The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
Aww man if I put time n shit into it i could sell off 2.3-2.5 for 50e dawg lol
1.5 score bags is what I put out, but local cunts doing 1.3g, so I get 50 quid every 3g, but I cant be arsed witj the hasle so jusg put it out in ounces, this grow is all personal tho apart from the usual samples to thread members,


Well-Known Member
Wanna keep my grow but I'll have to sell some well the hash will help me out alot I hope it's good i wanna get 50e for 3.5 will make some money on the 100g but if not it's 35e an 8th. Really wanna find a place so I can set up perpetual it's my main goal at the moment


Well-Known Member
Morning fucktards the first to pop is the first above soil cs2

Started germinating 2 unknown seeds incase that cunting ck doesn't germ n keep the lsd
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Well-Known Member
Im busting ur balls ice just tell em it's 100% organic when they ask why it isn't trimmed properly lol



sat watching fireman sam eating weetabix,

and thers no kids here ther both upstairs.

my god

ordered last 6" tube today, hopefully the vet adappter had stuk hard if not il just gaffa it to death and make sure it dont, but i the spirit of beaing neat i would rather it be stuck u with no gaffa

fairys will be flying sum point.

and gary its cool bro, ures aint to stinking,,,,honest


Well-Known Member
i rolled this joint last night, smoked half in the garden then went to bed and left the patio door wide open, woke up this morning thinking i'd been turned over lol.

debating whether to finish the stale end or just roll another


Well-Known Member
Lads, any one used to dealing with builders, got one ringing tonight and I want to pin the fella down to a none moveable date.

Yesterday marked 7 months with out a grow, 2 weeks without a smoke...I haven't been this straight since I was 15 FFS lol,


Well-Known Member
i rolled this joint last night, smoked half in the garden then went to bed and left the patio door wide open, woke up this morning thinking i'd been turned over lol.

debating whether to finish the stale end or just roll another
dont wanna start a war but that looks a bit N heavy on the finish, wat day u pick that cheese...exo? looks a bit airy for exo tho?


Well-Known Member
Lads, any one used to dealing with builders, got one ringing tonight and I want to pin the fella down to a none moveable date.

Yesterday marked 7 months with out a grow, 2 weeks without a smoke...I haven't been this straight since I was 15 FFS lol,
tell him u travel for business, u back for 24 hrs, has to be this date or no job, can u make it on this date for sure yes or no...its about a tight as u can pin the bastards, if they know this is bollox think of summin else but still hit him with the" that date or no job routine u bin fuked around b4 no offence etc....if as i suspect u are not payin for it and the landlord is arranging it then try the matey approach...ive done all 3 and the last one was a pain cos he wanted to be mates.....fukin gay cunt