why did your god create a sun that will soon burn out ?


Active Member
I would not. You seem to me, to be a normal, reasonable human being who is perfectly capable of articulation without needing someone elses dumbass video to form his thoughts for him.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for correcting Me.

Im not a scientist, so sometimes I just guess at things.
Honestly bro, if you focused the energy you use blogging on learning science and chemistry, you might come up with something brilliant, as it certainly seemsnyou thinknoutise the box


Well-Known Member
why did your god give life a time limit ? we all know our sun will burn out soon enough and all life on this planet will cease to exist why is that ? and why was there no mention of this in any of the holy books or scripture ?
why would a god let that happen to his creation surely he must of made the asteroids etc , why the fuck would he do that ?
seems a bit sick really .
why would a god let that happen to his creation surely he must of made the asteroids etc , why the fuck would he do that ?
seems a bit sick really .
If the point you're trying to make is that a decent God wouldn't do evil / twisted shit so he probably doesn't really exist then I'd take it from a different angle than "only billions of years to survive" - how about why the fuck would he create something as disgusting/destructive as humans? Or maybe why would children be born with diseases like AIDs? Why would the majority of life forms on earth have to kill another life form to survive? Probably cuz God is some shit humans made up n nature doesn't give a shit about emotions or a completely human fabricated sense of what's "right and wrong". :)


Well-Known Member
I would normal, reasonable human being who is perfectly capable of articulation without needing someone elses dumbass video to form his thoughts for him.
Well, the ability to articulate is more present in some...

The problem with using videos like that, is the person who posted took key concepts within it that went along with their belief. But just throwing it out without any insights into which concepts he indeeds values or discredits, makes it seem more like propaganda.

The first video was a chopped history with a leftwing commentator chopping up a huge sector of people's belief...


Well-Known Member
If the point a decent God wouldn't do evil / twisted shit so he probably doesn't really exist then I'd take it from a different angle than "only billions of years to survive" - how about why the fuck would he create something as disgusting/destructive as humans? Or maybe why would children be born with diseases like AIDs? Why would the majority of life forms on earth have to kill another life form to survive? Probably cuz God is some shit humans made up n nature doesn't give a shit about emotions or a completely human fabricated sense of what's "right and wrong". :)
Thats something ive often struggled with. But god isnt doing the evil twisted shit... satans biggest feat was convincing man he does not exist.

What ive detirmined (just my personal opinion) is that god created humans yes, but not to be disgusting and destructive. He gave us all free choice to live how we see fit. In his image. Religion is just the guide to enlightenment. An enlightenment that actually teaches selflessness and warns against the temptations and evils that do bring mankind constant pain and struggle. Did god give those children aids? Absolutely not. A huge reason the AIDs virus got out of control was the greed and lack of morals of a corporation that held the contract to supply needles for vaccinations in Africa. They were using reusable seringes when steralization supplies were inadequate as well as in short demand. Between lack of sanitation amd needle sticks, diseases were being spread faster than ever. After this was brought to light, a disposable needle was devised that once used, would contract into the chamber, and could not poke anyone. This new prototype also cost pennies on the dollar to produce And was disposable after one use. The total cost of using a disposable needle once was cheaper than The cost of the reusable needles especially when factoring in the cist if sanitatiin supplies.

However the corporation was making so much money from their needles, antibiotics, and cleaning supolies off of the desperate, disease stricken people; that they sent their lobbyists and checkbooks to washington DC and shut the new company down. All because the new company had a cheaper solution to saving lives...

Greed and evil drives a lot of the richest most powerful people in the world... they couldnt have gotten where they are without making immoral calls in the favor of *those made up moral lines* you refer to.

thats not god, its the opposite. The bible does say Satan has control of the earth, because god wants to test his childrens love. What exactly to take from that im not sure yet. But it holds great significance to me.

I resoect your belief, but all the unbelievable stories about giant boays, burning bushes, parting seas... they play a part in the word of god, but dont let being critical hide the significance of a book that advises to consume all with love andd respect and dignity.

