New and need Nutrient info


Hello, i am doing a 1200W indoor grow and am using the nutrients "floramicro," "floraGro," and "FloraBloom", and it even came with a guide on how much of each to use during which week. I am wondering, since i'm a new grower, do i need any other nutrients and around what time will i need them? i want the biggest yield possible with the dankest buds possible :dunce: naturally


Well-Known Member
As a new grower your goal should be to get to harvest.

Start with a basic nutrient formula like your 3 part.

Follow the guide whilst watching your plants for symptoms of abundance.

I've been growing for nearly 5 years.

I use a basic 2 part formula A/B with some PK1314 extra Ca and Mg and some silica to raise pH when required.



Well-Known Member
I've used GH Flora Series (3 part) and liked it very much. It has ph buffers which help stabilize your soil ph (if using soil). I supplemented with

- Botanicare Silica Blast (during veg, makes plants tougher and more resistant to heat, cold, drought, pest). I start at about 1-1.5 weeks old and 1ml/gal, working my way up to 5ml, and stop using after stretch. Add this to your water first, or reserve 1-2 cups of water, mix it there and add it. It's very alkaline. (Your GH Flora instructions tell you to mix the black "Micro" part first.).

- Botanicare CalMag+. I used this intermittently in veg, starting in mid veg. I never use it at the same time as Silica because I've read the two can interfere with each other. For example, in late veg I might alternate each feeding with Silica then CalMag+. In flower, I use it in every feeding.

- Botanicare Liquid Karma. I used this starting around 1 week (1ml/gal) and use it with each feeding (5ml/gal after 2-2.5 weeks). I've taken to using Alaska Kelp (Home Depot or Lowes), like 3ml LK and 3ml AK. I like this even better than LK alone. And, AK is cheap.

- GH KoolBloom (liquid). I used this starting when bud sites begin developing, 2ml/gal, working up to 5ml gal. I use it with each feeding until 2 weeks before flush.

- GH KoolBloom (powder). I used this during the last 2 weeks at 1.25grams/gal.

- Molasses. I used this mid- to late-flower, 1tsp to 1tbsp/gal. I used Grandma's brand at Walmart.

I followed the so-called "useless" schedule. (<<link). Generally, people follow GH's 3-2-1 schedule at half strength. "Useless" found just a little stronger ratios that work.

I've switched to Grow More Sea Grow, (<<link) an inexpensive dry nutrient. It's a lot simpler compared to mixing 3 parts. But, it doesn't have the ph buffers like GH Flora. I have to adjust ph more now (like, feed at 7.2 to help pull the acidic soil up).


Well-Known Member
If you want to to keep it super simple you could add Fox Farm's Big Bloom too. It's pretty much a compost tea in a bottle. I would water with your three part then water with big bloom, and just keep alternating back and forth until harvest.

A little more complex would be to brew your own compost tea, which could consist of just earth worm castings or a multitude of other organic amendments.


Well-Known Member
if you are growing in soil just use jacks classic, if hydro just use a 3 part and buy calcium nitrate and magnessium sulfate, boosters, silicas, and cal/mags are a waste. Make your own hydro "additives" and get better/cheaper results


Well-Known Member
I don't see how buying fox farm big bloom would make it simpler. It'll grow just fine using a 1:1:1 ratio of the flora bottles all the way through.

If you need more P and K, use more of the bloom bottle.
If you need more K and N, use more of the grow bottle.
If you need more N and Ca, use more of the micro bottle.

There's no need for any of the other additives unless it's what Jbone is suggesting. Calcium nitrate, magnesium sulfate, monopotassium phosphate, and potassium nitrate will never go to waste.
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Well-Known Member
I don't see how buying fox farm big bloom would make it simpler. It'll grow just fine using 1:1:1 of the flora bottles all the way through.

If you need more P and K, use more of the bloom bottle.
If you need more K and N, use more of the grow bottle.
If you need more N and Ca, use more of the micro bottle.

There's no need for any of the other additives unless it's what Jbone is suggesting. Calcium nitrate, magnesium sulfate, monopotassium phosphate, and potassium nitrate will never go to waste.
Like i've told heads for years! If you got all 3 bottles of the flora-series(or rip-offs nowadays), you have everything your plants need in them 3 bottles.

To the OP: Start off the right way. Don't buy into the hype of using all those magical additives. I started with the flora series 23 yrs ago, with absolutely nothing else. I try new brands of nutes all the time, out of boredom i guess :-) I ALWAYS end up going back to the 3part.


Well-Known Member
I don't see how buying fox farm big bloom would make it simpler. It'll grow just fine using a 1:1:1 ratio of the flora bottles all the way through.

If you need more P and K, use more of the bloom bottle.
If you need more K and N, use more of the grow bottle.
If you need more N and Ca, use more of the micro bottle.

There's no need for any of the other additives unless it's what Jbone is suggesting. Calcium nitrate, magnesium sulfate, monopotassium phosphate, and potassium nitrate will never go to waste.
I never said simpler. Supplementing with a compost tea is a simple to increase the plants potential when it comes to yield, smell, and taste. That is really not up for debate.....

Like i said before, big bloom is compost tea in a bottle, which would be easier than making your own, cheaper no, but easier.


Well-Known Member
Look up "lucas formula" great for noobs. all you would use are the micro and bloom bottles. Very simple. Your first grow should be observing the plant, not worrying about nutes (which is less critical than your environment) Good luck


Well-Known Member
If you can make a cake out of a box you can use the 3 part as it is supposed to be used. I just don't get the confusion sometimes.


Well-Known Member
The old school formula is still good fellas!

I do 3:2:1 for veg.
1:1:1 for first 1-2 weeks of flower.
1:2:3 for flower(not in coco)
0:1:3 for the last couple weeks.

Lucas formula is good too, but
I've never liked the lucas in veg.

If i'm flowering in coco, my flower formula is one similar to heads modified lucas (plus a little grow and cal-mag)

Lucas IS simpler. I've fucked up sooooo many times when i was younger, and higher, with 1:2:3 in big reservoirs, using a POS small measuring cup,
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okay so i am using a cocoa formula soil (lucky dog brand) and i was told to not use nutrients while they are still little clones or it will "shock" the plants. should i start using nutrients now? also, i have 3 bottles of this silia type stuff that helps strengthen roots, stems, etc. When should i add this, because it seems like the Main stem cannot support the clone on some of the plants and the leaves droop a little


Well-Known Member
Yes. Always use nutrients. Some people like to starve their plants, but it's not optimal.

There's never a time while plants are growing where they don't want food.

okay so i am using a cocoa formula soil (lucky dog brand) and i was told to not use nutrients while they are still little clones or it will "shock" the plants. should i start using nutrients now?


Well-Known Member

First of all you have to understand why you're seeing it.

Could be simply a lack of P in your nutes than the plant actually requires.

Or could be pH related.

Could be a toxicity issue.

Realistically need a lot more info from you including things like % of each nutrient in your brand of nutes.
