The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
Haha Scottish banter lol....b4y Yeh don't look bad only thing is you got too many under a single 600 you want 5 at most but 4 is better with a 7-8 week veg and you will yield a lot more bud ....tying down and a bit of supercropping helps too


Well-Known Member
Oh if anyone wants a set of bubble bags hit me up I'm gonna order some all mesh ones in a bit so either sae or ice I know u two need some


Well-Known Member
Haha Scottish banter lol....b4y Yeh don't look bad only thing is you got too many under a single 600 you want 5 at most but 4 is better with a 7-8 week veg and you will yield a lot more bud ....tying down and a bit of supercropping helps too
sod all that 4/5 bollocks, im gonna have 20 odd under a 600 w soon lol


Haha Scottish banter lol....b4y Yeh don't look bad only thing is you got too many under a single 600 you want 5 at most but 4 is better with a 7-8 week veg and you will yield a lot more bud ....tying down and a bit of supercropping helps too
Cheers mate. Im setting up another 600 the night and spreading them out more. Ive double topped a few and tied a few down as well just been experimenting really. Am hoping to get itleast 15oz


Well-Known Member
Thanks man appreciated. Ive got canna a & b was feeding them 6ml's each per 2 litres. Ive got big bud, bloombastic, overdrive & pk13/14. You think I'll be okay? Was gona feed some big bud & some bloombastic see whats better

u only use big bud for a few weeks, while i do rate it u need budcandy with that

all u ned for flower
jar of blackstrap mollasis


Well-Known Member
Ya know what ice I think bud candy is waterd down molasses mate fuck that same as bud heaven it smells just like when I mix mol up with water robbing cunts.....


Well-Known Member
Garybhoy11 said:
Lmao, yeah mate im gonna need a set of bags again in a few weeks at harvest time, aint fussed if its my old ones back or yours, u including ur work bag with them?
Noooo I'm keeping that little work bag lol to use with the has already but first dibs on em u know what he's like take owt for nowt


Ya know what ice I think bud candy is waterd down molasses mate fuck that same as bud heaven it smells just like when I mix mol up with water robbing cunts.....
Just checked this mollases lol wtf have I looked at the right stuff? A jar of syrup looking stuff a granny made?


Well-Known Member
Noooo I'm keeping that little work bag lol to use with the has already but first dibs on em u know what he's like take owt for nowt
Lol its kl mate let ic3 have em, ill just get my ones back off him when hes done. I need a work bag anyway cos I like to do some dry sifting with it as well,


Well-Known Member
na bud candy isent,,, i used it on that op i did last yr. u use it for first 3 weeks then u go onto the big bud after that

makes ya shit smell like candyfloss i shit u not" that and big bud are wikid good for flower just 50 qwid a litre for teh big bud