How can something, that if embraced leads to happiness, love, selflesness and joy be considered wicked, twisted or sick?
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Well-Known Member
Honestly bro, if you focused the energy you use blogging on learning science and chemistry, you might come up with something brilliant, as it certainly seemsnyou thinknoutise the box
Thanks bro.

I have ADD, so its hard for Me to focus for long periods of time.

I am actually going to try and publish My autobiography soon.

I have a few inventions. I actually tried to patent one of My inventions through a company called "Invent Help", but they said that they didn't even do a patent search on My invention. I paid this company for three months to do the patent search, but they just refunded My money. I bet "Invent Help" stole My invention.

My invention was a novel electronic device, that I called a "Bipolar Voltage Divider". Its a novel analog electronic device. I came up with this invention in the year 2001, when I was a Sophmore in high school.

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Active Member
That's why one should use ones OWN words to communicate ones OWN thoughts. People SHARE vids here quite often, but when they're used (quite often by this particular individual) as a sole means of communication, I find it rude and mindless. It would really be nice if he would use half the time he spends finding and posting these "junk" videos and educate himself about what he's trying to say and just type those thoughts out like a normal person.


Well-Known Member
I resoect your belief, but all the unbelievable stories about giant boays, burning bushes, parting seas... they play a part in the word of god, but dont let being critical hide the significance of a book that advises to consume all with love andd respect and dignity.
Unless you're gay. lol.

No but in all honesty I think religion is a good thing - perfect thing to keep the masses at bay and instill morals in them while trying to prevent chaos n keeping SOME order in society. I just can't truly believe in something that's been very clearly fabricated. When it comes to the Bible there are too many conflicting things for me to accept it... It's been re-written - by man. It's accepted interpretations are...interpreted by man. It's consumed other religions and taken many pagan stories and holidays and integrated them into it's own versions. Until God floats down and shakes my hand it'll be more like a Santa Claus or Easter Bunny for adults in my mind.

The big issue with religion for me is that there are dozens of religions in different regions where they all think theirs is the correct one - and if you weren't born in those regions you won't be exposed to those religions - and if you aren't exposed to them, you couldn't believe in them - but if you don't believe in them you are going to hell...makes no sense to me. Why would a God that wants people to believe in it/him/her create situations where people could never have a chance to do so? That really fucks it up for me.


Well-Known Member
While the bible has been translated and interpretted and passed down over centuries, it is my hope that the core teachings of it cannot be mistaken or misinterpretted. It could really just be the ten commandments for all i know, but i feel significance through the practice of my faith that i had never known before I started to get a glimpse of what enlightenment is to me. I still get mad, swear, cuss, fight and make mistakes. But I actively try and improve myself daily, help others, spread love and live life with no regrets.

To have reservations about something with such drastic polar opinions by society just shows you are not a blind sheep. Churches like the westboro baptist church, and all the anti gay rightwing orthodox asshokesgive religion a bad name. No way god can hate someone for the way they love.. i dont buy it. I do buy that maybe some of this was added to influence baby making backnin the day, because kingdoms needed soldiers, and two dudes in love do not produce the offspring needed to catapult a society.

Unless you're gay. lol.

The big issue with religion for me is that there are dozens of religions in different regions where they all think theirs is the correct one - and if you weren't born in those regions you won't be exposed to those religions - and if you aren't exposed to them, you couldn't believe in them - but if you don't believe in them you are going to hell...makes no sense to me. Why would a God that wants people to believe in it/him/her create situations where people could never have a chance to do so? That really fucks it up for me.


Ill tell you right now that I have and in many ways still feel the same way. I dont pretend to kniw the whoke story of religion, it is in part based on faith, as everyones religion is. But whether its buddism, the quran, jewish, christian, catholic, christian, there is unmistakable good that can be taken from each. Good that i believe is the backbone of the real gospel. Selflessness and love. And if someone can embrace the teachings in any religion, that can only spread goodness, then I dont thinknit matters what religion you practice, god will enter your heart and he will know your true intentions. People need to cast away the man made policies that restrict and segregate the people. Stop spreading religion by oppression and fear, and start to embrace what it really is...

