Help identifying this strain-


Well-Known Member
So I got this female from a bag-seed out of some pretty good mid-grade smoke. Now it smells like Nirvana's California Orange I grew a decade ago. LONG, single -bladed leaves, and Sativa Looking structure (imo). Can anyone speculate what strain this might be? I smells citrusy and orange- nothing like the smoke it came from.


Well-Known Member
DSCN0746.JPG Very different structure than all my other plants. Single bladed pattern, and spindly meri-stem that grows "in steps" and not straight up. Seems very Sativa, imo...
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Well-Known Member
Is there an accurate (scientific) way to tell what plant one has & its make up that would be cool.....
Not 100% accurate but a chemotypes and cannabinoid profile can give an indication of its origin(s). Otherwise it's a matter of comparing its genes to a database with genes of all strains... which doesn't exist.



Well-Known Member
Not 100% accurate but a chemotypes and cannabinoid profile can give an indication of its origin(s). Otherwise it's a matter of comparing its genes to a database with its genes of all strains... which doesn't exist.

Very nice - too bad these profiles can't be obtained by using at -home tester kits (much like the readily available cannabis test kits). In another time, we could simply go to a dollar-store and purchase such kits and could get an idea of what strain it is (or at least its lineage).
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