Best Nutrient Line???

I do have one quick question thats been bothering me for years. So here it goes... If one is using chem nutrients or salt base nutrients whatever we want to call it, does adding a molasses or sweet do anything? Not sure if this is a stupid question, but I've aced myself sometimes "why r u adding this stuff?"
an ewc tea with molasses is great for soil, I dont buy into it in a hydro run, iv run it and not, same result, but I use it in soil.
an ewc tea with molasses is great for soil, I dont buy into it in a hydro run, iv run it and not, same result, but I use it in soil.
yea i should of clarified, lets say one is running a peat soilless or a coco run. is it a waste to add it then, where pretty much every watering is a salt nutrient watering? And we do know its good for organic soil growing, but what if one uses soil and they use a Dyna Grow or any other salt fert. does the molasses or sweet work then?
yea i should of clarified, lets say one is running a peat soilless or a coco run. is it a waste to add it then, where pretty much every watering is a salt nutrient watering? And we do know its good for organic soil growing, but what if one uses soil and they use a Dyna Grow or any other salt fert. does the molasses or sweet work then?
I dont buy into it in a soilless/hydro run, you are feeding synthetics that are already broken down, The plant has what it needs already readily available in your base. iv run bud candy in hempys and not, same result.
my last 2 hempy runs with ANs ph perfect was a breeze, possibly the easiest runs iv ever run, bases only with calcium nitrate, epsom, and 1 run with silica and 1 without, the silica doesnt increase yield or quality but the plants just look much better so I like it. I always use molasses in my teas for organic soil runs and wont change. feed the soil and your plant will thrive
yea i should of clarified, lets say one is running a peat soilless or a coco run. is it a waste to add it then, where pretty much every watering is a salt nutrient watering? And we do know its good for organic soil growing, but what if one uses soil and they use a Dyna Grow or any other salt fert. does the molasses or sweet work then?

I don't care if your soil/soilless/water you want to inoculate your root zone with beneficial bacteria and use a source of carbs to feed those bacteria. The bacteria will colonize your root zone and aid in nutrient uptake and water uptake while increasing the plants defense against pests and disease. Check out Photosynthesis Plus by Microbe life.
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I dont care if your soil/soilless/water you want to inoculate your root zone with beneficial bacteria and use a source of carbs to feed those bacteria.
Not to interrupt but this feeding microbes has me puzzled.
Im talking soil because it is what i use.

I thought that the sugar source was needed in the actual brewing of the tea.
once the colony is large enough they will have eaten the food source.
Now they will be put into the soil without extra food so they have to go to work eating, shitting n dying.

If you supply addirional food wont they focus on that instead of the task at hand.

Maybe they need the additional food.

Im asking, not saying
Not to interrupt but this feeding microbes has me puzzled.
Im talking soil because it is what i use.

I thought that the sugar source was needed in the actual brewing of the tea.
once the colony is large enough they will have eaten the food source.
Now they will be put into the soil without extra food so they have to go to work eating, shitting n dying.

If you supply addirional food wont they focus on that instead of the task at hand.

Maybe they need the additional food.

Im asking, not saying

If you don't supply a food source, especially in soiless/water your bacteria will all die, but hopefully produce enzymes in the process. This scenario isn't all that bad if your in mid flower and root growth is not your primary goal, but up until then I think it's best to provide a food source to keep them alive. Once you hit mid flower you want to have want your enzymes to be breaking down old root material and any other organic elements in your medium so nutrient availability is at it max when the plant is at its peak feeding needs. . .
Not to interrupt but this feeding microbes has me puzzled.
Im talking soil because it is what i use.

I thought that the sugar source was needed in the actual brewing of the tea.
once the colony is large enough they will have eaten the food source.
Now they will be put into the soil without extra food so they have to go to work eating, shitting n dying.

If you supply addirional food wont they focus on that instead of the task at hand.

Maybe they need the additional food.

Im asking, not saying
no your not, thanks, great question. im dying to get an answer from someone who isnt as dumb as me.
If you don't supply a food source, especially in soiless/water your bacteria will all die, but hopefully produce enzymes in the process. This scenario isn't all that bad if your in mid flower and root growth is not your primary goal, but up until then I think it's best to provide a food source to keep them alive. Once you hit mid flower you want to have want your enzymes to be breaking down old root material and any other organic elements in your medium so nutrient availability is at it max when the plant is at its peak feeding needs. . .