The eternalization of all things good. A path to enlightenment and true happiness.

And while i believe there are many different types of enlightenment (chemical, achievement, success, love etc) Religious enlightenment and the feeling of constant joy is so far the most powerful and unique form of enlightenment i have reached personally.

Sorry if im going off on tangents... im home sick and at a brownie when i woke up...

Feeling a bit chemically enlightened atm ;)
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Well-Known Member
Thanks bro.

I have ADD, so its hard for Me to focus for long periods of time.

I am actually going to try and publish My autobiography soon.

I have a few inventions. I actually tried to patent one of My inventions through a company called "Invent Help", but they said that they didn't even do a patent search on My invention. I paid this company for three months to do the patent search, but they just refunded My money. I bet "Invent Help" stole My invention.

My invention was a novel electronic device, that I called a "Bipolar Voltage Divider". Its a novel analog electronic device. I came up with this invention in the year 2001, when I was a Sophmore in high school.

Yes, but you need the science behind these ideas to be sound before you can claim them as personal propert. ADD is not a learning disorder, i think its just a persinality type. If someone with ADD is passiinate aboit something they can accomolish amazing things.

Now honestly, what will do the world more good, your auto biography or your souped up shock therapy bipolar voltage segregator machine... eh.. eh? You should stop wasting time on these forums, you wont find your breakthrough here


Well-Known Member
Unless you're gay. lol.

No but in all honesty I think religion is a good thing - perfect thing to keep the masses at bay and instill morals in them while trying to prevent chaos n keeping SOME order in society. I just can't truly believe in something that's been very clearly fabricated. When it comes to the Bible there are too many conflicting things for me to accept it... It's been re-written - by man. It's accepted interpretations are...interpreted by man. It's er religions and taken many pagan stories and holidays and integrated them into it's own versions. Until God floats down and shakes my hand it'll be more like a Santa Claus or Easter Bunny for adults in my mind.

Sidenote: From a completely unbiased point of view, could you envision a time people could have lived by the core values if religion? Blind and unwarrented love, respect, unity and trust? I think so. Only takes one wolf in a world of sheep to seperate the herd. And that wolf, in my interpretation, would be satans influence on man.

Am i sounding like a religious nutjob yet?!?! ;)
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Well-Known Member
Thank you for some conversation with substance ayr0n. I find that harder and harder to come by these days.

Seems hard for people to carry on a converation without pushing peoples buttons... i even struggle with it on here with the trolls lurking.


Well-Known Member
Sidenote: From a completely unbiased point of view, could you envision a time people could have lived by the core values if religion? Blind and unwarrented love, respect, unity and trust? I think so. Only takes one wolf in a world of sheep to seperate the herd. And that wolf, in my interpretation, would be satans influence on man.

Am i sounding like a religious nutjob yet?!?! ;)
Getting there haha. J/P

Thank you for some conversation with substance ayr0n. I find that harder and harder to come by these days.

Seems hard for people to carry on a converation without pushing peoples buttons... i even struggle with it on here with the trolls lurking.
Yeah to be honest man - not to bash religious people or anything - but out of most of the religion advocates I've talked to you seem to have a wayyy more sensical approach to it...when people straight up live by the exact words n the bible n try to preach lines n stuff as some type of proof for God being true it's a big turn off - but with you saying that there is a lot that's open for interpretation and not knowing exactly what is and isn't true...I can appreciate that. There's certainly a lot of good aspects of religion whether I believe in the reasoning behind them or not.


Well-Known Member
Getting there haha. J/P

Yeah to be honest man - not to bash religious people or anything - but out of most of the religion advocates I've talked to you seem to have a wayyy more sensical approach to it...when people straight up live by the exact words n the bible n try to preach lines n stuff as some type of proof for God being true it's a big turn off - but with you saying that there is a lot that's open for interpretation and not knowing exactly what is and isn't true...I can appreciate that. There's certainly a lot of good aspects of religion whether I believe in the reasoning behind them or not.
Im glad you can see that. All id ask from anyone is to keep an open mind.

