The UK Growers Thread!

Shes opened allot of doors for me and elevated me into local social circles i didn't even know exsisted!!

Such as the rolf harris appriciation society and the gaylord of the village monthly meetings??

i aint going into details......but yea i thought i knew the weed scene in London....turns out i wernt even pissing in the paddling pool......
i aint going into details......but yea i thought i knew the weed scene in London....turns out i wernt even pissing in the paddling pool......
You've any better pics of the candyland after drying only remember you posting pics of wet popcorn "buds"
anyways the offers open to any of u who want her.....shes good stock man!

other then that Ima lurk about abit......and dubs hit me up asap man you got what i need
"Well i promised every one on the site some candyland
ouch man that hurts that's private shit between me and u there said ud have it if i travelled to meet you......

ice and yorky are the only two people who wanted abit....and like i said in here now to pay the piper if its no good then fair enough......

ive had dealings with people in here in the past and yes sometimes my time keepings abit weak but in an honest but man!!
im interested why your such a bullshitter, don't take the thread members for mugs?