Open Show & Tell , Outdoors 2014


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
It's called revegging and everybody growing outside is getting hit with it. Something is wrong with the sun!
Ya that makes sense. I noticed yesterday that the Choco hashberry looked different it looked to exactly how you said "revegged". So it's either the clones or the sun. The weather has been weird around here lately.

mr sunshine

Well-Known Member
What's going on here bros? 20140714_125558.jpgIt's the only plant that is like this..should I throw some gas in the hole and burn it I don't want this getting to the others!! It looks like something ate it!!

mr sunshine

Well-Known Member
I don't know but spray some spinosad. Catterpillars under the leafs ? cucumber beatles ?
Doesn't seem like any thing on it right now but I found a baby caterpillar on the plant next to it ..A few plants have a chunk or two bit off of the leaves but nothing like this... alien og must taste good!!