Help Why are my leafs this color, do i need to feed? Pics


Active Member
hey guys so got an indoor grow i have a clone (indica strain) i did a transplant into a 2 gallon pot on the 25 of june, but im noticing very light green on the edges on leafs from the new shoots coming in, im guessing it could be a nitrogen deficiency? so maybe i need to start feeding her im kinda confused on what it could be, i only been giving her water and i got fox far ocean forest soil any help would be great i did water on july 8 too

Thanks again!! here are some pictures of what im talkin bout



Well-Known Member
It looks like a ph you ph your water...its not nitrogen deficency...or you wetting all your soil in the pot with a small bit of run off...

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
Time to start light feeding. Hungry !!!!

pH all ingoing solutions to 6.5 and forget about pHing anything to do with soil !!!


bud bootlegger
Time to start light feeding. Hungry !!!!

pH all ingoing solutions to 6.5 and forget about pHing anything to do with soil !!!
kind of lost me in the last sentence dr who.. are you saying to ph the nute mix to 6.5, or are you saying don't bother fucking with ph in soil? ty kind sir.. :D

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
Yeah, simply pH anything your watering the plant with to 6.5 before you water.
Now don't worry about the pH of the soil as it will self pH to the specific plants needs, as the living bio's in the soil adjust to the plant. (with the use of a quality soil)

If you attempt to pH the run off. all your getting is the run off's pH,,,,,NOT the pH of the soil!!!
Soil pH "swings" naturally !!

When watered, the pH of the soil will rise. As the soil dries back out,,,,the pH will fall back down. What this pH "swing" does for the plant is to cover the range of optimum available uptake requirements by the various nutrients to be "used" or "made available" to the plant in relation to the pH of the soil.

If you would like to understand more about soil pH and the living things in the soil that go a LONG way in controlling it......I suggest you buy and read this (a must for anyone wanting to grow organic);

If your using synthetic nutrients,,,be SURE to use a "zyme" product to keep the living bio's in there and working.

You knew that Racer. You just wanted me to clarify, didn't you?
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bud bootlegger
Yeah, simply pH anything your watering the plant with to 6.5 before you water.
Now don't worry about the pH of the soil as it will self pH to the specific plants needs, as the living bio's in the soil adjust to the plant. (with the use of a quality soil)

If you attempt to pH the run off. all your getting is the run off's pH,,,,,NOT the pH of the soil!!!
Soil pH "swings" naturally !!

When watered, the pH of the soil will rise. As the soil dries back out,,,,the pH will fall back down. What this pH "swing" does for the plant is to cover the range of optimum available uptake requirements by the various nutrients to be "used" or "made available" to the plant in relation to the pH of the soil.

If you would like to understand more about soil pH and the living things in the soil that go a LONG way in controlling it......I suggest you buy and read this (a must for anyone wanting to grow organic);

If your using synthetic nutrients,,,be SURE to use a "zyme" product to keep the living bio's in there and working.

You knew that Racer. You just wanted me to clarify, didn't you?
lol, yeah, i knew that, i was just a bit confused by your statement, but by looking back over it, i think i simply misread what you had written is all..
i'm picking up what you're putting down though.. :D


Active Member
well it cant be my PH guys i always make sure my Ph is around 6.2-6.5 i havent givin this clone ANY food only water im guessing shes hungry i just dont find it bein my ph when i always make sure its 6.2-6.5 now if i didnt have a PH kit or wasnt checking it then yeah id say it but i just dont feel its my PH, any other ideas?


bud bootlegger
well it cant be my PH guys i always make sure my Ph is around 6.2-6.5 i havent givin this clone ANY food only water im guessing shes hungry i just dont find it bein my ph when i always make sure its 6.2-6.5 now if i didnt have a PH kit or wasnt checking it then yeah id say it but i just dont feel its my PH, any other ideas?
yeah, they're hungry.. that is all..


Active Member
ok but since i watered on the 8th i should wait a week to feed her? i dont wanna overwater her if i just watered 3 days ago?


Well-Known Member
it looks like magnesium deficiency. most people(including me) skimp on the mag when they love it. i think its impossible to feed too much of it


I start my clones on a 500ppm nute solution every other feeding. Ph'd h2o Ph'd nutes Ph'd h20. Use a root excelerator Or a cloning solution in conjunction with your nutes


Active Member
ok re read my thread guys, ITS NOT MY PH i have my PH to 6.3-6.5 so its not that, im going to feed her this week and she should be fine, i havent givin her any food at all so im guessing thats what she lackin, thanks for the tips though!