Need help with my choice of soil.


Active Member
Okay everyone, I started a thread the other day about my plants sprouting then dying. After checking water PH, Air temp, soil temp and playing with all of these variables, I think I can conclude the problem was the soil I was trying to grow in. The soil I was using was from a wholesale store and it appears to be packed full of nutes even though it is advertised for "seedlings".

So now I know not to buy this garbage, I need help picking a growing medium from what my local hydroponics store has to offer. The choices are as followed.

  1. Canna Terra Professional
  2. Canna Terra Professional Plus
  3. Canna Bio Terra
  4. Plagron Batmix
  5. Plagron Royalmix
  6. Bio Bizz All Mix
  7. Canna Terra Seed Mix


Well-Known Member
Okay everyone, I started a thread the other day about my plants sprouting then dying. After checking water PH, Air temp, soil temp and playing with all of these variables, I think I can conclude the problem was the soil I was trying to grow in. The soil I was using was from a wholesale store and it appears to be packed full of nutes even though it is advertised for "seedlings".

So now I know not to buy this garbage, I need help picking a growing medium from what my local hydroponics store has to offer. The choices are as followed.

  1. Canna Terra Professional
  2. Canna Terra Professional Plus
  3. Canna Bio Terra
  4. Plagron Batmix
  5. Plagron Royalmix
  6. Bio Bizz All Mix
  7. Canna Terra Seed Mix
Ive always used biobizz all mix with the biobizz range of nutes and never had any problems,
Never tried the others so cant comment on them


Well-Known Member
Is it okay to use Bio Bizz All Mix straight from germination ?
Yes 100% safe mate, I do it every grow, as soon as the seed pops open or the cuts root they go straight into Allmix, just remember u wont need any nutes for the 1st 10 days to 2 weeks, then start off slow with the nutes and build it up,


Well-Known Member
I like ProMix and it isn't on ur list. It's just peat n perlite. Nothing else. That's all u need. It's sterile and it works great.


Well-Known Member
For seedlings/small clones, I use MG Seed Starter. I hate MG but when the plants are still in solo cups, I find it works great.

Once they are potted, I personally want no nutes in the mix so I know exactly what they are getting and can control/adjust as I see fit. I mix about equal parts of (a) cheap potting soil with no added nutes outside of the compost in it (b) peat moss (c) perlite - not MG (d) vermiculite - not MG. I add about 2T of dolomite lime per gallon of the mix. While it costs a bit the first time, net per gallon is dirt cheap (pun intended) vs biobizz, Fox Farms, etc.


Active Member
Okay everyone, I have used Terra Seed Mix with Cocogreen pro. I have done 2/3 seed mix to 1/3 cocogreen and they are thriving and looking really healthy. Visiting a local hydroponics store has sorted me right out :)