FatMarty was super pissed hazeman didn't come get the cut of GS. Wanted an apology to give it to him and was super pissed at people on a forum sticking their noses into his business with other folks.

Then I read the rest as he (fatmarty) was listed as a business partner of someone else*no idea who he's referring to, and is now getting brought into a bunch of shit because he gave a plant away. All while getting shafted with shit genetics in return.

Then somehow bestiality comes into it :)

now back to B's work..

I would love to post some pictures of some stuff getting put in cups but the damn package is held up because of these holidays.