Help needed under watered


Active Member
My iws system failed to water my plants a couple of times when I went in they had wilted bad so waterd and spayed and they picked up a little but now all the large fan leafs have fell off the smaller ones are ok but there was some burning on the tips of the leafs ,it about 3 weeks off being done will it be ok what should I do


Well-Known Member
Glue the leaves back on and unburn those tips.

Seriously, can't repair that of course so what you should do is take better care of them till they're done. Good luck. Post pics if you want more specific advice.
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Well-Known Member
My iws system failed to water my plants a couple of times when I went in they had wilted bad so waterd and spayed and they picked up a little but now all the large fan leafs have fell off the smaller ones are ok but there was some burning on the tips of the leafs ,it about 3 weeks off being done will it be ok what should I do


bud bootlegger
Glue the leaves back on and unburn those tips.

Seriously, can't repair that of course so what you should do is take better care of them till their done. Good luck. Post pics if you want more specific advice.
what kind of glue should he use sativied? elmer's, wood glue, super glue, gorilla glue? model glue, hot stick glue gun type of glue?
and what do you suggest for the burnt tips? i usually use aloe when i get burnt, just curious what others use.. :D


Well-Known Member
Excellent question. I use bag balm for pretty much everything, as well as for my plants. For the leaves I add some rope, sort of like grafting the leaves back on. I also defoliate some leaves during veg which I store in the freezer as backup leaves. Haven't had need for them yet. *Fingers crossed* :-D