Thanks for your feedback I have been using diatomaceous earth on the top soil for the ants and I recently got some Green Earth Insecticidal soap for the aphids and all other insects hopefully it worksOne thing is for sure you need to treat your plants to rid them of bugs.
Ants are aphid farmers, they use the sugary excretions from the aphids.
First port of call is spray your plants with something that's going to kill almost everything.
A SPINOSAD product is a good choice.
Second port of call is take care of the ants nest so they don't farm any more near your plants.
sall good and hopefully not I did turn over and check and didnt see anything but that doesn't confirm anythinglol, sorry dude! i didn't look real close, i thought the spots were aphids. turn the leaf over and look real close, it may be thrips...
the slime is from slugs dig a small hole set a bowl in it so the slugs can crawl in the bowl put some beer in the bowl they will be drawn to it get drunk fall in and die. you cant see them because they come out at is this thing? i found it in a cuffed leaf that had a little slime on itView attachment 3206715
Also i have bad case of aphids and ants and on another plant starting to see this on a few leaves is this because of the bugs??View attachment 3206721 View attachment 3206720