The great RIU Conquistador grow '08!


Well-Known Member
root a few in them smallest rockwool, get them nice and wet, put um in a sealy bag, in a box and post. abit of damage aint gonna hurt them to bad. long as abit of rooted plant turns up.

nice plants and cab lb


Well-Known Member
I found a way to package clones for mail with the top half of a plastic soda bottle...some toilet paper...and some duct tape.....if you are interested in knowing yeldah lemme know...:blsmoke:
D00d. That is so awesome. I'm so calling you McGyver from now on.

Thanks bigspud. :)


Well-Known Member
update....I added some sand to the top of the soil to get rid of those pesky little black flies....bastards. I can see the little sprouts on both plants where they were topped so we should see some good stuff in about three days or so. here are some pics for you all to get a little perspective on how big they are and how they are doin....the connies are the two in the middle with the thermometer laying across their pots. :blsmoke::mrgreen:



Well-Known Member
i have heard that hps is best for veg and mh best for bloom, is this rt?
I think it's backwards. Metal halide (also used in aquaria for growing photosynthetics, including corals) tends to be strong on the blue side of the spectrum, whereas high pressure sodium have that strength. I've read that if one has to choose MH vs HPS to use the whole way through, that HPS is the better product.
I found a way to package clones for mail with the top half of a plastic soda bottle...some toilet paper...and some duct tape.....if you are interested in knowing yeldah lemme know...:blsmoke:
And I can tell you how to ship fish, corals, inverts and other anamules! :D

Anyone wanna see a pic of Las Conquistadoras mios con las otras? 8) Sure ya do, SURE ya do! And just wait til I tell you what they're getting when they're ready for transplant!

First, we're gonna start off with a mix of Gardener & Bloome potting soil that will be "infected" with Dr. Earth organic 5 fertilizer with LIVE Pro-Biotic microbes. They're already being watered with some liquid seaweed extract (am I the only one who thinks that stuff smells delicious? Seriously, I could cook with it), and I've order some Super Plant Tonic based upon Ohsogreen's recommendation. This is a tonic that also has live cultures in it, and I'll probably be giving some of my baby cedars a dose as well. :)
Ridge Road Garden Center Products

Dr. Earth
(I'd put the pic, but it's HUGE and will explode the page, just hit the Organic 5 button and that's the stuff!)



Well-Known Member
YAY PICTURES!!!! *bounce bounce*

Okay, Seamaiden, the fact that you used the words "aquaria" and "animule" in the same post just made me totally love you. When I walk through the door and see my cats coming toward me, I inevitably say, "Hello, beasts!" or "Hello, creatures!" or "Hello, animules!" That is so funny. And also, the view from your porch is amazing! Wow!

BTW, I've noticed that the mystery seeds come in two distinct types: the short runty ones and the tall ones! And the Afghani/MK shoot up so far out of the dirt I've had to pile up soil around them to keep them upright. They're not stretching; they're on the terrace with all the other seedlings getting the same sun. They're just tall and skinny! It's interesting seeing that, because the Connies, for me anyway, all sprouted and grew at about the same height. It's really fascinating seeing how with the mystery genetics there are these two distinct types, and with the A/MK and Connies there aren't.

I am so excited to see all your plants and very happy to have given you something to have fun with and look forward to. :)

So now here is my freaked-out question of the moment. I just realized that some of the roots on one of my aero plants have some brownish-orange slime on them. The other plant is fine. I changed the reservoir yesterday and didn't change anything about the nutes, it's all exactly the same as last time. I scrubbed it out before I refilled it like I always do. The other plant is fine, its roots look totally healthy. Does anyone have any ideas? I wish I could take a pic of it but I can't get a good closeup.


Well-Known Member
What temperature is your rez running at? Sounds like it might have a touch of root rot. Some H2O2 will fix it.:peace:


Well-Known Member
I don't have a thermometer in there! I know I need to get one, and I need to get one for inside the cab too. It never feels warm when I stick my hand in there. Is H202 hydrogen peroxide? How much should I add?


Well-Known Member
I don't know, but if I were to guess I'd say you have a microalgae, maybe even diatoms, growing in the reservoir. Algae's always going to be thickest where the light is strongest, too.

Thank ye, littlebat. :D You will notice some very distinct differences between the different seedlings, and some will probably grow to be 'tweeners', showing some Sativa traits along with Indica, and one being dominant over another. I so wish the grower could remember what the strain was.


Well-Known Member
I don't have a thermometer in there! I know I need to get one, and I need to get one for inside the cab too. It never feels warm when I stick my hand in there. Is H202 hydrogen peroxide? How much should I add?
Yes, H2O2 is hydrogen peroxide. I don't know how much you should add to the res, though. You may want to ask in the indoor/hydro forum.


Well-Known Member
I don't have a thermometer in there! Get one! I know I need to get one, and I need to get one for inside the cab too. Get one! It never feels warm when I stick my hand in there. It can feel cool to your hand,and still be too warm for the roots.Is H202 hydrogen peroxide?Yes, and you want 35% Food grade H2O2, the 3% stuff from the drugstore has buffers in it. How much should I add? 1-3mls per gallon
This stuff WILL burn you if you get it on your skin undiluted,so be careful. And why wouldn't you just ask the person that suggested it in the first place?:razz: ...:peace:


Well-Known Member
Good lord, now I have to go try to find food-grade hydrogen peroxide...