I know athiests and agnistics with great outlooks on life that i consider great people, but without the love and acceptance of something so poetic and beautiful that has made it through thousands of years of adversity, I dont know of any other way to eternalize that beauty and love into anything else other than one devine god.

Nothing else would be worthy of my complete blind faith, and nothing less could have blessed me the way he has seemed to thus far.

All things can be taken from you. Your family, money, limbs, sanity... but if you can find real love in something that cannot be taken from you (love in an everlasting savior), you hold a weapon against life's adversity that not many have had the chance to truly wield. Once you start to feel consumed by love, it feels like negativity starts leaving your life, and it makes room for improved growth. I can only describe it as P90X for your soukd and mental health.

Maybe religion is a trick that releases the chemicals humans only get when they experience true love. Maybe to fall into some alternate reality where you fully and completely love this lord and savior, is the metaphor the bible teaches as a path to happiness passed down through stories....

Or maybe god does exist and its not a trick, but indeed the essence of beauty, guidance and love.

To fill yourself with love is the only way to live and coexist with people with such vast differences.

Tread lightly with an ooen mind and heart. No need to be a sheep, but surely something to keep an open quandry about.

Silky Shagsalot

Well-Known Member
I personally believe that if you fallow the ten comandments and live an honest life filled with love, then you can build a relationship with the holy spirit and and it will guide you down your path. and if they are good people, no use causing a muck putting their belief under a microscope. If they have faith, and a yearning for a relationship with the holy spirit, it will be with them just as much as it is with you, no matter the subtle or drastic differences in your belief.

Tackle the big ten, then surrender yourself to your faith and realise your path is not the same as everyone elses.
i'm no bible scholar, but i think you may have left something out. i believe that you must confess/say/believe, that Jesus was born through immaculate conception, to the virgin mary. and that he came here as the ultimate sacrifice for the sins of the world, and we admit our sins to Him, and ask forgiveness. he died for our sins, and i think the Holy Trinity too, lol.


Well-Known Member
i'm no bible scholar, but i think you may have left something out. i believe that you must confess/say/believe, that Jesus was born through immaculate conception, to the virgin mary. and that he came here as the ultimate sacrifice for the sins of the world, and we admit our sins to Him, and ask forgiveness. he died for our sins, and i think the Holy Trinity too, lol.
Those are certainly a parts of the christian religion. I usually try and focus on the basis of meanings to me when discussing these things. I do believe its important to accept jesus as our savior. To ask him for forgiveness and to come into our hearts. I dont however believe someone can do this absent being privey to the holy spirit. Its just too crazy a concept for most to take a complete blind leap of faith over something so trivial as religion and a percieved history a mellinia old... Its completely logical to wonder if the bible has been re written by victors of wars and those who would manipulate it to serve their selfish agendas... I just have reached a place that my personal connection with my ideals of religion has made blind faith feel like i habe experienced vision for tje first time.

It is hard to keep my approach sensible the farther i advance in my faith. There are harsh realities and personal struggles you encounter when deciphering religion and what is best taken from it. A lot of people that would turn you off with their approach might call my watered down approach and open mindedness blasphemy... but like i said, the god i love knows my intentions

Im definately no scholar either :) Just speak from the heart

I get a little too sappy when diving into these subjects
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Well-Known Member
sounds fantastic , tell me more about these solar lasers
I actually made a thread about the "solar lasers", many months ago.

Go to the link below to read about My theory on "solar lasers".

Georges theory on how to move solar systems!


Go to the link above to read about My theory on "solar lasers".

Also, you can check out My FREE online autobiography if I interest you.

Click on the link below to go on a mind trip.


Click on the link above to go on a mind trip.

I have youtube videos of Myself in that thread. I disclose all of My "deepest darkest secrets" in that thread too. That thread, My autobiography, is very exciting, and you should learn a lot. I talk about all of the craziest $hit that I believe in, in the link above.

Feel free to check out both links that I posted. It should be very exciting.
