Watering question


I am growing in a 5 gallon container in the pacific NW from from a clone I started on May 14th. Two questions.

1. Will this container be big enough? I've noticed the plant stopped growing as fast this week even though it's been getting a ton of sun.


2. Any watering tips? Every morning I wake up at around 10 am and the plant has been sitting in the sun for a few hours (south/southeast facing) and the plant is extremely under watered and looks sad. I water it and it pops back up in an hour or so. Does this stunt growth? Should I water multiple times a day or at night??


Well-Known Member
I use 5 gal pots to limit height (to under 5 feet, or so, when potted). So if you want taller, use a 10 gal container. I hear you regarding watering. I use a real loose medium, so while it retains some water, it can handle over-watering well. I water every 2 days in the Summer (feed every other watering). But sometimes, especially on those 90+ degree days. I see their poor lil heads drooping after a day, or so. So I give them a small amount of water each, right at the stem. Just enough to perk 'em up :mrgreen: This might slow root growth a bit, but if they're in 5 gal pots. There probably won't be that much "roots searching for water" activity anyhow.

Good luck :peace:


Well-Known Member
I use 5 gal pots to limit height (to under 5 feet, or so, when potted). So if you want taller, use a 10 gal container. I hear you regarding watering. I use a real loose medium, so while it retains some water, it can handle over-watering well. I water every 2 days in the Summer (feed every other watering). But sometimes, especially on those 90+ degree days. I see their poor lil heads drooping after a day, or so. So I give them a small amount of water each, right at the stem. Just enough to perk 'em up :mrgreen: This might slow root growth a bit, but if they're in 5 gal pots. There probably won't be that much "roots searching for water" activity anyhow.

Good luck :peace:
under 5'? you must be topping or training them in some way. my 3 gallons are almost 5'


Well-Known Member
Yep I do a bit of topping and/or bondage with fast growers. I also try to grow mostly Indica doms So they usually get bushy instead of taller and obvious and don't peek over my fence line :cry:
Lol I hear that.
My first outdoor grow, I grew bag seed that turned out to be 15 week
Sativa doms, and went 2' past my fence line!
Stress! Waiting for them to take forever to finish.