Oh, you guys, I have to tell you a great story! I totally forgot! So, my neighbor on one side is a good friend and pothead, but I didn't know the people who had just moved in on the other side. Long story short, it's a couple, and I saw the guy standing out on their terrace one night having a beer and smoking a cigarette, so I took the plunge and said, "I just started some marijuana seeds on my terrace and I wanted to give you the opportunity now to tell me if that bothers you." He started laughing and yelled, "Hey Liz!" His girlfriend came out on the terrace and he said, "Tell her how you put yourself through college." And she said, "What, you mean growing pot?"

Needless to say, they both got all excited about it, and she and I chatted for a long time. She grew indoors in soil so she doesn't know anything about hydro stuff, unfortunately. But today I stepped outside and she was standing there on her terrace just admiring the plants. She said, "Oh, I check on them every morning before I go to work."

Thank god for cool neighbors!!!!:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Good lord, now I have to go try to find food-grade hydrogen peroxide...

Oh, you guys, I have to tell you a great story! I totally forgot! So, my neighbor on one side is a good friend and pothead, but I didn't know the people who had just moved in on the other side. Long story short, it's a couple, and I saw the guy standing out on their terrace one night having a beer and smoking a cigarette, so I took the plunge and said, "I just started some marijuana seeds on my terrace and I wanted to give you the opportunity now to tell me if that bothers you." He started laughing and yelled, "Hey Liz!" His girlfriend came out on the terrace and he said, "Tell her how you put yourself through college." And she said, "What, you mean growing pot?"

Needless to say, they both got all excited about it, and she and I chatted for a long time. She grew indoors in soil so she doesn't know anything about hydro stuff, unfortunately. But today I stepped outside and she was standing there on her terrace just admiring the plants. She said, "Oh, I check on them every morning before I go to work."

Thank god for cool neighbors!!!!:blsmoke:

ha ha ha thats a great story....I would say you are safey safe girl. That story put a smile on my face! :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Good lord, now I have to go try to find food-grade hydrogen peroxide...

Oh, you guys, I have to tell you a great story! I totally forgot! So, my neighbor on one side is a good friend and pothead, but I didn't know the people who had just moved in on the other side. Long story short, it's a couple, and I saw the guy standing out on their terrace one night having a beer and smoking a cigarette, so I took the plunge and said, "I just started some marijuana seeds on my terrace and I wanted to give you the opportunity now to tell me if that bothers you." He started laughing and yelled, "Hey Liz!" His girlfriend came out on the terrace and he said, "Tell her how you put yourself through college." And she said, "What, you mean growing pot?"

Needless to say, they both got all excited about it, and she and I chatted for a long time. She grew indoors in soil so she doesn't know anything about hydro stuff, unfortunately. But today I stepped outside and she was standing there on her terrace just admiring the plants. She said, "Oh, I check on them every morning before I go to work."

Thank god for cool neighbors!!!!:blsmoke:

god your brave lol, my neibour ask for some, we looked at him like we didnt know what he was talking about. he smelt it when knocked on my door. me mate had parked in hes space

cool tho. no one gives a shit here in my row. they mow my lawn, put my bins out and shit like that, they look after me lol. i tuke them round a bottle of wine :)

good there cool with it to. alot of people are realy. or dont realy care, i think. its like fuck you smoke weed lol
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Well-Known Member
Good lord, now I have to go try to find food-grade hydrogen peroxide...

Oh, you guys, I have to tell you a great story! I totally forgot! So, my neighbor on one side is a good friend and pothead, but I didn't know the people who had just moved in on the other side. Long story short, it's a couple, and I saw the guy standing out on their terrace one night having a beer and smoking a cigarette, so I took the plunge and said, "I just started some marijuana seeds on my terrace and I wanted to give you the opportunity now to tell me if that bothers you." He started laughing and yelled, "Hey Liz!" His girlfriend came out on the terrace and he said, "Tell her how you put yourself through college." And she said, "What, you mean growing pot?"

Needless to say, they both got all excited about it, and she and I chatted for a long time. She grew indoors in soil so she doesn't know anything about hydro stuff, unfortunately. But today I stepped outside and she was standing there on her terrace just admiring the plants. She said, "Oh, I check on them every morning before I go to work."

Thank god for cool neighbors!!!!:blsmoke:
Wow. And here we have ONE couple that we really get along with. They're former LEO. :roll: Can someone explain to me how it is that I always make friends with law enforcement types? I don't set out to do it, yet there it is. Then again, maybe it explains why the few people who know I burn were so incredibly surprised that I'm such a head. :lol: This one couple that we've become very good friends with comments that they can't believe that I can smoke as much as I do and hold a conversation, let alone a good and lively debate. :twisted: I tell them my skills are well-honed, I was brought up on debate.


Well-Known Member
All hail the all powerful Altoid tin!!!!:clap: LOL 3 happy sprouts just dropped into Hempy Buckets.:peace: