bodhi seeds

Had two males, only seen part of a grow on the bay. I'm excited to see what she has to offer. Actually I'll drop some Pagoda and Ancient OG tonight.

Awesome, about to put an order in and was looking at some of bodhis stuff. Stay posting on that pagoda grow as anything with Apollo 11 in it is bound to be fire
All of us want that peyote purple? I figured if they are giving away 5 goji, I'd grab Gold Star if it's in stock and blue tara. If the have that $200 dollar deal on top of the $150, I'll grab peyote purple. Shit ton of beans for $180 or so with shipping. I want the Mosca Old Time Moonshine

What's the $200 deal? I thought it was 20% off all orders, and free beans with a $150 order? Is there something beyond that?
I feel like this is almost abusive....

but I'm okay with it.
They do. It's like $10 and $20 to get shipped. Simply add $30 to any order for guarantee shipping here in the mitten. At a get the toffee, it's fucking great
This sucks, I'm bud less while dog sitting. Just too late and too tired after freelancing all day to drive back to the A2 area. In the fabulous Ferndale for the night and regret not grabbing my damn road kit