Meh. We grow commercially and have done many side by sides on this topic. No more molasses for us. As for the Mychorizzae it is fed naturally by a healthy plant. Keep the Phosphorus lower than 10 with a nice base nute like Foliage Pro 9-3-6 and innoculate. HEalthy roots will find that bacteria and fungus and go apeshit.

No need for 80% of the products most people are using out there. Foliage Pro and Liquid KoolBloom and call it a day
Ive heard about using raw mineral salts in place of name brand bottled nutrients multiple times on here, does anyone have some links to some full grows that were done this way? The one time that I saw someone attempt it, it didnt work out well.
There's no best nutrient "line".

Ive heard about using raw mineral salts in place of name brand bottled nutrients multiple times on here, does anyone have some links to some full grows that were done this way? The one time that I saw someone attempt it, it didnt work out well.
@churchhaze might be able to help you with that one.
Ive heard about using raw mineral salts in place of name brand bottled nutrients multiple times on here, does anyone have some links to some full grows that were done this way? The one time that I saw someone attempt it, it didnt work out well.
Im not suggesting everyone run out and buy all there own salts and use hydrobuddy but replacing things like silicas, pk boosts, and cal/mags are things easily done by anyone and they will save a conciderable amount of money on nutes.
You've never seen people use nitrate salts to grow plants? I mean it may be hard to wrap your mind around, but every single journal you've seen that uses GH, AN, or any other hydroponic formula uses the exact same salts. Just read the ingredients. I understand you want to save time by seeing successful grows with your own eyes, but this is analogous to asking to see pictures of lips after using petroleum jelly, because you like Vaseline, but aren't sure if petroleum jelly will do the same exact thing. Of course it will...

Don't you think it's a bit mentally lazy to insist on seeing pictures before trying anything for yourself? It's like 2 dollars a pound for calcium nitrate in small quantities. The way I see it, there's something gone terribly wrong if people have so little ground in reality. Hydrobuddy is a great tool for designing hydroponic formulas. It's definitely worth learning to use.

This isn't some silly pothead experiment, this is:


It really sucks that people can not deduct what is truth and what is false based on research and deductive reasoning. They don't want to see pictures tomatoes or peppers, they only want to see pot grown with the EXACT product they're looking to purchase. As if nobody in the entire universe has used these salts before... except for every single hydroponic grower ever.

Ive heard about using raw mineral salts in place of name brand bottled nutrients multiple times on here, does anyone have some links to some full grows that were done this way? The one time that I saw someone attempt it, it didnt work out well.
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When you buy bottled nutrients youre not just buying the ingredients, you're paying for ease of use and the assurance that many other people have used it with success. The extra money is inconsequential when my expectations are met.

I could sew my own shirts and build my own furniture, but I dont feel like screwing up until I get it down to the point that Im not losing money on time and materials.

If there were user friendly mixes comprised of easily procured ingredients that created worthy lookin plants, I suspect there would be more documentation of it online. And no, it is not mentally lazy to expect to see pics of something before you commit to buying and using it, especially when youre risking your crop on it.

Lastly, why all the condescension and hot air? If youre a proponent of something that works you should be able to turn people on to it without stepping on someone for asking about it.
It really sucks that people can not deduct what is truth and what is false based on research and deductive reasoning. They don't want to see pictures tomatoes or peppers, they only want to see pot grown with the EXACT product they're looking to purchase. As if nobody in the entire universe has used these salts before... except for every single hydroponic grower ever.

....and they don't understand plant nutrition nor will most take the time to learn.

Good points and I agree with the previous poster. Got bigger fish to fry than to screw around with bags of salts, although I do have them for NPK or micro tweeks. Have 5 lbs. of potassium nitrate for example....ammonium sulfate, iron sulfate.

How many times do you see someone use label names rather than NPK or micros values? I get so frustrated (with noobs) who cry for help and when I ask them what they use I get some lame name like "Bazooka Joe's Grow" rather than specific ratios and a listing of elements.

nuff said....
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