Halloweenie 2014 - Who wants to play ZOMBIE PARTY??

Do you like Zombies?

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Looks like a fun group of people. I should go back to working for that place, but alas it seems like too much effort for me. it was lot's of fun tho although some of the bosses were real dicks! getting all mad if I got a spliff going while they are drinking rum and cokes and asking for hits while complaining how I shouldn't be high and such!
Oh, that wasn't work. Just for funsies! We did like a half-time-show at a concert. Human sacrifice. Pretty sweet. hahaha

FAKE human sacrifice. just to clarify...hahaha
have u ever come to toronto for the zombie run, i think u would love it
I don't know...I've heard about it. Although I thought it was more like a saunter, or a walk...

I like getting wasted and dancing all dressed up, and posing all zomb for pictures. But I SUCK at actually staying "in character".

I'm like if dead zombies were re-animated into ADHD Cats, who ate crystal-meth. and snorted a bucket of speed.
Yes Girl. You dress like that and I will eat your Zombie Ass.
I thank you very much for your interest, but I would have to politely decline your offer to eat my ass.

Was that an offer, or more like a "If you do x, I will do y"?

X = wearing that outfit
Y = having my ass eaten by @Da Mann

Looks like I have a Halloween costume to burn...

Problem solved!

you ain't crazy, just misunderstood lololol
Naw...people don't misunderstand me...they just understand that I'm cray!

I "came out" on the book of face about dealing with mental illness for 20 years, and about MMJ saving me friggin life!

Now I get to be as CRAZY AS I WANT!!!


you a big leap from crazy! trust, me met some truly crazy crazies

one example: alright i invited my friend and his girl over for some drunk and tripping times, his gf invites her friend named justin... dude arrives and goes on about his name is ''sara'' whatever that cool. now 15 min later we deep in that illuminati/paranoid schzo talk! fuck me. he said hi to my mom and my mom looks around and said what the fuck is wrong with you? hahahahah that's bad whn her son is a junkie and all his friends are fucked. that dude was insane cray cray. night ended with me scared id get gutted in my sleep